mercoledì 30 dicembre 2009
CBR Review: The Adventures of Blanche
Rick Geary goes the fiction route, but maintains his reputation for superb historical research and the visuals to back them up.
Global Freezing Strip 0049 (Blog@Newsarama)
And now the story starts Christmas… a week late… Find out more about Global Freezing here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or at
Gorillas Riding Dinosaurs: Mouse Guard
Mouse Guard: Fall and Winter 1152
Written and Illustrated by David Petersen
Archaia; $24.95 each
I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to talk about this week. Not that anyone’s called me on it yet, but I usually talk here about stuff that I enjoy and I know that that can give the impression that I [...]
Written and Illustrated by David Petersen
Archaia; $24.95 each
I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to talk about this week. Not that anyone’s called me on it yet, but I usually talk here about stuff that I enjoy and I know that that can give the impression that I [...]
Review: King of RPGs vol. 1 (Blog@Newsarama)
King of RPGs vol. 1 Written by Jason Thompson Illustrated by Victor Hao Published by Del Rey There’s something very surreal about reading escapist fiction about characters obsessed with escapist fictions. Admittedly, I’m probably not the ideal audience for such a series. My old roommate gave me his old PlayStation 2 two years ago, and it’s never come [...]
Blade of the Immortal Volume 22: Footsteps
Hiroaki Samura's latest Blade of the Immortal volume finds Manji and Rin recovering from their harrowing escape
out of Edo's underground prisons and finally confronting their odd
relationship. Da and Isaku have something important to announce
when Anotsu and the Itto-ryu reunite with their missing members,
and Habaki Kagimura faces a death sentence! To atone for his
failures and sins, Kagimura has one month to destroy Anotsu and his
crew -- or Kagimura must commit suicide. With his Mugai-ryu
assassins disbanded, Kagimura enlists even stranger felons than before, creating the frightening, new Rokki-dan gang.
With his colorful cast expanding, Samura's knack for creating
memorable characters and his masterful ability to dovetail multiple
plot lines into each other are evident in this new volume, which
also packs a powerful surprise ending!
* Hiroaki Samura is the creator of the enchanting Ohikkoshi manga anthology -- also published by Dark Horse Manga!
out of Edo's underground prisons and finally confronting their odd
relationship. Da and Isaku have something important to announce
when Anotsu and the Itto-ryu reunite with their missing members,
and Habaki Kagimura faces a death sentence! To atone for his
failures and sins, Kagimura has one month to destroy Anotsu and his
crew -- or Kagimura must commit suicide. With his Mugai-ryu
assassins disbanded, Kagimura enlists even stranger felons than before, creating the frightening, new Rokki-dan gang.
With his colorful cast expanding, Samura's knack for creating
memorable characters and his masterful ability to dovetail multiple
plot lines into each other are evident in this new volume, which
also packs a powerful surprise ending!
* Hiroaki Samura is the creator of the enchanting Ohikkoshi manga anthology -- also published by Dark Horse Manga!
Comic Book Price Rise Only Beaten By Slurpees, Gold, New York Times And Empire State Ticket
Wallet Pop has run a price comparison chart across the noughties, seeing what everyday items have increased in price over the last ten years and by how much.
And while the price of a Slurpee jumping ...
And while the price of a Slurpee jumping ...
Preview: Star Wars: Clone Wars
Hero Confederacy, Pt 3
Anakin Skywalker is recalled to active duty to deal with a Separatist pilot who has been wreaking havoc on the Republic's fleets. But Anakin's chance to prove himself comes at a high price: the enemy ace is a friend. The costs of war have never been higher, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi's desperate attempts to find a path to peace may come too late. o This series is a complement to Lucasfilm's The Clone Wars TV show!
Anakin Skywalker is recalled to active duty to deal with a Separatist pilot who has been wreaking havoc on the Republic's fleets. But Anakin's chance to prove himself comes at a high price: the enemy ace is a friend. The costs of war have never been higher, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi's desperate attempts to find a path to peace may come too late. o This series is a complement to Lucasfilm's The Clone Wars TV show!
Permanent Damage - Wednesday, Dec 30th
This week: Steven is winding down the decade with the last of Gil Kane's wild west stories; hoisting up the best TV series of the year and running down the worst; plus puzzle solutions galore and the ultimate Comics Cover Challenge.
CBR's Decade In Review: 2003-2006
CBR's reporters look back at the events of 2003 through 2006 as they continue their journey through the rapidly closing decade and find that a lot of astonishing comics came out in the course of those four years...
Dark Horse fills the comic void in your life with an early MySpace Dark Horse Presents
As mentioned earlier this week on CBR, Dark Horse has released the January edition of MySpace Dark Horse Presents a little bit early. New stories by Mark Crilley, Scott Allie and Kevin McGovern, Jill Thompson and David Malki! all went live a little earlier today.
“We're putting this one online early--usually MDHP goes up the [...]
“We're putting this one online early--usually MDHP goes up the [...]
"Amazing" OBAMA Tops Bestselling Comics of the 2000's
Barack is on top, but "War" and "Crisis" at the Big 2 dominated the bestselling comic books of the past decade
Courtesy of Dark Horse, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "Devil" #1, an original Western-style comic from manga superstar Torajiro Kishi and anime studio Madhouse scheduled to hit comic stores February 3, 2010
Readers' Favorites of 2009 Tourney: COVER Final Round
It's time for another Final Round, this time YOU get to pick which cover is your favorite of 2009, Flash: Rebirth or Detective Comics
Tom Huxley?s Top Ten Comics Of The Decade
Prominent comics commenter Tom Huxley writes for Bleeding Cool:
Ten comics for ten years: some of my favourite comic book series of the 21st century so far. Bear in mind this is a narrow and personal ...
Ten comics for ten years: some of my favourite comic book series of the 21st century so far. Bear in mind this is a narrow and personal ...
Strangeways - Winter Solstice (4)
Last time I try to write a serial story as its being published, I swear.
Part 1 is here, part 2 is here, part 3 is here.
Happy New Year everyone! Gosh, new years. Why does this stick in my mind? It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t name it…
Screaming not in pain or [...]
Part 1 is here, part 2 is here, part 3 is here.
Happy New Year everyone! Gosh, new years. Why does this stick in my mind? It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t name it…
Screaming not in pain or [...]
CBR TV: Ted Adams
CBR TV spoke with Ted Adams, the CEO of IDW Publishing, about the company's 10th Anniversary, the lows and highs of the last decade, the different aspects of IDW's business, "30 Days of Night," licensed comics and much more.
Ten for '10: Things to Watch in the New Year - Comic Books
Newsarama takes its annual look at things to watch out for in the new year in various media, and begins with comic books
Preview: Devil
Manga artist Torajiro Kishi (Maka-Maka) and blockbuster anime studio Madhouse (Trigun, Paprika, Ninja Scroll) love comics. So much so that they've decided to publish an original, Western-style comic exclusively with Dark Horse! Enter Devil, a thrilling, sci-fi take on the vampire genre.
A virus is raging across the planet, turning people into bloodsucking superhumans referred to as "Devils." Most victims die within days, sometimes months, but there's a new strain, a new class of Devil that threatens to overtake mankind with power and bloodthirst. This new class of Devils derive from an experiment to clone a virus victim, and it looks like science has created a true monster this time. Can Takimoto and the Devil Investigation Section of the Tokyo police force stop this societal scourge? We'll just have to see.
* Exclusive comic specifically for the American audience and only available from Dark Horse!
This disease will devour mankind.
A virus is raging across the planet, turning people into bloodsucking superhumans referred to as "Devils." Most victims die within days, sometimes months, but there's a new strain, a new class of Devil that threatens to overtake mankind with power and bloodthirst. This new class of Devils derive from an experiment to clone a virus victim, and it looks like science has created a true monster this time. Can Takimoto and the Devil Investigation Section of the Tokyo police force stop this societal scourge? We'll just have to see.
* Exclusive comic specifically for the American audience and only available from Dark Horse!
This disease will devour mankind.
A Year of Cool Comic Book Moments - Day 364
Here is the latest cool comic book moment in our year-long look at one cool comic book moment a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
With the year almost over, we spent five days on finales of long-running comic books. Spoilers are most certainly ahead!
We conclude [...]
With the year almost over, we spent five days on finales of long-running comic books. Spoilers are most certainly ahead!
We conclude [...]
Andrea Grant to hit G4?s Women of the Web 2 (Blog@Newsarama)
MINX creator Andrea Grant, who also goes by the name of “The Pin-Up Poet,” will be hitting the airwaves today, as she is getting featured by none other than G4. The president and founder of Copious Amounts Press will be on the G4 show Women of the Web 2 TONIGHT, starting at 7pm EST. “I was thrilled [...]
CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2009, #75-51
The hits keep coming as CBR enters into the second phase of our Best of 2009 Comic Book Countdown with everything from prison funnies to secret superheroes to unusual team-ups along the way!
Ngiht & Fog to hit Hollywood (Blog@Newsarama)
Slow on the draw this week? Why would you ever say that? Don’t worry, there’s more on the Mothership en route. But for those of you who dig the comic book movies, be prepared — for Night & Fog is coming! The Studio 407 comic, which came out earlier last year, has been optioned by producers [...]
A Year of Cool Comic Book Moments
There's only one day left to go in COMICS SHOULD BE GOOD's Year of Cool Comic Book Moments, so be sure to check out the archive of all the choices featured so far before you read tomorrow's final installment!
A review a day: The Rocketeer: The Complete Adventures
It's all about the coloring!
Yes, The Rocketeer received a makeover recently, courtesy of the phenomenal colorist, Laura Martin, who was handpicked by Dave Stevens before his death last year. IDW has brought out an extremely handsome new hardcover for $30 (and you can also get the super-huge version for $75 - it has all [...]
Yes, The Rocketeer received a makeover recently, courtesy of the phenomenal colorist, Laura Martin, who was handpicked by Dave Stevens before his death last year. IDW has brought out an extremely handsome new hardcover for $30 (and you can also get the super-huge version for $75 - it has all [...]
Holy unrefillable prescriptions, Batman
This is why YouTube the internet was invented.
Via Topless Robot > Gorilla Mask
Via Topless Robot > Gorilla Mask
Robot Chicken's Tom Root (Jug)Heads to Riverdale
Tom Root, co-head writer and co-producer of the Emmy-award winning "Robot Chicken" and co-creator/executive producer of "Titan Maximum" brings his brand of humor to the milestone 200th issue of "Jughead."
Ryan Kelly's side project: Funrama Presents
Over on his blog, Local artist Ryan Kelly announces a "personal side project in every sense of that definition" called Funrama. The first two stories he's working on under the Funrama Presents banner are Funrama Presents: The Mutant Punks (shown above) and Funrama Presents: Raccoon. He says both of them are short stories that build [...]
Lieberman on the State of Red Sonja
"Red Sonja: Wrath of the Gods" writer Luke Lieberman talked with CBR News and shed some light on the warrior woman's new miniseries as well as the overall state of the Red Sonja franchise come 2010, from comics to movies.
"Galactus was made up to sell comic books"
Cartoonist Matt Bors has some fun with the recent United Nations Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen by showing what might happen if the Avengers approached fighting Galactus in a similar manner. Maybe UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon should just ask Reed Richards to whip up a renewable energy source during his lunch hour.
Via ComicsAlliance [...]
Via ComicsAlliance [...]
Comics: Hulk - Red Hulk: Thinking Cosmic (Marvel)
Jeff Parker brings the Cosmic Hulk Robot into the fray with FALL OF THE HULKS: RED HULK #1!
CBR Review: Blackest Night, issue 6
"Blackest Night" breaks the silence of the "skip week" in full color brilliance as the Black Lanterns set their sights on Earth.
Astonishing X-Men MC: Funny Outtakes
Get the Astonishing X-Men Motion Comic on itunes: Take a look behind the scenes of the hit Motion Comic! | Views: 4 0 ratings | |
Time: 04:42 | More in Film & Animation |
Meet Michael May at the Source Mini Indy Con in Minnesota today
The Source Comics in Falcon Heights, Minn. is hosting a big event today in honor of Indy Comic Book Week. The Source Mini Indy Con will feature more than 15 indy comics creators, including Robot 6 contributor and Cownt Tales writer Michael May! So if you're in the area, head down there, tell Michael we [...]
Best Shots Extra: BLACKEST NIGHT #6 Review
The only all-new comic from the big two today, and it's a doozy. David Pepose takes a look.
The greater crime is that they call them 'Freddy Krueger claws'
UK customs officials at Coventry's international postal hub have seized steel claws that the Telegraph describes "as similar to those worn by Robert Englund in Wes Craven's Nightmare On Elm Street films."
Of course, as any self-respecting comics nerd knows, the Telegraph is wrong: They're claws similar to those wielded -- snikted? -- [...]
Of course, as any self-respecting comics nerd knows, the Telegraph is wrong: They're claws similar to those wielded -- snikted? -- [...]
CBR Reviews "Blackest Night" #6
Today, "Blackest Night" #6 is the only new major release available in your comic store and CBR reviewers Greg McElhatton and Doug Zawisza have both reviewed the title, giving it 3.5 and 4 stars, respectively.
Everyone's A Critic: A round-up of comic book reviews and thinkpieces
• Abhay Khosla wraps up his five-part series on the recent Blue Beetle run over at Savage Critics, and asks questions that perhaps cannot be answered:
Looking back, the list of nerdy crap that I have been a dorky spazz-wad for is very, very long-- but why does that stuff work on me? What does [...]
Looking back, the list of nerdy crap that I have been a dorky spazz-wad for is very, very long-- but why does that stuff work on me? What does [...]
Iron Man 2, Scott Pilgrim, Book of Eli: Dec 30th Comic Reel
Marvel Joe Quesada says "Iron Man 2" is "going to be good." Jason Schwartzman praises "Scott Pilrgim" creator. Denzel Washington on the set of "Book of Eli." Harold Ramis says "Ghostbusters 3" in 2011
Blue Beetle is finally ready for a mission of his own and things go
smoothly until he tries to deliver his captured villain to Oa, where he
is attacked by the Green Lanterns!
smoothly until he tries to deliver his captured villain to Oa, where he
is attacked by the Green Lanterns!
On Eve of Break, GEOFF JOHNS Talks BLACKEST NIGHT, pt. 2
Blackest Night #6 is one of the only shows in town this week at comics stores. That makes it a great time to catch up with its writer
Bleeding Cool?s Top Ten British Comics Of The Decade
Everyone’s doing lists. Can I do one, can I? Can I? Can I? Remember, this list will be wrong for many reasons. Wrong for missing out the ones you know are best. Wrong for missing ...
A Year of Cool Comic Book Moments - Day 363
Here is the latest cool comic book moment in our year-long look at one cool comic book moment a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
With the year almost over, we're going to spend five days on finales of long-running comic books. Spoilers are most certainly [...]
With the year almost over, we're going to spend five days on finales of long-running comic books. Spoilers are most certainly [...]
Archie Comics First Looks: ARCHIE & FRIENDS ALL-STARS VOLUME 2: BETTY'S DIARY, ARCHIE DIGEST 260, BETTY & VERONICA DIGEST 200 & VERONICA 198 ARCHIE & FRIENDS ALL-STARS VOLUME 2: BETTY'S DIARY Originally appearing as a feature in Archie's Jokebook,...
Marvel Preview - ORIGINS OF SIEGE, New Year's Giveaways
DC has Blackest Night #6, Marvel has ORIGINS OF SIEGE plus 2010 calendar and Avenger ID card giveaways. Check out a preview
Marvel Preview - ORIGINS OF SIEGE, New Year's Giveaways
DC has Blackest Night #6, Marvel has ORIGINS OF SIEGE plus 2010 calendar and Avenger ID card giveaways. Check out a preview
A roundup of end-of-the-year (and decade) pieces
• The editors of The National Post's book blog name the best books of 2009, including David Mazzuchelli's Asterios Polyp.
• Comic Book Resources rolls out the first part of its Top 100 Comics of 2009, as selected by the websites contributors. The list so far includes such titles as Randall Munroe's xkcd, Kevin Cannon's Far [...]
• Comic Book Resources rolls out the first part of its Top 100 Comics of 2009, as selected by the websites contributors. The list so far includes such titles as Randall Munroe's xkcd, Kevin Cannon's Far [...]
Exclusive Dynamite Preview: RED SONJA: WRATH OF THE GODS #1
Here we have the first 5 pages, in color, of Red Sonja's next adventure, courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment
Exclusive Dynamite Preview: RED SONJA: WRATH OF THE GODS #1
Here we have the first 5 pages, in color, of Red Sonja's next adventure, courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment
Book Of Eli Motion Comics by Chris Weston and Tommy Lee Edwards
Created to help sell the world of The Book Of Eli, with the comic book artists used for conceptual, illustration and storyboard designs for the movie, Chris Weston and Tommy Lee Edwards, here are two ...
Indy Comic Book Week's "One Night Stand"
David Hopkins, the writer behind the Indy Comic Book Week release "One Night Stand," talked with CBR News about filling the void for comics fans in this, a week without new comics from Diamond Distributors.
That Spider-Man 2010 Puzzle Completed
So Marvel have released a number of puzzle pieces to make up an image showing Spider-Man’s future in 2010…
Some enterprising chaps have pieced them together…
But there are still pieces missing. Well, here for the first ...
Some enterprising chaps have pieced them together…
But there are still pieces missing. Well, here for the first ...
New Dinosaur Books From William Stout
William Stout has no peer when it comes to depicting dinosaurs.
Army of Darkness Omnibus Volume 1
This book collects the first 18 issues of Dynamite Entertainment’s Army of Darkness comics – inspired by Sam Raimi’s third Evil Dead film – over 450 pages. Including John Bolton’s movie adaptation then picking up where the film left off, Ash Williams must continue his battle against the Necronomicon and attempt to eliminate the Deadite [...]
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