lunedì 1 febbraio 2010
Review of 'Cartoon Introduction to Economics'
Review of Cartoon Introduction to Economics by Grady Klein and Yoram Bauman, published by Hill and Wang.
‘Catan Card Game’ Gets New Life
Under the working title The Princes of Catan, designer Klaus Teuber has begun work on a new, modular style version of the smaller sibling of the Catan line.
Wizard World Acquires Cincinnati Show
The Wizard World Comic Con Tour expansion continued today with the acquisition of Cincinnati Comic & Anime Show.
February 2nd DVD Round-Up
Genre titles dominate DVD releases this week starting with Planet Hulk, the latest from Marvel Animation.
CBR Review: Batman and Robin, issue 7
Morrison's Batman title has a good structure, interesting characters, and great pop art.
Victor von Doom reviews Joe the Barbarian!
I hate to link to something that picks on one of my fellow bloggers here, but I have a feeling MarkAndrew won't mind if I link to Doctor Doom "reviewing" Joe the Barbarian. Doom's words might sound strangely familiar ...
WizKids Announce DC Comics BLACKEST NIGHT HeroClix
HeroClix are alive and well, and the New Guardians aim to keep it that way, with an all new set this May.
?Buffy? Artist Georges Jeanty Discusses Season 8
"Buffy Season 8" 32 is out this week, beginning the five-part story "Twilight," the penultimate arc of the series. CBR News caught up with artist Georges Jeanty to discuss his work on the series, working with Joss Whedon and Brad Meltzer, and more.
When Words Collide - Monday, Feb 1st
This week Tim begins a three-part look at Brian Michael Bendis' greatest comic book work to date in his run on "Daredevil" while providing a bit of backstory on his personal interest in the superstar writer's rise to prominence.
Check out this sneak peek clip of Smallvile: Absolute Justice,
the 2-hour Geoff Johns-penned special event airing Feb 5, 2010 on the
the 2-hour Geoff Johns-penned special event airing Feb 5, 2010 on the
Writer Brandon Jerwa is Crazy for DC's THE FOX
The Red Circle character will debut completely reinterpreted in back-up pages of The Shield. Jerwa fills us in
Planet Hulk World Premiere
Newsarama shows you all the action from the world premiere screening of Planet Hulk.
Comic Critics #104!
Here is the latest installment of the Comic Critics strip, courtesy of Sean Whitmore (writer) and Brandon Hanvey (artist)! You can check out the first hundred and three strips at the archive here and you can read more about Sean and Brandon at the Comic Critics blog.
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
?DEMO?-ing with Brian Wood
CBR News speaks with the writer/creator of “DEMO” about the upcoming follow-up mini-series from Vertigo, his process and his feelings on creating a sequel.
Best Shots Reviews: GREEN LANTERN, X-MEN LEGACY, Tons More
The Best Shots crew has a large selection of reviews this week, ready for your eager consumption!
THE SOURCE presents a new ‘Absolute Justice’ SMALLVILLE clip
A couple weeks back, we unveiled a new clip from Smallville’s “Absolute Justice,” an epic two-hour episode written by our very own Geoff Johns, which showcases the Justice Society of America, the first superhero team ever. And, as most of you know, that team of heroes is near and dear to Geoff’s heart and also [...]
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Angel: A Hole in the World" #3
Courtesy of IDW Publishing, CBR is pleased to share an exclusive 5-page preview of "Angel: A Hole in the World" #3, Scott Tipton and Elena Casagrande's adaptation of the fan-favorite episode.
Write or Wrong #51: Less is More or Un-Resolutions
Dirk Manning is back with a new column, talking about realistic goals and how to see them through
Stan Lee Announce He?ll Make Two Announcements At Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con
Stealing a play from Mark Millar’s book, Stan Lee has announced he is to make two announcements at the Wizard World Anaheim. We do not know what these announcements are but I’m sure we can ...
Archaia Journeys Abroad with New "Okko," "Secret History," "Killer"
Archaia Publisher Mark Smylie and Director of Development Stephen Christy chat about three of the newest French titles to hit the Archaia library as well as the direction and a glimpse at the future of Archaia’s French comics stateside.
BOOM! has three new Disney comics launching this week, and we have previews of them all!
Drawing PANDORA'S BOX Open for Top Cow
Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box launches this month from Top Cow. We spoke to the artist about the book
Lying In The Gutters ? 1st February 2010
DC Vertigo follow through on Bleeding Cool reports about promoting Brian Wood, with pieces on the blog and placed on IGN and CBR. Who’s next, place your bets, Comics Alliance or Newsarama? MTV or Techland?
This ...
This ...
Ich bin ein Avenger
Or so says a new Marvel teaser campaign. First poster above. So Cap has got a gun for good now? So it goes.
Bendis and JRjr on Avengers? Very Cool!
John Romita, Jr. is a great pick to be the artist on the brand-new "old school" Avengers book by Bendis.
Romita Jr. is still a great modern artist, but as a guy who has been working at Marvel for over thirty years now, he certainly can be termed "old school," as well. So it is a [...]
Romita Jr. is still a great modern artist, but as a guy who has been working at Marvel for over thirty years now, he certainly can be termed "old school," as well. So it is a [...]
DC Comics Unveils TGIO Covers (Blog@Newsarama)
By TGIO, of course, I mean “Thank God It’s Over.” And in that department, DC’s blog The Source has unveiled the covers to the final issues of Justice League: Cry For Justice and Superman: World of New Krypton. The World of New Krypton preview also includes five story pages of the upcoming final issue. I have [...]
February 2010 is On
February 2010
Meet the Competition!
With titles like these how can you not be super excited?
Aliens vs. Ninja vs. Samurai
Divided by Seven
Island, Alone
New Morning
Sci-fi Drive-by
Techno Insecto
You've got 80 screens of comics to read! GO: and then VOTE for your favorite!
CBR Games Roundup: February 2010
There's some big games arriving this month, and the CBR Games Roundup is back to take a look at some of the biggest. "Star Trek Online," Bioshock 2," Dante's Inferno" and "Heavy Rain" lead the list of this month's releases.
Preview: Angel: A Hole in the World
Continuing the harrowing story of one of the Angelverse’s most controversial characters, Fred continues to be gutted from the inside out as Angel and Spike discover that the cost of saving her might be more than they can sacrifice.
Marvel Hotline: Daniel Way
Daniel Way discusses DEADPOOL 19, on sale February 17th, 2009, in this episode of Marvel Hotline! | Views: 0 0 ratings | |
Time: 02:19 | More in Entertainment |
Mark Waid on April's ?Irredeemable Special?
In April, BOOM! Studios unleashes Mark Waid's “Irredeemable Special,” starring rogue hero the Plutonian's former friends and victims. The issue features art by Howard Chaykin, Emma Rios, and Paul Azaceta. CBR News spoke with Waid about the issue.
New Avengers Creative Team Announced
Marvel has announced the creative team for their new Avengers title as Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita Jr., along with the release of a JRJr illustration of Bucky in his Captain America uniform.
New "Second Coming" Teaser Focuses on Hope
Marvel has released a new teaser image featuring two different versions of Hope, one angelic, one surrounded by the Phoenix Force, both framed by a stained glass border and the statement that "One Will Rise..."
AVENGERS 2010: Captain America Is An Avenger
Starting in May 2010, the Avengers are going through some major changes. Marvel is releasing teasers to hint at what's to come
First Bill Watterson interview in 20 years — No regrets
With Salinger gone, you would have thought that Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist Bill Watterson was ready to assume the mantle of the literary world’s most dedicated recluse, but he’s gone and ruined everything by giving his first interview in 20 years to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. You’ll want to promptly click over to the [...]
So e-publishing is going to be as stupid and petty as regular publishing
Wow the iPad announcement really didn’t solve everything! In fact the battle lines over who gets what with ebooks and i-that may just be beginning if this weekend’s skirmish between Amazon and Macmillan is any indication. Johanna Draper Carlson has the back and forth - basically Macmillan - publisher of such graphic novel imprints as [...]
Shamus takes Cinncinati
Continuing his march to the sea, grading and slabbing everything in his path, Gareb Shamus has added a stop on his pop culture tour in Cincinnati, Ohio with the Cincinnati Comic Con Wizard World Convention. PR in the jump, but the Shamus/Wizard brand acquired the existing Cincinnati Comic & Anime Show which ran [...]
She Has No Head! - It Took Gail Simone
If you thought last week’s Lois Lane confession was a big deal…well I’m going to blow your minds this week because…I’ve never liked Wonder Woman.
Let me give that a minute to soak in…you with the rotten fruit in back…sit down…let me finish and then if you still want to throw it…be my guest.
I know there [...]
Let me give that a minute to soak in…you with the rotten fruit in back…sit down…let me finish and then if you still want to throw it…be my guest.
I know there [...]
Take a look at the final CRY FOR JUSTICE cover
Closing out the mini-series by writer James Robinson, here’s the cover to JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE #7, by Mauro Cascioli.
Dynamite Comics On Sale February 3, 2010
Dynamite Entertainment has provided CBR with looks at new comics on sale this Wednesday, February 3, including "Zorro: Matanzas" #1, "Red Sonja: The Wrath of the Gods" #1 and Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's "The Boys" 39.
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Amazon backs down in e-book pricing standoff! Coverage of Angoulême festival! Japanese spent $2.9 billion on manga last year! Reclusive cartoonist Bill Watterson talks about "Calvin and Hobbes"! Plus more!
Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh #33: When Live Is Dead On Arrival
To those of us who aren’t American, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE is touted as an American pop culture institution. It’s been around since the 1970s, It’s considered a weekly ritual and event, the type ...
THIS APRIL, SPRING HAS SPRUNG WITH SEASONAL FUN FROM ARCHIE AND PALS! This spring, watch out for the perennial prom mayhem in "Prom-itis" from BETTY & VERONICA 247. Watch Betty play hard ball in "No Baseball for Betty" from...
Movies: Hulk - Animation Exclusive: Planet Hulk Android (Marvel News)
Peek at some exclusive production sketches from the "Planet Hulk" DVD/Blu–ray in stores February 2!
Comics: Marvel Heroes - Free Mondays (02/1/10) (Marvel News)
Read five free digital comics including HULK, GHOST RIDER and more!
Preview: Zorro
As his legend across the land grows, Zorro continues to draw unwanted attention from the powers-that-be as they wage war on the Fox! Wagner - and artist Francesco Francavilla --tells the tales of Zorro from a different perspective each issue in this stunning arc that unravels the mystery of the masked vigilante!
The Losers, Captain America, Kick-Ass: Feb 1st Comic Reel
"The Losers" trailer smacks the Internet! Director Joe Johnston on the state of "Captain America." "Kick-Ass" director talks getting into comic movies. Also, a "Spider-Man" tabloid rumor and more.
Blood-Stained VALENTINE: An International Digital Comic
Alex de Campi is back in comics with a story made straight for digital, & made for the entire world. We speak w/ the writer
What, Another One? Wizard World Cincinnati
Gareb Shamus has bought the rights to the Cincinnati Comics And Anime Show, renaming it Wizard World Cincinnati and adding it to the plethora of shows Wizard have announced for 2010. That makes ten in ...
Brian Wood month?
Happy Monday!
Today is the beginning of a month that brings with it 3 significant comic books from Brian Wood–NORTHLANDERS 25, DMZ 50 and DEMO #1.
COMIC BOOK RESOURCES posted a preview of DEMO issue #1 with art by Becky Cloonan and they also posted the exclusive first look at the Jim Lee art from DMZ [...]
Today is the beginning of a month that brings with it 3 significant comic books from Brian Wood–NORTHLANDERS 25, DMZ 50 and DEMO #1.
COMIC BOOK RESOURCES posted a preview of DEMO issue #1 with art by Becky Cloonan and they also posted the exclusive first look at the Jim Lee art from DMZ [...]
DC Preview - WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON Finale (#12)
Superman's time in New Krypton comes to a close and his return to Earth is around the corner. Check out this preview
John Cassaday?s Cover For Green Hornet: Year One
It’s John Cassaday’s cover. You know from Green Hornet Year One. From Dynamite. What else do you need to know?
Tim Seeley?s WildCats character designs: Grifter
[Editor’s Note: WildCats artist Tim Seeley shares his approach to drawing members of the original WildCats lineup for his new run on the series. All notes are from the artist.]
Grifter: As much as I like Jim Lee’s original design, the look for Grifter that spoke to me most was the way Sean Phillip’s drew him. [...]
Grifter: As much as I like Jim Lee’s original design, the look for Grifter that spoke to me most was the way Sean Phillip’s drew him. [...]
Rucka, Robinson and Woods present a WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON finale
Now that the conspiracy involving New Krypton’s council has been brought to light, can Superman keep his people from tearing each other apart? And what does a skull-shaped ship flying towards New Krypton mean?
Find out in the final issue of SUPERMAN: WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON, which hits 2/3:
Find out in the final issue of SUPERMAN: WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON, which hits 2/3:
Liam Sharp on "Aliens: Fast Track to Heaven"
Dark Horse will unleash its latest "Aliens" project in April with "Fast Track to Heaven," an original hardcover graphic novella written and illustrated by Liam Sharp, taking place around the time of the first film.
Uncanny Valleygirl by Alex De Campi #9: Valentine Sales, ePub How-To And iPad
In this issue: Godot arrives; turning your comic into an ePub; theoretical formatting for iPad/iBook; Valentine sales figures; and further Amazon drama
But first, let’s sum up what’s happened in the world of Valentine since we ...
But first, let’s sum up what’s happened in the world of Valentine since we ...
Archaia Bringing Comics Down in FRAGGLE ROCK
Archaia continues their partnership with Jim Henson Company with Fraggle Rock Comics!
Accusations Of Voter Fraud Mar Angoul�me Awards
Well that was a shock. Pascal Brutal #3 winning the Best Album at the Angoulême end-of-festival awards – considered by many to be a rather average comic book, that was up against stiff competiton.
Not quite ...
Not quite ...
RIP Keiko Tobe
Manga-ka Keiko Tobe has passed away at age 52. Tobe is know for her award-winning WITH THE LIGHT (published in the US by Yen Press,) the sensitive story of a couple raising an autistic child. She stopped work on the title because of her illness a year ago, and her death leaves it unfinished.
Weekday reading: Colin Upton online
Vancouver-based mini-comic/undergounr cartoonist Colin Upton is taking to the web on his LJ page. Here he grapples with This Modern life.
THE LOSERS have new poster, trailer
A new poster for THE LOSERS was recently released, and it’s a striking recreation of artist Jock’s iconic poster and covers for the comic. With a line-up of comic book movie veterans including Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Idris Elba, Columbus Short, Holt McCallany, Oscar Jaenada, Jason Patric and Peter Macdissi, the film [...]
Honky Tonk Man makes his Wizard
At least one nerdlebrity is picking Wizard World over the Hall of Fame. ON his blog former wrestled “The Honky Tonk Man’ explained why he would rather be in Toronto for The Toronto Comic-Con than get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. His reasons are sensible - he wanted to honor the prior booking, [...]
The Streets Of San Diablo UPDATE 02/1/2010
Darryl Cunningham updated The Streets Of San Diablo.
Fr�d�ric Mitterand Assures Future Of Angoul�me
We mentioned this yesterday, but it seems that Frédéric Mitterand, son of former french president François Mitterand
(himself a comic fan) and France’s current minister of culture, was at Angoulême this weekend. and massively charmed the ...
(himself a comic fan) and France’s current minister of culture, was at Angoulême this weekend. and massively charmed the ...
Global Freezing Strip 0063 (Blog@Newsarama)
Find out more about Global Freezing here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or at
Monday Runaround ? Dredd, Losers, Stores And Epithets
DreddWatch: A while ago, Bleeding Cool reported that Alan Grant was complaining at a comic convention that none of the original creators knew what was happening with any new Judge Dredd movie. While on another ...
Zac Efron To Play Spider-Man ? Surely Bendis Must Be Involved Now?
The Daily Star is reporting that High School Musical star Zac Efron has signed on to play Spider-Man in the new movie by Martin Webb. And that his HSM co-star Vanessa Hudgens will be joining ...
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