martedì 20 aprile 2010
Sportsmen Pressure Bluewater Productions
Upset over Bluewater’s Ellen comic, the U.S. Sportsmen Association has begun a campaign to get it withdrawn.
Comics You Should Own flashback - Batman #515-552
More Kaped Krusader Kraziness! Who doesn't love the Dark Knight?
Batman by Doug Moench (writer), Kelley Jones (penciller, issues 515-519, 521-525, 527-532, 535-552), John Beatty (inker, issues 515-519, 521-525, 527-532, 535-552), Eduardo Barreto (artist, issue 520), J. H. Williams III (penciller, issues 526, 550), Jim Aparo (penciller, issues 533-534), Mick Gray (inker, [...]
Batman by Doug Moench (writer), Kelley Jones (penciller, issues 515-519, 521-525, 527-532, 535-552), John Beatty (inker, issues 515-519, 521-525, 527-532, 535-552), Eduardo Barreto (artist, issue 520), J. H. Williams III (penciller, issues 526, 550), Jim Aparo (penciller, issues 533-534), Mick Gray (inker, [...]
Jeffrey Brown speaks in Toronto!
<p>Jeffrey Brown is crossing the border! In celebration of his new graphic novel Undeleted Scenes, Jeffrey will be appearing at Toronto's North York Central Library on Monday, April 26 to discuss "the unique challenges of creating soul-bearing autobiography in comics, his development as a cartoonist and storyteller, and blurring the line between fact and fiction." The event is totally FREE and open to the public, so <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">check it out</a>!</p>
<p>It's all part of the city-wide buildup to the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF), May 8-9, which should be a blast. See you there, Toronto!
<p>It's all part of the city-wide buildup to the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF), May 8-9, which should be a blast. See you there, Toronto!
GEOFF JOHNS Talks The Flash @ C2E2 2010
DC Comics Chief Creative Officer and writer Geoff Johns talks to Newsarama about the past, present and the future of The Flash.
Tor Turns To Webcomics (Blog@Newsarama)
In recent years, there’s been an explosion of comics into the digital frontier. Comics being downloaded into phones, comics for digital readers like the Kindle and the iPad, comics on the internet, and the special category of motion comics. It seems everyone’s trying to figure out what comics will be from all different angles and [...]
Preview: Tony and Cleo
Conjured from the pages of Legend of Isis, Bluewater introduces its newest female force --- Cleopatra. From the swirling mists of time, emerges an ancient queen besieged by a host of modern problems. The clock is ticking as Cleo and her hard as nails bodyguard, Tony, discover a murderous plot by a mysterious threat. Meanwhile, a demented killer makes his presence know in the bowels of the city.
Tokyo's '2D Child Porn' Bill Delayed to at Least Fall
Parties disagree on wording; government office posts document explaining bill
New comic strip by A. David Lewis!
A. David Lewis, the writer of last year's best graphic novel, Some New Kind of Slaughter, has a nifty new webcomic strip running in The Boston Phoenix. It's called Brave Play, and it's drawn by Matt Roscetti. It takes place over the course of the 1948 baseball season (it began running just when [...]
C2E2 Con Wrap With Lance Fensterman
The show organizer takes CBR News on a wrap up of the con from attendance to the scale of the show and from awareness to the future dates and location of the Chicago Comics & Entertainment Expo.
Cornell Tackles Lex in "Action Comics"
Paul Cornell takes over writing duties on "Action Comics," beginning in June's issue, and Lex Luthor is the star. CBR News spoke with the writer about the new man of "Action," the legacy of the title and more.
Preview: The Brave and the Bold
Oh yes, it's ladies' night! Batgirl, Wonder Woman and Zatanna enjoy a nice, peaceful evening on the town that absolutely won't be interrupted by any kind of superheroic hijinks whatsoever... and if you believe that, there's a giant bronze globe in Metropolis we'd like to sell you!
C2E2: Bill Willingham Spotlight
"Fables," "Angel" and "JSA" writer Bill Willingham pledged one spoiler per project during his C2E2 panel and subsequently revealed to fans a marriage in store for Snow White, new prophecies for Spike and more.
Staging Neverwhere ? The Floating Market Benefit
Greg Baldino attended the Floating Market benefit for Bleeding Cool. He writes;
Last Monday, well-dressed theater patrons entered the Tiffany-domed Chicago Cultural Center to find the annual fundraising event for Lifeline Theatre overrun with strange people, ...
Last Monday, well-dressed theater patrons entered the Tiffany-domed Chicago Cultural Center to find the annual fundraising event for Lifeline Theatre overrun with strange people, ...
So Super Duper! Page 120! Is Everyone Looking? (Blog@Newsarama)
If you like what you’ve read so far (c’mon, how can you not') totally check out more super cute comics!
A few WildStorm stories out of C2E2
Back in the office after what turned out to be a pretty announcement-filled convention weekend for WildStorm! Here’s some recent news pieces coming out of the show:
- WildStorm and IDW were proud to announce the upcoming crossover series X-Files / 30 Days of Night, written by Steve Niles and Adam Jones (of the band Tool) [...]
- WildStorm and IDW were proud to announce the upcoming crossover series X-Files / 30 Days of Night, written by Steve Niles and Adam Jones (of the band Tool) [...]
Exclusive GIRL POWER Preview: POWER GIRL #11, SUPERGIRL #52
They're kinda/sort of cut from the same cloth of different dimensions and this week they appear together in exclusive previews
Another Avatar Plug Of The Week: Gravel #18
Gravel 18, written by Warren Ellis and Mike Wolfer, art and cover by Wolfer continuing Volume Three “The Last King Of England”.
No-one’s comfortable with the king of the magicians being a British soldier who really ...
No-one’s comfortable with the king of the magicians being a British soldier who really ...
Preview: Wildcats
In the wake of the war with the Red Blade, it's time for our remaining heroes to develop a concrete plan for making post-Armageddon Earth a safe, livable place for its survivors. But not everyone's on board with the plan and the next major conflicts the Wildcats face just might come from within!
Pipeline - Tuesday, Apr 20th
Lost in all the $3.99 an issue talk is the current increase in bi-monthly titles at Marvel. Augie's betting they'll still be late. Also: More discussion on the practice of phototracing and "The Uncanny Valley."
PREVIEW: "Superman/Batman" #71
DC Comics has released a preview of "Superman/Batman" 53, written by Joe Casey and featuring art and cover by the team of Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes. The issue hits stores next Wednesday, April 21.
Random Thoughts! (April 20, 2010)
Random Thought! I miss Frank Miller Week. It's random thoughts time! Get excited!
Link Thought! Wrestling 4Rs including my write-up on TNA Impact (whatever). High Road/Low Road on Rob Van Dam in TNA (heheheheh... high road). Roundtable PPV Preview of TNA Lockdown (I did alright in my predictions, especially the Knockouts match -- Madison Rayne, motherfuckers! [...]
Link Thought! Wrestling 4Rs including my write-up on TNA Impact (whatever). High Road/Low Road on Rob Van Dam in TNA (heheheheh... high road). Roundtable PPV Preview of TNA Lockdown (I did alright in my predictions, especially the Knockouts match -- Madison Rayne, motherfuckers! [...]
C2E2 EXCLUSIVE: "Beasts of Burden/Hellboy"
Evan Dorkin, Jill Thompson, & Scott Allie spoke exclusively with CBR about "Beasts of Burden/Hellboy," in which Mike Mignola's signature creation teams with the four-legged detectives of the supernatural.
New "Jonah Hex" Photo
Warner Bros. has released a new image from "Jonah Hex." Directed by Jimmy Hayward and starring Josh Brolin as the titular character alongside Megan Fox and John Malkovich, the movie hits theaters on June 18.
C2E2: DC Nation Town Hall
DC Comics co-publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee entertained fans in an informal panel, basking in enthusiasm generated by "Blackest Night," taking their lumps for "Amazons Attack" and announcing a new miniseries or two.
C2E2: ComiXology Comics4Kids Coming to iPhone, iPad
This April, there will be a third App from ComiXology, and this time someone IS thinking of the children.
Comic Critics #114!
Here is the latest installment of the Comic Critics strip, courtesy of Sean Whitmore (writer) and Brandon Hanvey (artist)! You can check out the first hundred and thirteen strips at the archive here and you can read more about Sean and Brandon at the Comic Critics blog.
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
Red Circle 2.0: The Mighty Crusaders
The writers behind DC Comics' new Mighty Crusaders comics, Eric. S. Trautmann, Brandon Jerwa, Matt Sturges and John Rozum, spoke with CBR about thee next chapter in the DCU history of the classic Archie heroes.
Thor #612 ? Some Days You Just Can?t Get Rid Of A Gillen
Yes it’s a queer one and no mistake. Kieron Gillen and Billy Tan were finishing their short stint on Thor with Matt Fraction and Pascual Ferry taking over from 610.
Then, suddenly Kieron Gillen was asked ...
Then, suddenly Kieron Gillen was asked ...
Avatar Plug Of The Week: Do Anything by Warren Ellis
Warren Ellis’ Do Anything ships tomorrow in the US and sometime in the next five years in the UK. It compiles the column that Warren has written for Bleeding Cool with a few other bits ...
Gold Exchange Q&A: Dan Jurgens on Booster Gold #31 and Time Masters: Vanishing Point (Blog@Newsarama)
The Gold Exchange is very late this time around; my conversation with Dan Jurgens on Time Masters: Vanishing Point took precedence over the monthly column, but also happened halfway through our e-mail interaction about this month’s issue of Booster Gold. The result is that there are some questions asked here, which have already been answered [...]
Preview: The Guild
Felicia Day (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog)'s hysterical extension of her multiple award-winning web series continues with this brand-new story!
Since discovering role-playing games, Cyd Sherman spends more and more time in-game as the healer Codex. As her boyfriend ignores her in favor of his fledgling band and her therapist questions whether or not she has "real" friends, Cyd decides to form her own group within the game after meeting Clara, who teaches her about reputation points, and Zaboo, who introduces her to "friending" within the game.
Detailing the never-before-told origin of The Knights of Good, this is essential reading for fans of the show, and a great jumping-on point for readers new to The Guild. And don't miss season three of the show at!
* Named "One of the Net's Best Serial Shows" by Rolling Stone!
Since discovering role-playing games, Cyd Sherman spends more and more time in-game as the healer Codex. As her boyfriend ignores her in favor of his fledgling band and her therapist questions whether or not she has "real" friends, Cyd decides to form her own group within the game after meeting Clara, who teaches her about reputation points, and Zaboo, who introduces her to "friending" within the game.
Detailing the never-before-told origin of The Knights of Good, this is essential reading for fans of the show, and a great jumping-on point for readers new to The Guild. And don't miss season three of the show at!
* Named "One of the Net's Best Serial Shows" by Rolling Stone!
C2E2: Mike Mignola Spotlight
Mike Mignola arrived at his C2E2 panel, declaring that he was there for the audience and spending the hour-long session discussing Hellboy, answering questions and hinting at things to come in the Hellboy universe.
AX superstar Akino Kondoh speaks in New York tomorrow!
<p>Manga scholar <strong>Ryan Holmberg</strong> has been a big help with our upcoming book <em><strong>Ax: A Collection of Alternative Manga</strong></em> -- he wrote the artist biographies printed in the back of the book. He's also the curator of an excellent new exhibit at New York's <strong>Center for Book Arts</strong>, called "<a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">Garo Manga: The First Decade, 1964-1973</a>," showcasing the early years of legendary underground magazine <em><strong>Garo</strong></em> (an ancestor of <em>Ax</em>)!</p>
<p>The exhibit runs through June 26, but tomorrow night (Wednesday, April 21) Ryan is holding an <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">artist talk</a> with contemporary underground manga-ka <strong>Akino Kondoh</strong>! Ms. Kondoh is internationally known as a gallery artist, illustrator, and animator, but she'll also be prominently featured in our <em>Ax</em> book -- contributing two stories and the gorgeous <strong><a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">cover</a></strong>!</p>
<p>Anybody in the New York area should check this out, 6:30pm at the <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">Center for Book Arts</a>. And stay tuned for more details on <em><a href=" coming to you this summer!
<p>The exhibit runs through June 26, but tomorrow night (Wednesday, April 21) Ryan is holding an <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">artist talk</a> with contemporary underground manga-ka <strong>Akino Kondoh</strong>! Ms. Kondoh is internationally known as a gallery artist, illustrator, and animator, but she'll also be prominently featured in our <em>Ax</em> book -- contributing two stories and the gorgeous <strong><a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">cover</a></strong>!</p>
<p>Anybody in the New York area should check this out, 6:30pm at the <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">Center for Book Arts</a>. And stay tuned for more details on <em><a href=" coming to you this summer!
Iron Man 2: AC/DC Highway to Hell Music Video
For those about to rock AND see "Iron Man 2," check out this brand new video of AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" featuring footage from the upcoming film! Get the AC/DC: Iron Man 2 Soundtrack here: | Views: 1 0 ratings | |
Time: 03:27 | More in Music |
Ten Views on C2E2
In the wake of the high-profile debut for the Chicago Comics & Entertainment Expo, CBR News catches up with responses from major players from DC and Marvel to Dark Horse and Image and more.
Avatar?s Tree Of Souls For Hyde Park
To coincidentally coincide with the DVD release of Avatar - and Earth Day, natch – a replica of the Tree Of Souls from the movie is being created at Hyde Park on Speakers Corner this ...
C2E2: Dark Horse Heroes
Jim Shooter, Dennis Calero, Bill Reinhold and Chris Warner took to the stage during C2E2 to chat with fans about the imminent re-launch of "Doctor Solar," "Magnus, Robot Fighter" and "Turok" at Dark Horse.
Alan Cumming drops out of Spider-Man musical which will never happen
EW reports that Alan Cumming, who was slated to play the Green Goblin, has dropped out of the Spider-Man musical due to actually working, namely a regular role on THE GOOD WIFE With potential Mary Jane Evan Rachel Wood also recently exiting, and a slew of delays, restarts, revamps and some $50 million already [...]
WORLD OF HURT ? ?The Thrill-Seekers? ? Episode 40 (Blog@Newsarama)
WORLD OF HURT – The Thrill-Seekers – Episode 40: “Queensbury Rules” I have a confession to make: I actually enjoy drawing and writing the character stuff a lot more than the action scenes. Most artists get a huge thrill out of fight scenes, but in WORLD OF HURT, I found that each I approached them with [...]
She Has No Head! - Interview With Creator Ross Campbell
Welcome to part two of Ross Campbell week here on She Has No Head!. Part one, a Spotlight on Ross Campbell's work can be found here. As I mention at the beginning of the following interview, I had the good fortune of becoming friends with comics phenom Ross Campbell via the magic of the internet [...]
C2E2: TOP COW - Playing Card ARTIFACTS, DARKNESS Plans, More
Top Cow took the stage at C2E2 to announce a new promotional plan for ARTIFACTS, a new Darkness mini, & more!
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits, 4/20/10 — convention edition
So many shows, so little time….
§ Tim O’Shea hit FLUKE, the indie comics show in Athens, GA which sounds like it went well.
§ The Wizard World Anaheim Comic-Con was this weekend; here are photos which we suggest you scrutinize carefully as this could conceivably be the new San Diego. The Anaheim show [...]
§ Tim O’Shea hit FLUKE, the indie comics show in Athens, GA which sounds like it went well.
§ The Wizard World Anaheim Comic-Con was this weekend; here are photos which we suggest you scrutinize carefully as this could conceivably be the new San Diego. The Anaheim show [...]
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits: 4/21/2010 non-con news
§ Gene Colan has been hospitalized with a broken shoulder, will not be able to work for a while, so friends are raising money for him via an auction.
§ The Financial Times looks at the phenomenon of poop stars writing comic books
The success of the series has also opened the door for musicians to [...]
§ The Financial Times looks at the phenomenon of poop stars writing comic books
The success of the series has also opened the door for musicians to [...]
Preview: Green Lantern
A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in! Exploding out of BLACKEST NIGHT comes the next exciting chapter in the Green Lantern mythos: "New Guardians"! Forced together during the rise of the Black Lanterns, Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Carol Ferris, Saint Walker, Atrocitus, Indigo-1 and Larfleeze must agree to disagree if their next mission is to succeed. But when one of the strangest beings from Green Lantern's past returns, the future of the Lanterns and the universe at large once again falls into question.
Now The New Yorker Condemns Kick-Ass
Daily Mail, we could expect. Fox News, it was going to happen. But what about the New Yorker? Surely they will take a more liberal laissez-faire attitude towards a film that is after all, just ...
A few things you might not know about Peter Bagge
Peter Bagge, author and artist of OTHER LIVES, shares some things you never knew about him:
1: One of my first paying jobs was writing jokes for Bazooka Joe
bubblegum (they accepted about 1 out of 10 jokes I submitted — a
pretty bad batting average!).
2: I collaborated on 3 different occasions with Alan Moore: once in
the 80s, [...]
1: One of my first paying jobs was writing jokes for Bazooka Joe
bubblegum (they accepted about 1 out of 10 jokes I submitted — a
pretty bad batting average!).
2: I collaborated on 3 different occasions with Alan Moore: once in
the 80s, [...]
Writer Geoff Johns and artist Doug Mahnke present the next exciting chapter of the Green Lantern mythos right here, with the first part of “New Guardians.” Forced to work together during the deadly rise of the Black Lanterns, Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Carol Ferris, Saint Walker, Atrocitus, Indigo-1 and Larfleeze must agree to disagree if their [...]
Preview: Wall-E
Everyone’s favorite robot is back in a tale set before the hit film! And now he’s going to find out what exactly is in the mysterious spaceship that has crashed on Earth. WALL•E avoids his menacing boss BULL•E while helping a new “friend” solve a whole new mystery! A can’t-miss issue of WALL•E for kids and adults alike!
Kidney Stone Delays Nemesis #2
Steve McNiven has been in the wars of late.
First, he painfully passed a kidney stone and then possibly as a result, threw out his back. This resulted in a two-months-plus month recovery period.
Because of this, ...
First, he painfully passed a kidney stone and then possibly as a result, threw out his back. This resulted in a two-months-plus month recovery period.
Because of this, ...
Utah Mother Condemns Spectre #9 (1987)
It’s been a familar site in certain stores to see packs of random comic books bagged together and sold for a reduced price. Often compiled from comic store buyouts, it’s a way to get rid ...
Tuesday Runaround ? Helping Gene, Remembering Carl
eBayWatch: There’s a Gene Colan appeal auction to help pay the man’s
Carl Macek. the man behind the success of Robotech in the nineteen eighties passed away of a heart attack last weekend. Anime News Network ...
Carl Macek. the man behind the success of Robotech in the nineteen eighties passed away of a heart attack last weekend. Anime News Network ...
Shonen Says Frog, Pirates Jump
The US manga publishers and licensors have an interesting relationship with the pirates.
In the last Japanese issue of mega-anthology Shonen Jump, the publisher ran an ad urging people to stop scanning and distributing chapters online.
And ...
In the last Japanese issue of mega-anthology Shonen Jump, the publisher ran an ad urging people to stop scanning and distributing chapters online.
And ...
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