giovedì 15 aprile 2010
Marvel #1 WOMEN 3-View: FIRESTAR #1, SIF #1, HER-OES #1
Preview FIRESTAR #1, SIF #1, and HER-OES #1, shipping from Marvel Apr 21
Hooray! More Cul de Sac cartoons.
Fresh from Richard Thompson’s blog, news that there are four more animated shorts based on the amazingly-super comic strip CUL DE SAC.
Preview: X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back
The illusion of high-school reality comes crashing down on Pixie, X-23 and the other X-Girls and it’s not pretty. They’re being held by a demon king who, shockingly enough, doesn’t have their best interest at heart. The X-Men are coming to save the day, but will it matter? The secret of Pixie’s parentage is out and no one will ever look at her the same way again. Rated A …$3.99
CBR Review: Batman , issue 698
Riddle me this... how strong can will a collaboration between Tony Daniel and Guillem March be?
CBR Review: The Flash, issue 1
A swift, lightweight launch for a new series, but not a bad one.
New Iron Man 2 scene?and a Thor reveal? (Blog@Newsarama)
Hey readers, check out this French featurette over at Trailer Addict which shows a behind-the-scenes look as well as a scene with Tony confronting Whiplash. It’s going to be some pretty intense stuff, but check out the quick shot at 1:18. Is that Thor getting a…mugshot? Now, this could just be typical fanboy speculation, but [...]
C2E2 Beats Volcanic Ash Cloud
The big news in the UK this morning was that an erupting volcano in Iceland has sent a cloud of volcanic ash across the ocean, into British airspace and grounding every flight for an indeterminate ...
Manapul & The Point of "The Flash"
Incoming artist on "The Flash," Francis Manapul spoke with CBR News about what it takes to make the Fastest Man Alive move into the future visually, while Geoff Johns teased his mysterious epic "Flashpoint."
Heavy-hitters of blogging join The Beat at C2E2
Hey kids: if you’re going to be at C3E3 tomorrow night make sure you come to the obligatory comics blogging panel:
Comics Media
As the internet, mobile devices, and social networking continue to change how we
gather information and get entertained, online comics media outlets are quickly
evolving to keep pace. Join moderator Heidi MacDonald ( and
representatives from [...]
Comics Media
As the internet, mobile devices, and social networking continue to change how we
gather information and get entertained, online comics media outlets are quickly
evolving to keep pace. Join moderator Heidi MacDonald ( and
representatives from [...]
Krofft & Spears: Reviving Lost Kirby
The legendary children's television producers are on a mission to revive concepts created by the King of Comics - Marty Krofft & Jack Spears opened up about their plans with an exclusive look at unseen Kirby art.
Permanent Damage - Thursday, Apr 15th
Steven Grant takes "Kick-Ass" out for a test drive and kicks the tires, declaring it the best superhero film to date with Chloe Moretz's performance "as close to a revelation as anything I've seen on film in years."
Exclusive Marvel Preview: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #628
Spidey has a run in with Captain Universe (again) in "SOMETHING CAN STOP THE JUGGERNAUT, PART 2" and we have an exclusive preview
MoCCA Festival 2010 Report
Alex Dueben filed his report for the 2010 MoCCA festival that was held last week in New York City, featuring a panel headlined by Pope, Miller, Baker, Haspiel and Hernandez, a Scandinavian artist invasion and more.
Best Shots Pellet Reviews: SIEGE: CAP, BRIGHTEST DAY 0, More
Rapid Fire reviews of SIEGE: CAPTAIN AMERICA, BRIGHTEST DAY #0, THE FLASH #1 and many more
Peter Weller Talks "Fringe"
Actor Peter Weller joins the cast of "Fringe" for tonight's episode, bringing the power of time travel along with him. SPINOFF spoke with the sci-fi icon about his role in the popular series, reminisces on his Robocop days and more.
So Super Duper! Page 119! Oh, Idol! (Blog@Newsarama)
If you like what you’ve read so far (c’mon, how can you not') totally check out more super cute comics!
JMS Destroys Paradise Island
DC Comics have announced that Don Kramer and Michael Babinski are the art team joining J. Michael Straczynski on "Wonder Woman" when the writer begins his run. Oh, and they're destroying the Amazon Princess' home.
Don Kramer Joins JMS on WONDER WOMAN Team - Changes Promised
In addition to announcing the artist, DC is also promising major changes to the title character
Tracking Kick Ass, The Day Before US Release
Right now, Bleeding Cool is being slammed by Argentinians trying to find out where Kick Ass is showing near them. How do I know this? Because Bleeding Cool is the top search engine result for ...
Who destroyed Paradise Island?
It’s not a stretch to say WONDER WOMAN 601 kicks off a new era for Wonder Woman, as writer J. Michael Straczynski steps into the writer’s chair to chronicle the ongoing adventures of the Amazon Princess. What twists does the Eisner-nominated writer of BRAVE & BOLD and the creator of Babylon 5 have in store? [...]
The Buy Pile - Thursday, Apr 15th
Good times this week, as Loki does what he does best, Rose Red stays in bed and a group of young people strike a blow for freedom millions of miles away. The event comics may droop, but they can't bring the week down.
Snark Blocker - Two Cool Scenes of People Defending Bridges...
What's cooler than a cool character defending a bridge from an onslaught of bad guys?
TWO cool characters defending bridges from an onslaught of bad guys!
From The Mighty Thor 362 (written and drawn by Walt Simonson) and Starman (Volume 2) 11 (written by James Robinson and drawn by Matthew Smith), enjoy....two cool scenes of people defending [...]
TWO cool characters defending bridges from an onslaught of bad guys!
From The Mighty Thor 362 (written and drawn by Walt Simonson) and Starman (Volume 2) 11 (written by James Robinson and drawn by Matthew Smith), enjoy....two cool scenes of people defending [...]
Patton Oswalt on "Serenity: Float Out"
Actor-comedian Patton Oswalt spoke with CBR about his Dark Horse one-shot, "Serenity: Float Out," eulogizing the popular character Wash from Joss Whedon's "Firefly" through the eyes of three friends.
Jonathan Ross And Tommy Lee Edwards At Forbidden Planet
Yesterday, Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards signed Turf #1 at Forbidden Planet in London – the shop notable for taking over a thousand preorders from customer for the comic in question.
After a slight delay ...
After a slight delay ...
Pat Lee is back at Dynamite
Pat Lee, a popular artist best known for his stint on the Transformers (and unfortunately for the failure of his publishing company Dreamwave) has returned to comics with a series for Dynamite, WIDOW WARRIORS, it was announced at today’s Diamond Retailer Summit in Chicago. PR below:
Pat Lee, the creator who revitalized The Transformers, makes his [...]
Pat Lee, the creator who revitalized The Transformers, makes his [...]
Fram�t! Jeffrey Brown and Sweden invade CHICAGO!
<p>Hey Chi-town friends, the <a href=" Shelf Swedish Invasion</strong></a> is coming to you! Starting Friday and all weekend long, the new <strong>Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2)</strong> takes over the lakeside McCormick Center in downtown Chicago, and we'll be there in full force!</p>
<p>Come out and meet:
<li>Indie comics superstar <strong><a href=" Brown</a></strong>, signing his vast array of graphic novels and debuting his awesome new book <em><strong><a href=" Scenes</a></strong></em>!</li>
<li>Swedish Invader #1: <strong><a href=" Jonsson</a></strong>, author of the hilariously painful hipster memoir <em><strong><a href=" Princess</a></strong></em>!</li>
<li>Swedish Invader #2: <strong><a href=" Gärdenfors</a></strong>, author of the wild travelogue <em><strong><a href=" 120 Days of Simon</a></strong></em>, a true story of sex, drugs, and hip-hop!</li>
<li>Swedish Invader #3: <strong><a href=" Karlsson</a></strong>, author of the surrealist fever dream <em><strong><a href=" Troll King</a></strong></em>, full of magical biology and neo-traditional folklore!</li>
<p>And don't forget to swing by the <strong><a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">Nerd City / Top Shelf Swedish Invasion party</a></strong>, Saturday, April 17, at the Double Door in Wicker Park!
<p>Come out and meet:
<li>Indie comics superstar <strong><a href=" Brown</a></strong>, signing his vast array of graphic novels and debuting his awesome new book <em><strong><a href=" Scenes</a></strong></em>!</li>
<li>Swedish Invader #1: <strong><a href=" Jonsson</a></strong>, author of the hilariously painful hipster memoir <em><strong><a href=" Princess</a></strong></em>!</li>
<li>Swedish Invader #2: <strong><a href=" Gärdenfors</a></strong>, author of the wild travelogue <em><strong><a href=" 120 Days of Simon</a></strong></em>, a true story of sex, drugs, and hip-hop!</li>
<li>Swedish Invader #3: <strong><a href=" Karlsson</a></strong>, author of the surrealist fever dream <em><strong><a href=" Troll King</a></strong></em>, full of magical biology and neo-traditional folklore!</li>
<p>And don't forget to swing by the <strong><a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">Nerd City / Top Shelf Swedish Invasion party</a></strong>, Saturday, April 17, at the Double Door in Wicker Park!
The writer has a little experience with time-oriented DC stories, and he puts his expertise in play in the hunt for Bruce Wayne
Next Week?s Comics ? 21st April 2010
Some of the comics coming out in comic shops next week courtesy of PreviewsWorld and I daresay there’s a few I’ll be looking forward ro picking up… 100 Percent TPB… Joe The Barbarian… Ultimate Avengers… ...
Publisher Thursday Tickertape? Coming Out Of C2E2?
13:16 CST …dark horse doing 1 for 1… 1st issues of hellboy sin city etc for $1… conan ends with issue 25
13:17 CST …king conan starting next year written by roy thomas
13:25 CST …buffy season ...
13:16 CST …dark horse doing 1 for 1… 1st issues of hellboy sin city etc for $1… conan ends with issue 25
13:17 CST …king conan starting next year written by roy thomas
13:25 CST …buffy season ...
Making "never Forget, Never Forgive" UPDATE 04/15/2010
Rami Efal updated Making "never Forget, Never Forgive".
PAT LEE Returns to Comics With Dynamite's WIDOW WARRIORS
The controversial Pat Lee is coming back to comics with Dynamite Entertainment's new series Widow Warriors
Pat Lee Joins Dynamite for "Widow Warriors"
Dynamite Entertainment has announced the return of artist Pat Lee to comics with "Widow Warriors," a new series based on the legendary Chinese women warriors of the Yang Family.
Pat Lee Returns With Widow Warrior From Dynamite. Yes, That Pat Lee.
I didn’t think I’d see the day.
Pat Lee, the man who used Alex Milne and others to ghost artwork for him, denied to publishers that he was using him and then, when discovered, chose not ...
Pat Lee, the man who used Alex Milne and others to ghost artwork for him, denied to publishers that he was using him and then, when discovered, chose not ...
EW talks Summer buzz, Nolan, and Iron Man (Blog@Newsarama)
Is it that time of the year again, already? Yeesh, I feel I finally just got celebrating New Years. Entertainment Weekly released their Summer movie preview issue this week (too soon') and it’s chock-full with tidbits about this year’s biggest releases. Of course, what is a Summer preview without talking about Iron Man 2. Director Jon [...]
NYT Bestselling Pop-Up creator Matthew Reinhart unveils DC SUPER HEROES: THE ULTIMATE POP-UP BOOK
Part of the wonderful thing about DC’s library of characters is their versatility — whether they’re presented on the big screen, television, in comics or in other forms of media, they still continue to resonate with readers of all ages.
From bestselling pop-up creator Matthew Reinhart, [...]
From bestselling pop-up creator Matthew Reinhart, [...]
The iPad - Making Comics Piracy Easy?
The iPad screen grab feature makes it easy to snap a high-resolution image of whatever is appears on it's screen – including pages from your digital comic books and ebooks.
New ART IN TIME Vol: Weird & Wild Overlooked Comics
We talk with the editor of the new anthology Art in Time: Unknown Comic Adventures, 1940-1980
We're 4 for 4 When it Comes to Secret Avengers Guessing!
I say "we" because it was commenter jazzbo who totally nailed that it was Valkyrie - but at least I agreed with him right away, even re-naming my "Who is the new Secret Avenger?" to "Valkyrie a Secret Avenger?"
So we are 4 for 4!
So now I just need the consensus pick to be right about [...]
So we are 4 for 4!
So now I just need the consensus pick to be right about [...]
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 104
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
Post Game ? Smallville: Lots of catching up to do! (Blog@Newsarama)
DOUBLE FEATURE! 9.15 “Conspiracy;” 9.16 “Escape” Long time no talk, Smallville viewers! I want to apologize for the delays! Bad timing on my part, what with the recent big news about a Season 10 happening! I got behind on the show when they virtually took the month of March off (not wholly [...]
Courtesy of Top Cow, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "Magdalena" #1 by writer Ron Marz, artist Nelson Blake II and a cover by Ryan Sook. The issue hits stores Wednesday, April 28.
X-Men Versus Twilight?
We’ve all seen that We Are The X-Men image with the bloody stain
The X-Men in some perilous danger? Injury? Death? What does the blood signify?
And we’ve also seen that Blade is joining the X-Men on ...
The X-Men in some perilous danger? Injury? Death? What does the blood signify?
And we’ve also seen that Blade is joining the X-Men on ...
Preview: Magdalena
The Star of the Forthcoming Feature Film Gets Her Own Series!
The Magdalena has been the official protector and warrior of the Catholic Church for over two thousand years, sworn to defend the Faith with the Spear of Destiny against all manner of supernatural threats. However, Patience, the latest Magdalena, has seen through the hypocrisy of her masters and struck out on her own. When her old mentor comes to her with a mission to prevent Armageddon, will she be able to resist the call?
From writer Ron Marz (Witchblade, Angelus) and the art team of Pilot Season: Murderer, Nelson Blake II, Sal Regla, and Dave McCaig.
Featuring covers by Ryan Sook (Wednesday Comics)!
The Magdalena has been the official protector and warrior of the Catholic Church for over two thousand years, sworn to defend the Faith with the Spear of Destiny against all manner of supernatural threats. However, Patience, the latest Magdalena, has seen through the hypocrisy of her masters and struck out on her own. When her old mentor comes to her with a mission to prevent Armageddon, will she be able to resist the call?
From writer Ron Marz (Witchblade, Angelus) and the art team of Pilot Season: Murderer, Nelson Blake II, Sal Regla, and Dave McCaig.
Featuring covers by Ryan Sook (Wednesday Comics)!
GEOFF JOHNS PRIME: "Brightest Day" & "The Flash"
With the release of "Brightest Day" #0 and "The Flash" #1 this week, what better time to check in with Geoff Johns for this latest installment of GEOFF JOHNS PRIME?
Jubilee Is A (Vampiric) X-Man?
Today's "We are the X-Men" teaser from Marvel is sure to get fan speculation flowing as it features not only the recently returned Nate "X-Man" Grey, but also what appears to be a rather vampiric Jubilee!
C2E2: Lady Death Rises At Avatar's Boundless
The creator of the sword-wielding, hell-bound dame of destruction Brian Pulido returns to an all-new Lady Death series as Avatar publisher William Christensen prepares a new company to release it.
Avatar Launches Boundless At C2E2 ? Brings Back Lady Death
Ah yes, Lady Death. Epitome of nineties Bad Girl comics, at her peak (either of them I suppose), her book sold six figures for Chaos Comics and she became a poster girl (literally) for all ...
Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #2 cover
And as if I weren’t excited enough for more Tom Strong, the cover to Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #2 shows that the series features at least one robot wearing a bowler hat. The Robots of Doom apparently clean up pretty well!
About TOM STRONG AND THE ROBOTS OF DOOM #2: The adventure continues [...]
About TOM STRONG AND THE ROBOTS OF DOOM #2: The adventure continues [...]
The Doctor Who Budget Scandal Of 2010
Private Eye is one of my main inspirations for the work I’ve done on Lying In The Gutters and Bleeding Cool. A fortnightly British magazine, it’s a politically satirical publication that mixes Onion-style articles with ...
Are Tony Lee And Dan Boultwood Working Up A Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novel?
This recently twittered photo of Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood, as well as tapping into their vain cultured dress sense, looks remarkably like it was taken on the Sherlock Holmes set of the London ...
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