venerdì 12 marzo 2010
CBR Review: Red Robin, issue 10
The second part of a crossover with "Batgirl" continues here, with explosions and butt-kicking (not necessarily in that order)
Game Publishers Affected by DBD Woes
Game publishers distributed by Diamond are also affected by the removal of Amazon’s Buy buttons for all DBD titles.
Layoffs at Upper Deck
Multiple sources are telling ICv2 that Upper Deck had a significant layoff on Thursday.
'Champions of the Forgotten Realms'
In late March, Wizards of the Coast will release the first small wave expansion for Heroscape featuring only Dungeons & Dragons content.
Upper Deck on Entertainment
Upper Deck issued the following statement in response to questions from ICv2 about the layoffs at the company. Review: Kick-Ass (Matthew Vaughn)
The publicity for Kick-Ass will tell you, very clearly, that this is a realistic superhero film. That it looks at what happens if an ordinary non-powered person dressed up in tights and a ski ...
First Look: David Finch's "Batman" #700 Cover
The recently exclusive DC superstar offers up his first interpretation of the Dark Knight for the hero's milestone 700th issue, which remains the only creative announcement surrounding the June-shipping book.
Get a first look at The Bat-Man
It’s been a Batman kind-of-day, and will continue to be, as we’ve got a major art debut later today.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall well? We’ve got a major art debut to show right now.
Some of you savvy Twitter-folk may have noticed Assistant Editor Chris Conroy discussing what a great Batman FIRST WAVE [...]
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall well? We’ve got a major art debut to show right now.
Some of you savvy Twitter-folk may have noticed Assistant Editor Chris Conroy discussing what a great Batman FIRST WAVE [...]
FIRST LOOK: "Green Hornet: Year One" #1
Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment, CBR presents a First Look at Matt Wagner and Aaron Campbell's "The Green Hornet: Year One" #1 which will be shipping three weeks early to comic stores, next Wednesday March 17.
Mjolnir Belongs to Fraction & Ferry with June's THOR #611
After the Siege of Asgard, Matt Fraction and Pasqual Ferry are rebuilding
Interview: Rantz Hoseley on the Longbox Launch at Emerald City
[It's been a long march for Longbox, the ambitious downloadable comics application for multiple platforms that is ready to go public this weekend. Even as downloadable comics and e-publishing are establishing themselves as a new foundation of comics publishing, Longbox CEO Rantz Hoseley took a moment to peek under the hood of the [...]
Son of Legendary Joe Simon Launches SHIELDMASTER
Jim Simon has a new comic coming out with ties to some of his father's creations.
ECCC 2010: A Lotta Comics and a Little Rock & Roll
The Pacific Northwest's biggest con is running all weekend long and features all kinds of surprises, including a concert that you've gotta see to believe!
Fraction Ushers "Thor" into the Heroic Age
CBR News spoke with writer Matt Fraction about his and artist Pasqual Ferry's upcoming run on "Thor," which begins in June and will introduce the Marvel Universe to the 10th World.
Comic Book Legends Revealed
It's a special edition of Comic Book Legends Revealed this week, devoted to writer Roger Stern! Learn the shocking original ending to X-Men vs. Avengers! And why, exactly, did Stern stop writing Captain America? Read on and learn...
The Weekly Watcher: March 12, 2010
Alexa Mendez blasts through Iron Man 2 news, the Marvel Reading Circle, Avengers Academy, and more! | Views: 15 1 ratings | |
Time: 02:15 | More in Entertainment |
"Avengers Academy" Open Enrollment Continues
Marvel finishes out the week with two more students enrolling in "Avengers Academy's" summer session. Coeds Finesse and Hazmat will be a part of the June-launching series written by Christos Gage and illustrated by Mike McKone.
Sherman Scribes "Earp: Saints for Sinners"
M. Zachary Sherman divulged details on Radical's newest title, how his experience as a game designer influences his comic writing and why a return to the ways of the Wild West may not be a far-fetched concept.
Have A Heart. A Non-Functioning Metal One. On Your Desk.
From those nice boys at ThinkGeek, comes a replica of the original Iron Man reactor/heart monitor. You know, the one that that Tony Stark fashions for himself in in Afghani cave in the Iron Man ...
FIRST LOOK: "Grimm Fairy Tales" #50
Courtesy of Zenescope Entertainment, CBR presents an exclusive First Look at the covers for the 50th issue of the publisher's "Grimm Fairy Tales," featuring artwork by Angel Medina, Franchesco and Al Rio.
JAMES STURM Explores the Life of An Artist in MARKET DAY
The acclaimed writer explores living the life of an artist and trying to make work that is meaningful in his new OGN
GREEN HORNET YEAR ONE #1 Shipping 3 Weeks Early - Mar 17
Green Hornet Year One #1 is bucking the trend, and coming out three weeks early, now shipping Mar 17, 2010
Thor, Dan Dare, Captain America: March 12th Comic Reel
More inside info on "Thor"! Sam Worthington to be "Dan Dare"! Hugo Weaving to battle "Captain America"! Also, a "Tron Legacy" billboard, "Apes" reboot finds a director, and a "Human Target" promo.
Hugo Weaving as Red Skull in CAPTAIN AMERICA Movie?
Lots of talk has focused on who will play Captain America, & now there's a rumor about his villain
PAUL DINI Weaves His Magic for new DC ZATANNA Series
Superstar writer Paul Dini launches a new ZATANNA series in May from DC. We talk about his plans
Exclusive i, ZOMBIE interior art reveal and JOE THE BARBARIAN cover
This weekend Vertigo heads to Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, WA for the first time. Editor Shelly Bond will be in attendance with Mike and Laura Allred (I, Zombie), Chris Roberson (I, Zombie), Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, The Nobody), Sean Murphy (Joe the Barbarian), G. Willow Wilson (Air), Peter Bagge (Other Lives) and others! [...]
Tony Daniel knows. In a little under a week, so will you. The true identity of Gotham City’s new crimelord is finally revealed in BATMAN 697 and that identity will surprise everybody – especially Batman. And after the final showdown between Black Mask and The Dark Knight, will things ever be the same for Kittyhawk [...]
Chris Weston: Spearheading The Twelve's Return
The artist of Marvel's missing-in-action series talks about his WW2-era one-shot "The Twelve: Spearhead" as well as when fans will see the completion of he and J. Michael Straczynski's displaced superhero opus.
JMS ? The Road To Superman
One of the pitfalls of writing online is that you leave a trail. Going back decades. My great-grandchildren will be able to read my various spats with Mark Waid long after I’m gone (if they ...
Distrbution notes: Apple’s GN store, Diamond’s big Omniboo-boo headache
§ Kevin Melrose catches that Apples iPad bookstore will include Comics & Graphic Novels as it’s own category
Citing findings by the Busted Loop mobile media research firm, the website states that Apple’s iBookstore will designate about 20 main categories, including “Fiction & Literature,” “Reference” and “Cookbooks.” Below those will be more than 150 sub-categories; “Manga” [...]
Citing findings by the Busted Loop mobile media research firm, the website states that Apple’s iBookstore will designate about 20 main categories, including “Fiction & Literature,” “Reference” and “Cookbooks.” Below those will be more than 150 sub-categories; “Manga” [...]
Tatsumi in COLOR
Black Blizzard, the gekiga master’s early genre manga is coming from D&Q. WOOT.
Studio coffee run: Cap casting, more
§ Now where were we… a new LOSERS poster, above.
§ Christopher Nolan confirms he’s helming Batman 3 and Superman Whatever-you-want-to-number-it. They will be completely unrelated films however. So no World’s Finest movie from Nolan. Lots more juicy stuff in the link.
§ First John Krasinski was the front runner for Captain America…then he wasn’t [...]
§ Christopher Nolan confirms he’s helming Batman 3 and Superman Whatever-you-want-to-number-it. They will be completely unrelated films however. So no World’s Finest movie from Nolan. Lots more juicy stuff in the link.
§ First John Krasinski was the front runner for Captain America…then he wasn’t [...]
Kibbles ‘n’ bits — 3-12-2010
§ Trina Robbins notes the passing of Valerie Barclay, a Golden age artist and inker.
§ Jason Miles interviews Dylan WIlliams and provides a nicecounterpoint to the Keiron Gillen interview in that Williams embraces the poverty and suffering that comes with comics — call it the Porgy Outlook.
I still get pissy and feel like the [...]
§ Jason Miles interviews Dylan WIlliams and provides a nicecounterpoint to the Keiron Gillen interview in that Williams embraces the poverty and suffering that comes with comics — call it the Porgy Outlook.
I still get pissy and feel like the [...]
#NotAGlitch ? Bleeding Cool Launches Comics Local
In the light of the Amazon and Barnes & Noble “Glitch” clearouts of all sorts of comics books, the delight of some, the disappointment of many, and the eventual “$25? Really?” across the comics industry, ...
Isaac Perlmutter ? Comics First Billionaire?
Richard Branson doesn’t count. But Isaac Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel is worth $1,600,000,000.00 , most of which is down to the Disney buyout. And as a result he has now officially entered the Forbes Magazine ...
Goodbye, April Wiggins. Hello Jerry Milani!
April Wiggins, the public relations employee who probably did the most to humanise the various Wizard organisations at a time when they were receiving criticism from all sides, has left the company after nine months ...
Archie Comics artist and writer Dan Parent will be a Megacon 2010 Comic Book Guest in Orlando, Florida this weekend, March 12th through the 14th. Look for him in Artist Alley at table White 9 for signings and sketches!Dan will...
Friday Runaround ? Doctor Wii?
BabyWatch: Congratulations to Matt Smith – the 2000AD editor Matt Smith that is – on the birth of one Evangeline Brunel Smith. It’s my eldest’s fifth birthday today. Your journey has just begun… Geronimo!
V4VWatch: Old ...
V4VWatch: Old ...
The Red Skull for Hugo Weaving?
Actor Hugo Weaving, best known as Agent Smith in "The Matrix" is in negotiations to play Captain America's archnemesis The Red Skull in Marvel's "The First Avenger: Captain America." The title role is still to be cast.
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