§ Gary Tyrell reports on PAX East, part onethe first East Coast version of the video gaming convention created by the Penny Arcade crew. The first part provides a general overview; a second part will look at the webcomics representation.
§ Dan Nadel posts a photo of Jesse Marsh smoking a pipe and being [...] http://tinyurl.com/yc3c8y2
lunedì 29 marzo 2010
Official: Comic-Con 2010 sells out
We’d checked earlier this morning but there was a razor thin line of white at the end, but now, it is done. Single day tickets for this year’s Comic-Con International: San Diego are SOLD OUT. It’s expected that, as they did last year, the con will be selling some passes which, for whatever reason, [...] http://tinyurl.com/yl5bvx2
Cryptozoic Gets 'WoW TCG'
Newly formed Cryptozoic Entertainment has signed a multi-year licensing agreement for the World of Warcraft TCG. http://tinyurl.com/yhwl8ny
36th Annual Origins Awards Finalists
The five finalists in each category of the Origins Awards were chosen by retailers attending the recent GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas . http://tinyurl.com/yzb4j4e
AEG Plans New CCG
Alderac, maker of the Legend of the Five Rings CCG, announced that it will launch a new CCG, Phase, this summer.
CBR Review: Wall-E, issue 4
"Wall-E" is serving up a series of prequels, which is a nice idea in theory but ends up not being that gripping. http://tinyurl.com/ygbmfv7
The Walking Dead gets picked up for a first season; Chuck changes direction and much more? (Blog@Newsarama)
So it’s been a crazy weekend; everything that happened in the comics and genre universe kind of ground to a halt for me when I found out about the passing of Dick Giordano. There’s been a few things worth mentioning, though, so away we go: New Hampshire State Representative Nick Levasseur was pressured into a hasty [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8pxfz4
Preview: Wizards of Mickey
When one of their eggs goes missing, the dragons of the realm declare war on the “scaleless.” The situation looks dire, but leave it to the brave wizard Mickey Mouse and his sorcerer companions to seek out the eggs before mayhem can break loose. The odds are stacked against our heroes, but Goofy may have something up his sleeve to turn the tide! The series that the fans have been clamoring for continues this month in the thrilling tale of the “Iron Dragon!” http://tinyurl.com/yg78jz2
CBR Review: Shuddertown, issue 1
Bodies keep turning up with DNA evidence pointing to dead criminals as the murderers. Is Detective Isaac Hernandez losing his mind? What’s going on? http://tinyurl.com/y8ruraw
I?d Buy This Book. (Blog@Newsarama)
Darick Robertson posted this image on his Facebook account, with a caption saying that it’s a team he’d like to do a miniseries about. I don’t know about you folks, but I’d be a subscriber. http://tinyurl.com/yabxo2n
SyFy's Caprica: NY Showcase
Newsarama's cameras capture SyFy's Caprica screening event. For more exclusive moments with Caprica's stars, click the related videos.
Danielle Leigh's Reading Diary -- Ristorante Paradiso
This new one shot from Natsume Ono is a perfect little palette cleanser. Unlike her previous work, not simple (which I reviewed here), life in this work isn't one soul-crushing defeat after another as Ono takes a much more gentle and palatable approach to loss and love.
Ristorante Paradiso opens with 21 year old Nicoletta arriving [...] http://tinyurl.com/ykklr68
Ristorante Paradiso opens with 21 year old Nicoletta arriving [...] http://tinyurl.com/ykklr68
Caprica - Alessandra Torresani
Alessandra Torresani on what it like to play a Seven foot robot and more at SyFy's Caprica showcase.
1st Look: Chris Sprouse Pages from RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE #1
Here's a look at a couple of interior pages from artist Chris Spouse for the 1st issue of the May Batman-event and some bonus covers by Andy Kubert
CAPRICA @ The Paley Center - Esai Morales
Esai Morales tells us what it is like getting to mold the future William Adama as a child at at the Caprica showcase event.
Caprica - Magda Apanowicz
Magda sheds some light on the direction Lacy Rand's character is heading and more at the Caprica showcase held at New York's Paley Center.
Caprica - Sasha Roiz
Sasha Roiz talks about what it was like do dive into the role of Sam Adama and whether or not he considers him to be a vilian.
When Words Collide - Monday, Mar 29th
If comics can do it, why can't reviews? That's what Tim asks when he takes on the challenge of the 'Retcon Review,' examining some should've-been-great comics of the past from the likes of Shooter, Loeb and Starlin http://tinyurl.com/y9wwhvd
Preview: Impaler
This fresh, new take on the vampire mythos from International Horror Guild-nominated writer William Harms concludes with an oversized issue! Vampires have taken over the East coast of the United States. The few survivors are stranded where they have taken refuge while those watching on the news have abandoned their homes in a bid to outrun the vampire swarm. Now the vampires are marching West and nothing can stop them. The only thing standing in their way is Vlad Tepes, the historical Dracula, and the suicidal homicide detective Victor Dailey. But when events take a turn for the worst, will Victor be able to take up Vlad's mantle as Vampire Hunter?
Graphic Nyc Featured In Italy's La Republica - by Dean Haspiel 03/29/2010
Dean Haspiel added a blog post titled "Graphic Nyc Featured In Italy's La Republica". http://tinyurl.com/yfgwqfu
REVIEW: Captain America" #604
Chad Nevett reviewed the latest issue of "Captain America" and gave the issue 4 stars saying of the Ed Brubaker/Butch Guice-helmed story's plot, "It’s big and crazy in that classic supervillain kind of way and works perfectly." http://tinyurl.com/ygydtbx
Official: "Walking Dead" Picked Up By AMC
Without an inch of film shot, the AMC adaptation of Robert Kirkman and company's Image zombie comic will see six episodes air starting in October as part of the cable channel's Fearfest marathon. http://tinyurl.com/y99jwlc
AMC greenlights WALKING DEAD
AMC has greenlit six episodes of a Walking Dead TV series Variety reports. The Robert Kirkman-penned bestselling comic about the survivors of a zombie Holocaust will be adapted by Frank Darabont, who will write and direct the pilot. The series debuts in October, to tie in with AMC’s annual “Fearfest.”
Kirkman is signed on as an [...] http://tinyurl.com/yaej9b7
Kirkman is signed on as an [...] http://tinyurl.com/yaej9b7
Wizard Toronto Comic Con: differing views
As the first stop on Wizard's ambitious convention slate, the Toronto Comic-Con was watched with some interest from afar. Aside from a verrrrrryyyyy slow Friday and a fire alarm on Saturday it seems to have been pretty typical of the way Wizard shows have been unfolding over the last few years -- there was certainly some fun to be had, but those looking for a comics intensive event came away disappointed. http://tinyurl.com/yfmt6p5
A look at some Chris Sprouse RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE pages
You’ve seen the covers. You’ve seen a few of the variants. You’ve seen the character sketches. Now it’s time for more. Specifically, a few black and white pages from the first issue, put on the page by the highy-talented Chris Sprouse and Karl Story. Can you say Caveman Batman? Sure. Well, now you can see [...] http://tinyurl.com/yzuqvxt
Getting Lost with Judd Winick: Part 1
In the first of a two-part interview, Judd Winick shared details about his new Jason Todd projects: the six-issue miniseries "Red Hood: Lost Days" for DC Comics and the "Batman: Under the Red Hood" animated film. http://tinyurl.com/ygzaj43
Best Shots Comic Reviews: X-FACTOR, GREEN LANTERN, More
The Best Shots teams has some highlights of last week, including a double-dose of Marvelous Mutants, & more
Lying In The Gutters ? 29th March 2009
Another runaround the week in Bleeding Cool and the stories that you’ve been most interested in.
Top Ten Most Read Stories Of The Week
1. Closing The Refrigerator Door? The monster story this week was looking ... http://tinyurl.com/yzzkv3c
Top Ten Most Read Stories Of The Week
1. Closing The Refrigerator Door? The monster story this week was looking ... http://tinyurl.com/yzzkv3c
World Comics Record Smashed ? Action Comics #1 8.5 Sells For $1,500,000
There we go folks. Action Comics #1 in an 8.5 CGC condition has sold for one and a half million dollars. This is the highest price ever paid for a comic book, and the third ... http://tinyurl.com/y8cl7qs
Comic Theme Time - Characters That I Don't Feel Safe Showing Up Again (Plus Others That I Do)
Again, the concept for this bit is that there are certain topics that I've considered for Top Fives that when I go to narrow it down, it strikes me that there are just way too many good ones for me to truly narrow it down to five, so rather than miss out on highlighting these [...] http://tinyurl.com/ygeut3a
In Memorium Dick Giordano by Karen Berger
I heard the news today, oh boy… and the end of an era in comics is definitely over as Dick Giordano passes from this earth after a long battle with cancer. Dick was the head of DC Editorial through the glory days of the 1980s and very early 90s. Under his leadership, DC Comics [...] http://bit.ly/8Yzhn0
I heard the news today, oh boy… and the end of an era in comics is definitely over as Dick Giordano passes from this earth after a long battle with cancer. Dick was the head of DC Editorial through the glory days of the 1980s and very early 90s. Under his leadership, DC Comics [...] http://bit.ly/8Yzhn0
Marvel Hotline: Axel Alonso and Nick Lowe
Marvel Editors Axel Alonso and Nick Lowe call into the Marvel Hotline to talk about X-MEN: SECOND COMING #1! | Views: 0 0 ratings | |
Time: 01:56 | More in Entertainment |
Nina Paley Talks "Sita Sings the Blues"
Cartoonist turned animator Nina Paley spoke with CBR about her tour-de-force full length film which she wrote, directed, produced and animated. "Sita Sings the Blues" is now available on DVD, online, and on the iPhone. http://tinyurl.com/yk4lk5x
Buffy's reunion with the now-unmasked Twilight doesn't exactly go as expected after months of fighting...
The exciting world of Mark Millar, part IV: Enter Wolverine
Mark Millar’s message board postings are, depending on how you look at it, either a highly entertaining account of a successful multimedia writing career, or the highly entertaining imaginings of a delusional madman. Today’s claim: that he was offered an unspecified job on X-MEN 4. Incredibly, given Millar’s long stated desire to do more work [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8nks7g
Miller and Gough sue Warners
It’s Monday so there must be another showbiz lawsuit. This time, Smallville producers Miles Miller and Alfred Gough are suing Warner Bros over breach of contract.
As the link explains, this is another “vertical integration” case, which charges that Warners undercut the producer’s share of syndication profits by selling the show at a lower [...] http://tinyurl.com/ykd4hpn
As the link explains, this is another “vertical integration” case, which charges that Warners undercut the producer’s share of syndication profits by selling the show at a lower [...] http://tinyurl.com/ykd4hpn
Preview: Justice League of America
Following the decision that occurred in JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE and the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE RISE AND FALL SPECIAL #1, the World's Greatest Heroes must come to terms with who they are and what they represent. Meanwhile, an all-new danger threatens the existence of everything past and present in the exciting finale of "Team History." http://tinyurl.com/yae4tfu
REVIEW: "The Guild" #1
CBR's Timothy Callahan reviews "The Guild" #1 by Felicia Day and Jim Rugg, giving it four and a a half stars, saying that Day's "authorial voice shines through in this opening issue, giving us laugh-out-loud funny bits of narration and dialogue." http://tinyurl.com/yh6x5ax
Supernatural & Real Estate (?) Collide in Webcomics Series
We speak with cartoonist Dan Goldman about his RED LIGHT PROPERTIES, continuing his exotic, character-driven storytelling
Aaron Johnston Enters The Dragon Age
IDW and EA are launching a new ongoing "Dragon Age" comic series based on the popular roleplaying game. Series co-writer Aaron Johnston spoke with CBR this week about how the book will tie into the "Dragon Age" universe. http://tinyurl.com/yh4mcwf
Mark Millar To Guest-Edit Relaunched Wizard Magazine #228
The July issue of Wizard Magazine, published at the end of June, will not only be a rellaunch for the magazine but will be edited by Mark Millar. He’s quoted as saying “This issue will ... http://tinyurl.com/yjb6x3v
Random links, Random Universe
§ Greg Burgas argues that Kurt Busiek (unwittingly) ruined Marvel and DC superhero comicsvia Marvels, which tipped off the avalanche of literary re-imaginings of canon as opposed to making new canon:
So, the hypothesis: Kurt Busiek, marvelous writer and obsessive continuity geek, ruined superhero comics. One must prove such a contentious hypothesis if one is to [...] http://tinyurl.com/ybdr3tj
So, the hypothesis: Kurt Busiek, marvelous writer and obsessive continuity geek, ruined superhero comics. One must prove such a contentious hypothesis if one is to [...] http://tinyurl.com/ybdr3tj
Kick Ass On Times Square And Oxford Circus ? And Other Animals
While Mark Millar may not have his Nemesis poster on Times Square, he does have this Kick-Ass billboard.
And you should see the window display at FCUK on Oxford Circus right now. As Mark Millar says, ... http://tinyurl.com/ydfxrd2
And you should see the window display at FCUK on Oxford Circus right now. As Mark Millar says, ... http://tinyurl.com/ydfxrd2
PREVIEW: Justice League of America" #43
DC Comics has released a preview of "Justice League of America" 43 featuring James Robinson and Mark Bagley exploring the ramifications of Green Arrow's recent actions. The issue hits stands this Wednesday. http://tinyurl.com/yddjdnl
Dynamite Comics On Sale March 31, 2010
Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment, CBR brings you previews of Kevin Smith's "Green Hornet" #2, "Legendary Talespinners" #3, and 28 pages from the "Army of Darkness Omnibus!" http://tinyurl.com/ya2vakt
She Has No Head! - Kitty Pryde: Saviour Of Everything?
There was a pretty good discussion in the comments of my last post, as well as another CSBG post last week about superhero comics and the issues related to appealing to both men and women, boys and girls. Rather than get into a superheated battle over it, I thought rather I'd offer up a mini-series [...] http://tinyurl.com/ydorosz
ARCHIE COMICS ANNOUNCES LAUNCH OF COMIC MAGAZINE "LIFE WITH ARCHIE" New York, NY (March 29, 2010): This July, Archie Comics--publisher of the world-famous Archie wedding arc, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Josie and the Pussycats, and Stan Lee Comics--will release... http://tinyurl.com/ye2tfse
ARCHIE CREATORS ON THE ROAD... Archie Comics artist and writer Dan Parent will be a Wondercon 2010 Comic Book Guest in San Francisco, California this weekend, April 2nd through the 4th. Look for him in Artist Alley at table... http://tinyurl.com/yedgkdq
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Michigan student suspended over manga-inspired "death note"! ComicsPRO honors Paul Levitz and Carol Kalish! Last Gasp Books turns 40! Fans and friends of Frank Frazetta gather for candlelight vigil! Plus more! http://tinyurl.com/ydwduqk
WRITE OR WRONG #53: "Talent is Not Enough"
In this edition of the column, Dirk Manning talks about how hard work is often more important than natural ability
Exclusive Dynamite Preview: LEGENDARY TALESPINNERS 2 + More
Take a look at Legendary Talespinners #2, plus a preview of Kevin Smith's Green Hornet #2
In our fourth installment of STORMING HEAVEN, we welcome back writer Brian Michael Bendis for some insider commentary and insight on the penultimate issue of Marvel' Avengers event series, "Siege" #3. http://tinyurl.com/yjy9vbv
X-Men: First Class, The Losers, The Walking Dead: March 29th Comic Reel
Bryan Singer a "First Class" director no more. Two "Losers" talk up the film. "The Walking Dead" finds its first cast member. Also, "Green Lantern" on a college campus and more. http://tinyurl.com/yj4rlt2
The aftermath of CRY FOR JUSTICE & RISE & FALL continues with the latest Justice League
Kody Chamberlain Gives SWEETS To Image Comics
Artist Kody Chamberlain debuts his first writer-artist project, a five issues series from Image Comics starting in July. Sweets is the story of;
A spree killer terrorizes New Orleans days before Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. ... http://tinyurl.com/yec4x7y
A spree killer terrorizes New Orleans days before Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. ... http://tinyurl.com/yec4x7y
Comic Critics #111!
Here is the latest installment of the Comic Critics strip, courtesy of Sean Whitmore (writer) and Brandon Hanvey (artist)! You can check out the first hundred and ten strips at the archive here and you can read more about Sean and Brandon at the Comic Critics blog.
Let us know what you think, either here [...] http://tinyurl.com/yfomjk2
Let us know what you think, either here [...] http://tinyurl.com/yfomjk2
Tim Seeley?s WildCats character designs: Hawksmoor
[Editor’s Note: Artist Tim Seeley shares his approach to drawing WSU characters for his current run on WildCATS.]
I was pretty conflicted on this one. Honestly, I wouldn’t have changed Hawksmoor at all. But, the storyline had him being resusciated by contact with Gammorra, the last “living” city, so the idea is that he’d pick up [...] http://tinyurl.com/ygrutma
I was pretty conflicted on this one. Honestly, I wouldn’t have changed Hawksmoor at all. But, the storyline had him being resusciated by contact with Gammorra, the last “living” city, so the idea is that he’d pick up [...] http://tinyurl.com/ygrutma
A quick chat with Angela Rufino
I’ve been asking a few of the editors about their time here at Vertigo. You’ve seen pieces by Will Dennis, Mark Doyle, Jonathan Vankin and now Angela Rufino is on deck.
PM: What was the first Vertigo book you read?
AR: HELLBLAZER was a game-changer for me. Also, John Constantine did the impossible: make magicians cool. Hell, [...] http://bit.ly/9RS8Gc
PM: What was the first Vertigo book you read?
AR: HELLBLAZER was a game-changer for me. Also, John Constantine did the impossible: make magicians cool. Hell, [...] http://bit.ly/9RS8Gc
Following the decision that occurred in JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE and the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE RISE AND FALL SPECIAL #1, the World’s Greatest Heroes must come to terms with who they are and what they represent. Meanwhile, an all-new danger threatens the existence of everything past and present in the exciting finale [...] http://tinyurl.com/ycjzsh8
Jane Espenson, Brett Matthews, Jose Molina, Ben Edlund To Write New Firefly Stories For Titan
Titan Books have confirmed previously rumoured details of their upcoming title, Firefly: Still Flying featuring a nostalgic look back on the Firefly TV show and the Serenity movie spinoff.
But this will also include new Firefly ... http://tinyurl.com/ykf4lhp
But this will also include new Firefly ... http://tinyurl.com/ykf4lhp
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 87
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...] http://tinyurl.com/ydo3odp
Today [...] http://tinyurl.com/ydo3odp
Monday Runaround ? Wossy In The Saddle
DenialWatch: “I know a lot of people think I’m this comic-book nut but that’s not really the case” – Nicolas Cage.
TributeWatch: Liverpool Daily Post remembers John Hinckleman and Dick Giordano.
CapWatch: This is a not an ... http://tinyurl.com/yfg4fjy
TributeWatch: Liverpool Daily Post remembers John Hinckleman and Dick Giordano.
CapWatch: This is a not an ... http://tinyurl.com/yfg4fjy
Candle-Lit Vigil Held For Frank Frazetta, Cease-Fire Announced
Bleeding Cool has run a number of reports on the Ghost Of Ellie blog, and its allegation on behalf of members of Frank Frazetta Sr’s family that he is being held against his will by ... http://tinyurl.com/yfx78og
Diamond's Bill Schanes On Promoting IDW
After their unprecedented move to promote IDW Publishing to Premier Publisher, Diamond's VP of Purchasing Bill Schanes tells CBR what specific business practices helped the company move to the front of Previews and more. http://tinyurl.com/ydq6vec
Are comics the last hope for boys?
Why are comics such a boys club? is a familiar complaint in comics circles. Examples of how mainstream comics seemingly go out of their way to alienate women readers, and reinforce insensitive handling of female characters (the famous "Women in refrigerators" thesis) are easy to come by, and easy to scorn.
But while we're quite sympathetic to these complaints, and are often found lodging them ourselves, a recent study suggests that comics may very well be one of the last bastions of male literacy.
http://tinyurl.com/ybxa845Xia Da ? Confucius Didn?t Say I?m A Schoolgirl
A young Chinese comics artist has become very popular in Japan – and oh dear me, I know I’m barging right into cultural stereotypes here, but here we go – because she’s a schoolgirl.
Xia ... http://tinyurl.com/ye3utwq
Xia ... http://tinyurl.com/ye3utwq
Peter Kuper’s ALICE
We ran into artist Peter Kuper at the BLAB! show at Society of Illustrators the other night and he was carrying a copy of his new book, Alicia en el PaÃs de las Maravillas. It’s a Mexican edition of ALICE IN WONDERLAND, published by Sexto Piso (who also published his lovely Diario de Oaxaca.) Kuper [...] http://tinyurl.com/yzkb9by
Comics creators riding shotgun
Seen via Robot 6 this photo of Tommy Lee Edwards and Jonathan Ross promoting their upcoming mini series TURF by with patrolling or terrorizing the countryside of North Carolina..
Surely The Beat canoot be the only person reminded of the classic faux headline from EXTRAS: “Wossy goes widey with fweind.”
TURF hits stores next month.
[...] http://tinyurl.com/ycutgrk
Surely The Beat canoot be the only person reminded of the classic faux headline from EXTRAS: “Wossy goes widey with fweind.”
TURF hits stores next month.
[...] http://tinyurl.com/ycutgrk
Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh #41: Why Politicians Shouldn?t Watch Anime
Not a lot I felt like spending an entire column on this week. Topics linger in my notes like Miyamoto Musashi in pop culture, Tsukasa Hojo’s transvestite sitcom manga F-COMPO, the sociopolitical nuances of ... http://tinyurl.com/yzv2lyt
Three Swipes On A Monday Morning
1. Activision.
When making images to market your games, you can use computers to generate characters from the games. Or if the images in Ultimate Alliance 2 just don’t look good enough, you can Photoshop on ... http://tinyurl.com/yfrj324
When making images to market your games, you can use computers to generate characters from the games. Or if the images in Ultimate Alliance 2 just don’t look good enough, you can Photoshop on ... http://tinyurl.com/yfrj324
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