Preview of Kevin Smith's Green Hornet #2 published by Dynamite Entertainment. On sale 3/31/2010.
giovedì 25 marzo 2010
Preview PUNISHER 15, SHE-HULK SENSATIONAL #1, X-MEN FOREVER 20, shipping from Marvel Comics Mar 31, 2010
Preview CLOAK & DAGGER #1, FANTASTIC FOUR 577, and REALM OF KINGS: INHUMANS #5, shipping from Marvel Comics Mar 31, 2010
Preview X-FORCE 25, NEW MUTANTS 11, and X-MEN: SECOND COMING #1, shipping from Marvel Comics Mar 31, 2010
Preview WOLVERINE ORIGINS 46 and DARK WOLVERINE 84, shipping from Marvel Comics Mar 31, 2010
Preview: X-Men Forever
Mysteries continue to mount regarding the 'mutant burnout' phenomena and the shadowy organization known only as the 'Consortium'. After ferreting out a complex network of double-agents infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury is left with only one choice: to infiltrate the Consortium himself. With a team of X-Men behind him, the Consortium is about to get hit by Hurricane Nicholas! Don't miss a minute of the heart-pounding action from comics icon CHRIS CLAREMONT!
Marvel Comics On Sale March 31, 2010
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, CBR brings you advance looks at new comics on sale next Wednesday, March 31, including "Cloak and Dagger" #1, "Dark Wolverine" 84, "She-Hulk Sensational," and more!
Preview: The Flash: Secret Files and Origins 2010
Flash Facts! In the aftermath of BLACKEST NIGHT and THE FLASH: REBIRTH comes the beginning of a new era for Barry Allen and the deadly Rogues! As Barry readjusts to life again, strange happenings explode across Central City that will lead to one of the most bizarre murder mysteries Barry will ever face in the upcoming THE FLASH #1! Plus, don't miss Wally West, Kid Flash, Gorilla Grodd and a cold case that will send The Flash down a path unlike any other. Run – don't walk – to pick it up!
DC Comics Gunning For Direct Market Top Spot
I recently wrote that there was a policy change at DC Comics. That DC editors were being given the go ahead to greenlight projects far quicker and easier than previously, and that the traditional bottleneck ...
Jonathan Hicklenton?s 100 Months To be Published Posthumously
The front cover to Jonathan Hicklenton’s posthumous graphic novel, 100 Months. And the back cover too.
2000AD Hicklenton finished the project before his death last week, after living with multiple sclerosis for decades, and it is ...
2000AD Hicklenton finished the project before his death last week, after living with multiple sclerosis for decades, and it is ...
Kick Ass Tracking Relatively Low?
While the tabloid press in the UK are finding little to talk about that isn’t Kick-Ass, in the US it’s a different story. Despite very positive geek-coverage, mainstream tracking is low, below another movie released ...
Reed Swings with Spider-Man
CBR spoke with Brian Reed about his "Siege: Spider-Man" one-shot and his "Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son" miniseries which will follow the adventures of Harry Osborn in a post-Dark Reign Marvel Universe.
Battle for the Immortal Soil of Comic-Con International expands
On the San Diego Comic-Con front, things just keep getting hotter and hotter. Not only is today the day that hotel reservations have to be paid for or surrendered, but dueling Facebook pages have been launched to showcase potential future home of the one the call "Con!"
You'll recall that several cities are vying for the San Diego Comic-Con-- or as it's more accurately known, Comic-Con International: San Diego. See if they move it, they even have a name for it. A lack of space in the convention center and surrounding hotels has the folks who run CCI seriously looking at other venues for when their contract runs out in 2012.
How to Cast Your Dragon
The voice talent of DreamWorks' upcoming "How To Train Your Dragon" sat down to discuss their contribution to the film, the challenge of performing with only a voice, the careful use of Scottish accents and more.
Best Shots Rapid Reviews: GREEN LANTERN, NEW AVENGERS, More
The Best Shots team has their round of pellet reviews on this week's new releases
Mike Dawson goes to Summer Camp (Blog@Newsarama)
Cartoonist Mike Dawson (Freddie & Me) is trading in his sequined rock star outfits for boy scout colors in his new webcomic series Troup 142. The comic, which has been serialized for a few months now,follows the fictitious Boy Scout Troop 142 as they spend the week at summer camp. And if you’ve ever been [...]
“Mysterius might blow your head off … or at least infect it with laughter”
WIRED has posted a great interview with Mysterius the Unfathomable’s writer, Jeff Parker - you can read it here. The other half of the wildly talented Mysterius team, artist Tom Fowler, speaks to esteemed science fiction author John Scalzi over on his Whatever blog.
The trade paperback (now available all over the place) has been finding [...]
The trade paperback (now available all over the place) has been finding [...]
Preview: Hate Annual
Hate Annual #8 features a whopping new 20 page Buddy Bradley story where Lisa (everyone’s favorite psycho!) makes her first foray into show biz and gets way more than she bargained for! This issue of P. Bagge’s annual Hate also features strips compiled from his Discover Magazine gig: 5 biographies of scientists you’ve never heard of! — other than maybe Walter Reed, who’s well known only for that hell of a hospital named after him, and not for the handy yet forgotten fact that he discovered how malaria is spread... All that and many other odds and ends from hither and tither (see below for details). Why love when you can Hate!
Editor's note for this issue: All material written and drawn by Peter Bagge, except for “Confessions of a Hardened Book Festival Attendee,” written and © 2010 by James Whorton, Jr., which originally appeared in the Oxford American. Thanks to Mr. Whorton for reprint permission. The “Reefer Madness Madness” strip originally appeared on TCM Underground’s “Lost Scenes” website; thanks to John Miller. The various “Scientist” one-page strips originally appeared in Discover Magazine; thanks to Corey S. Powell. “At the End of the Day” originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times. The “Alien Family” strips originally accompanied a set of gumball machine toys P. Bagge designed for Sony.
Editor's note for this issue: All material written and drawn by Peter Bagge, except for “Confessions of a Hardened Book Festival Attendee,” written and © 2010 by James Whorton, Jr., which originally appeared in the Oxford American. Thanks to Mr. Whorton for reprint permission. The “Reefer Madness Madness” strip originally appeared on TCM Underground’s “Lost Scenes” website; thanks to John Miller. The various “Scientist” one-page strips originally appeared in Discover Magazine; thanks to Corey S. Powell. “At the End of the Day” originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times. The “Alien Family” strips originally accompanied a set of gumball machine toys P. Bagge designed for Sony.
The Buy Pile - Thursday, Mar 25th
There are weeks when you love comics...and weeks you just kind of slough through it. Unfortunately, this week is the latter. Event comics may make legends in their own mind, but in the trenches it's just the facts.
VIDEO: "Iron Man: Extremis" Motion Comic Trailer
Marvel Comics has released the first trailer for "Iron Man: Extremis," the publisher's latest motion comic endeavor which will adapt the popular Warren Ellis and Adi Granov storyline.
REVIEW: "The Incredibles" #7
Chad Nevett reviewed the latest issue of BOOM! Studios "The Incredibles" and gave the Mark Waid/Landry Walker co-scripted comic 4 stars saying it "manages to combine old fashioned superhero fun with modern sensibilities."
Matt Fraction & John Romita Jr. talk to about their Iron Man/Thor special
SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD Trailer: An Epic Epic of Epicness
Scott Pilgrim is ready to take on the world, or at least Ramona's seven evil exes, and we have the first trailer here! In Theaters August 13, 2010
WORLD OF HURT ? ?The Thrill-Seekers? ? Episode 35 (Blog@Newsarama)
WORLD OF HURT – The Thrill-Seekers – Episode 35: “Fire and Desire” It’s good to be back on the brand-spanking new Blog@Newsarama! You may not see the changes from your end, but let me tell, you dear reader, the upgrades they made behind the scenes are hotter than fish grease. I was pretty nervous about the response I [...]
Siege #3 Post-Game with Brian Bendis
The writer of SIEGE discusses the third issue of the event that's rocking the Avengers' world in 2010! | Views: 1 0 ratings | |
Time: 03:02 | More in Entertainment |
Guardians of the Globe Introduces Yeti
Image Comics' eclectic Guardians of the Globe roster just went mythological with the introduction of Yeti to Robert Kirkman's "Invincible" spin-off miniseries, which will hit stores in August.
Universal released a bunch of Scott Pilgrim stills to go along with the trailer today, so here ya go — click for larger versions. (Yes a few have been seen before but now they are all in ONE PLACE!)
How about some Ed Benes BIRDS OF PREY art?
We’ve shown only covers so far from the upcoming BIRDS OF PREY series, coming your way in May from writer Gail Simone and artist Ed Benes. It’s high time to remedy that. Click below for a few black and white pages from the first issue.
Meet The Losers: Zoe Saldana
As the tattooed Aisha, Zoe Saldana brings an uncompromising tough girl take to the Losers' female team member and spoke with CBR about clashing with Morgan's Clay, taking on stunts and the future of "Star Trek."
Meet The Losers: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
The man behind The Comedian sinks his teeth into a new comic book role as Jeffrey Dean Morgan leads the Losers as Clay, a man out for revenge, talks the next comic character he wants to play and more.
Meet The Losers: Chris Evans
Before signing on to play Captain America, the actor best known as Johnny Storm sat down on the set of "The Losers" to talk cracking wise as computer hacker Jensen, what it was like working on "Scott Pilgrim" and more.
CBR Visits "The Losers"
Director Sylvain White, actor Columbus Short and others took CBR on a tour of the set for "The Losers," showing us the explosions, foul-mouthed camaraderie and more involved in adapting the acclaimed Vertigo title.
DC/Marvel Character Tourney Bronze Age Region, Round 3
The third round of voting begins now!
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 72 hours (three days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll [...]
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 72 hours (three days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll [...]
DC/Marvel Character Tourney Silver Age Region, Round 3
The third round of voting begins now!
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 72 hours (three days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll [...]
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 72 hours (three days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll [...]
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World trailer is unleashed (Blog@Newsarama)
And DAMN is it cool. I know Michael Cera has sort of found a niche playing these awkward teen roles, but at the same time, I see him taking this role to the next level. I have to be honest, I didn’t know that much about Scott Pilgrim until right before the movie was announced, but [...]
ANNATAZ SI GNIMOC! Luap Inid dna Enahpets Xuor –dedia yb Lrak Yrots– era gnikrow rehtegot ot evig eht naicigam reh nwo ylhtnom gniogno seires! Ev’yeht neeb gnikrow no reh koob rednu eht radar rof etiuq emos emit won, tub ti si ynallif ydaer rof nehw Yam sllor dnuora! A taerg esirprus rof eht elddim fo [...]
Exclusive Marvel Preview - PRELUDE TO DEADPOOL CORPS #5
We close out our weekly exclusive previews of the limited series with a look at next week's final issue
Number Crunching: Nemesis #1
Name: Millar & McNiven’s Nemesis
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Issue number: 1
Cost: $2.99
That’s nice. Story pages: 23
Of which how many are splash pages: 3
Average panel count per page: 3.17
Pages where there is even one vertical panel break. 1
Does ...
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Issue number: 1
Cost: $2.99
That’s nice. Story pages: 23
Of which how many are splash pages: 3
Average panel count per page: 3.17
Pages where there is even one vertical panel break. 1
Does ...
The Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Trailer. And It Rocks.
See? Us Brits don’t get to gloat tomorrow after seeing this before the release of the Kick-Ass movie. Here is the trailer to Scott Pilgrim Vs The World…. for the world. Enjoy.
Dynamite and Liquid launch Grant Morrison’s 18 Days
Proving the law of physics that states that matter and Grant Morrison projects cannot truly be destroyed, only transferred from one publisher to another, Liquid has teamed with Dynamite, and Morrison's "Mahabharata" project -- announced a few years ago with now defunct Virgin Comics -- will be seeing print as an "illustrated script book" entitled 18 Days .... The original -- a classic Indian myth telling of three great warriors and their cataclysmic battles -- is the world's longest epic poem at more than 1.8 millions words, so there was certainly a lot of source material.
...Combined with the visual spectacle of Mukesh Singh's artwork, this is a book that goes beyond myth, beyond generations and beyond borders, transcending the story's origins and showing the world a dynamic new vision of gods and war,” Liquid’s CEO, Sharad Devarajan commented, “Dynamite is the ideal partner to help us bring this book to all fans of comics, pop culture and myth."
...Morrison has long had an interest in Indian myths -- see much of the Invisibles -- and he and Deepak Chopra appeared on a panel together at San Diego in 2008 to tak about aspects of the project.
...Combined with the visual spectacle of Mukesh Singh's artwork, this is a book that goes beyond myth, beyond generations and beyond borders, transcending the story's origins and showing the world a dynamic new vision of gods and war,” Liquid’s CEO, Sharad Devarajan commented, “Dynamite is the ideal partner to help us bring this book to all fans of comics, pop culture and myth."
...Morrison has long had an interest in Indian myths -- see much of the Invisibles -- and he and Deepak Chopra appeared on a panel together at San Diego in 2008 to tak about aspects of the project.
DC/Marvel Character Tourney Bronze Age Region, Round 2 Winners!
Here are the winners for the second round of the Bronze Age Region!
Out of 1,280 votes, the results were...
1. Wolverine (Logan) 762 60%
8. Iron Fist 518 40%
Out of 1,270 votes, the results were...
5. White Queen (Emma Frost) 693 55%
13. Colossus 577 45%
Out of 1,290 votes, the results were...
6. Darkseid 767 59% [...]
Out of 1,280 votes, the results were...
1. Wolverine (Logan) 762 60%
8. Iron Fist 518 40%
Out of 1,270 votes, the results were...
5. White Queen (Emma Frost) 693 55%
13. Colossus 577 45%
Out of 1,290 votes, the results were...
6. Darkseid 767 59% [...]
DC/Marvel Character Tourney Silver Age Region, Round 2 Winners!
Here are the winners for the second round of the Silver Age Region!
Out of 1,256 votes, the results were...
1. Spider-Man (Peter Parker) 822 65%
9. Thor 434 35%
Out of 1,249 votes, the results were...
5. Doctor Doom 742 59%
4. Daredevil 507 41%
Out of 1,257 votes, the results were...
3. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) 703 [...]
Out of 1,256 votes, the results were...
1. Spider-Man (Peter Parker) 822 65%
9. Thor 434 35%
Out of 1,249 votes, the results were...
5. Doctor Doom 742 59%
4. Daredevil 507 41%
Out of 1,257 votes, the results were...
3. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) 703 [...]
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