<p>Comic Book Resources staff writer Alex Dueben emcees <a href="http://ping.fm/snKXr rel="external" target="_blank">a great in-depth interview</a> with <strong>JD Arnold</strong> and <strong>Rich Koslowski</strong>, creators of the upcoming blues/racism/revenge thriller <strong><a href="http://ping.fm/JYzOp WOLF AND THE THREE LPs</a></strong>! Find out how the JD's script and Rich's art made "a story that is so familiar" into something "as moving and powerful as this book is," and find out why Alex calls it "one of the best graphic novels of the year and a must read for any comics fan!" <a href="http://ping.fm/kZhzc rel="external" target="_blank">Click here to read the interview!</a>
venerdì 2 aprile 2010
The King is dead! Long live the King!
Let me shed some more light on what was just announced at WonderCon today: ALL STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER — the landmark hit series from the superstar team of writer Frank Miller and artist Jim Lee — has ceased publication.
But that’s not the news here. [...] http://tinyurl.com/ygu9nj5
Let me shed some more light on what was just announced at WonderCon today: ALL STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER — the landmark hit series from the superstar team of writer Frank Miller and artist Jim Lee — has ceased publication.
But that’s not the news here. [...] http://tinyurl.com/ygu9nj5
We have arrived!
The lovely Christine shows off our full set up at Wondercon. A little late today but ready to rock & roll!
Filip Sablik www.topcow.com
Filip Sablik www.topcow.com
Marvel Sends Letter To Creators About Apple iPad Urging They Stay Positive
Well, Marvel made it all official like. I understand a number of Marvel freelancers received e-mails concerning the news.
Dear Marvel Creators,
Today, Friday April 2nd, we’re pleased to announce the Marvel Comics ... http://tinyurl.com/yjzn4gm
Dear Marvel Creators,
Today, Friday April 2nd, we’re pleased to announce the Marvel Comics ... http://tinyurl.com/yjzn4gm
The Daily Mail Reviews Kick-Ass
The most reactionary of the British newspapers, whose editor once stated that if you didn’t hate something or someone at the end of reading one of its article then it had failed, has finally reviewed ... http://tinyurl.com/ykqmst9
The most reactionary of the British newspapers, whose editor once stated that if you didn’t hate something or someone at the end of reading one of its article then it had failed, has finally reviewed ... http://tinyurl.com/ykqmst9
The view from WonderCon
As you may have gathered, after our travel day yesterday, we’re currently in San Francisco for the annual WonderCon Convention which kicked off about 45 minutes ago. This was a last minute trip arranged as a sort of junket by the convention itself. In all the hubbub over whether San Diego is staying in San [...] http://tinyurl.com/ykdv2bp
earth-dc santa
Geoff Johns just announced the Larfleeze Christmas Special, which seems to depend on the non-existence of Santa — but I thought Santa joined the JLA a few years back?
WONDER CON '10: Spotlight on GEOFF JOHNS Panel LIVE!
2010's WONDER CON kicks off on Day 1 with a LIVE! report from the GEOFF JOHNS Spotlight program
Cup O' Joe - Siege Sales, Marvelman, Cap Casting & iPadding
Marvel Comics EiC Joe Quesada is back for an all-new CUP O' JOE with answers to some of the hottest topics in Marveldom, from the long search to find a screen Steve Rogers to Marvel on the iPad and more! http://tinyurl.com/yehc4nx
Rick Remender On "Fear Agent's" Final Arc
"Fear Agent" returns in July for a final five-issue storyline and CBR spoke with Rick Remender about wrapping up his Dark Horse series with the perception-bending "Out of Step" arc announced today at WonderCon. http://tinyurl.com/ydqqn77
2010's WONDER CON kicks off on Day 1 with a LIVE! report from the DARK HORSE COMICS panel
BIRDS OF PREY #1 — minus the shadows
With BLACKEST NIGHT #8 out and in the world and WonderCon upon us, why not remove some of those pesky shadows from the first cover of BIRDS OF PREY #1? Enjoy.
Preview: Turf
New York, 1929. The height of prohibition. The cops turn a blind eye while the mobs run the city, dealing in guns, girls and illegal liquor. But the arrival of the mysterious Dragonmir Family from Eastern Europe with more of a taste for blood then booze co-incides with a series of brutal attacks on the gangsters themselves. As the gangs fall before the fangs, only handful of mobsters survive. But an unlikely alliance formed between tough guy Eddie Falco and a character from a LONG way from New York City – a long way from Earth in fact - offers the humans a glimmer of hope. As the strong willed young reporter Susie Dale from the Gotham Herald tries to survive in the middle of the maelstrom, and an ancient prophecy unfolds, no one can guess who’s going to win the battle for this particular slice of Turf.
Courtesy of Image Comics, CBR presents an exclusive 9-page preview of the highly anticipate "Turf" #1 by Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards. The issue hits stores next Wednesday, April 7. http://tinyurl.com/y8t7grf
Almost there!
The traffic leading to the Bay Bridge on this cloudy Friday.
Filip Sablik www.twitter.com/topcow
Filip Sablik www.twitter.com/topcow
Comic Book Legends Revealed!
In honor of his nomination for the Eisner Hall of Fame, CBLR devotes a whole week of legends to the late, great Steve Gerber, including the story of how Gerber and Frank Miller almost came to reboot DC's "Trinity" during the 80s! http://tinyurl.com/y9sqpew
early ethan van sciver
EVS' stories of his embryonic comics days are pretty funny — airbrushing T-shirts at the mall, giving away Cyberfrog issues at the county fair, getting an inking job because the regular inker was in jail.
The Matt Smith DR WHO era begins
Reminder: Season One/Season 31 of DR WHO (exec producer Steven Moffat says don’t call it Season Five) with Matt Smith starting his tenure as the 11th Doctor begins Saturday on the BBC. “The Eleventh Hour” will debut in the US on BBC America two weeks later, on April 17th. Karen Gillen also debuts as the [...] http://tinyurl.com/ylc58l3
A little something to do after WonderCon today at the Embarcadero / Justin Herman Plaza at 6:30
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Comic Book Legends Revealed #254
Welcome to the two-hundred and fifty-fourth in a series of examinations of comic book legends and whether they are true or false. Click here for an archive of the previous two hundred and fifty-three.
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...] http://tinyurl.com/yavfghd
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...] http://tinyurl.com/yavfghd
Exclusive Dark Horse Presents: BRODY'S GHOST Chapter 4
It's the full final chapter of Brody's Ghost from MySpace Dark Horse Presents, plus an announcement about the story!
Dick Giordano: Memories of a Legend
Marc Patten recalls his personal history with the former DC Executive Editor, from Giordano's creative work to watching him build the modern industry as well as recounting the creation of Charlton's Action Hero line. http://tinyurl.com/yfkx9vr
War Of The Marvels ? As Seen On The Subway
Well, public transport provides another tip this week, papers seen on New York subway’s B-Train revealing an upcoming series War Of The Marvels. Including Captain Marvel fighting hell itself, a look at exactly ... http://tinyurl.com/yaneawd
Doctorow’s iPad dissent
While most people are counting the seconds to getting their hands on an iPad the way Peter Griffin counts the seconds to his next beer, SF author and Boing Boing blogger Cory Doctorow fires a shot across the bows with Why I won’t buy an iPad (and think you shouldn’t, either):
Danny O’Brien does a [...] http://tinyurl.com/yfogbr9
Danny O’Brien does a [...] http://tinyurl.com/yfogbr9
Chris Evans Officially Announced as Captain America
On the heels of last nights announcement regarding the casting of Bucky, Marvel Studios has officially confirmed that Chris Evans will be wielding the shield in "The First Avenger: Captain America." http://tinyurl.com/ykud5v3
DC Confirms Neal Adams? Batman Odyssey
The DCU Blog states “We’ve heard rumblings about this project for some time” – that’s one way of putting it.
DC To Announce Batman: The Odyssey by Neal Adams?
Two Pages Of Neal Adams’ Batman: The ... http://tinyurl.com/yb5zao2
DC To Announce Batman: The Odyssey by Neal Adams?
Two Pages Of Neal Adams’ Batman: The ... http://tinyurl.com/yb5zao2
Day before iPad news round-up
As the Future of All Media approaches tomorrow with the launch of the iPad, it’s becoming clear that plenty of comics apps will be at the railing waving back to the mainland as the ship sets sail. Here’s what we’ve seen so far. (Click for larger versions of screenshots so you can go over every [...] http://tinyurl.com/yczdv3p
WionderCon additions
A few people we didn’t link to the first time who are here at WonderCon taht you should check out:
• Man of Action: all four members of Man of Action – Joe Casey, Stephen T. Seagle, Duncan Rouleau, and Joe Kelly – at Image Comics booth 407 and announcing their new Image projects.
• Archaia [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8nzhy3
• Man of Action: all four members of Man of Action – Joe Casey, Stephen T. Seagle, Duncan Rouleau, and Joe Kelly – at Image Comics booth 407 and announcing their new Image projects.
• Archaia [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8nzhy3
Wolfman Becomes the GOD OF WAR For WildStorm
Kratos and his Greek Pantheon of Gods have made the jump from games to comics. Writer Marv Wolfman chats about the book
Rob Zombie Wonders "Whatever Happened To Baron Von Shock?"
CBR spoke with Zombie and his collaborators about his latest comic book series centered on the sudden rise and fall of television star Baron Von Shock and his journey to reclaim control over his life. http://tinyurl.com/ygay8zh
Prince Of Persia: Put Out The Graphic Novel? Then Serialise It In Comics?
It is an oddity. Bleeding Cool first reported on the Prince Of Persia: Before The Sandstorm prelude comic book coming out soon from Dynamite, but there is a little wrinkle.
The graphic novel, Prince Of Persia: ... http://tinyurl.com/yc92jhb
The graphic novel, Prince Of Persia: ... http://tinyurl.com/yc92jhb
What to do this weekend: WONDER CON IN SAN FRANCISCO
Greetings DC Nation! Are you ready for WonderCon? We’re so ready to go that I took a practice run to the airport this morning and then I held a rehearsal DC Universe panel on the street in front of our offices. We are THAT ready. From April 2-4 we will be at [...] http://tinyurl.com/yem5m43
Thor, Green Lantern, Captain America: Apr 2nd Comic Reel
Director Kenneth Branagh talks "Thor." Expect "a lot of aliens" in "Green Lantern." The face of "Frst Avenger's" Bucky Barnes revealed. Also, "Iron Man 2" site opens and more. http://tinyurl.com/ycvlcdd
DC & GEOFF JOHNS Reveals BRIGHTEST DAY Line-Up, New Details
DC's "The Source" is showing off what looks like several house ads for the upcoming BRIGHTEST DAY event, along with comments by Geoff Johns
DC & GEOFF JOHNS Reveals BRIGHTEST DAY Line-Up, New Details
DC's "The Source" is showing off what looks like several house ads for the upcoming BRIGHTEST DAY event, along with comments by Geoff Johns
THE LOSERS Hits the NYT Bestseller List!
Soon to be a motion picture, THE LOSERS Vol. 1&2 hits the NEW YORK TIMES Paperback Graphic Book Bestseller List! Collecting Volume 1: Ante Up and Volume 2: Double Down (issues #1-12) of the groundbreaking, Eisner-nominated Vertigo series this 304-page paperback by Andy Diggle features art by Jock and Shawn Martinbrough.
THE LOSERS hits theaters April [...] http://bit.ly/aTOIlG
THE LOSERS hits theaters April [...] http://bit.ly/aTOIlG
ComiXology?s iPad Comics Reader App ? In Pictures
ComiXology has announced their Comics by comiXology App for the Apple iPad, and are claiming it has the largest library of comics in the device, with 1300 books from 30 publishers, including 150 you get ... http://tinyurl.com/ycwh7x2
It's arguably the worst-kept comic book secret the last 3 years, and today it's finally official
Neal Adams Talks "Batman: Odyssey"
In his first interview on the long-awaited project, legendary cartoonist Neal Adams describes what brought him back to the Dark Knight, how his storytelling and collaborative skills will be put to the test and why long-form comics rule. http://tinyurl.com/ycs8fqd
Swipe File: Watchmen And Royal Armour
I saw this ad on the tube yesterday. And no I didn’t see an example of royal armour staring out of me, part of the new exhibition at the Tower Of London. No, I saw ... http://tinyurl.com/ybasalm
We’ve heard rumblings about this project for some time, but we can now make it official: Legendary comic book creator Neal Adams will be returning to Batman in 2010.
BATMAN: ODYSSEY, a 12-part mini-series launching in July, brings Adams back to the character he helped redefine. Adams’ energetic, realistic and sweeping style is both timeless and [...] http://tinyurl.com/ya2844a
BATMAN: ODYSSEY, a 12-part mini-series launching in July, brings Adams back to the character he helped redefine. Adams’ energetic, realistic and sweeping style is both timeless and [...] http://tinyurl.com/ya2844a
Marvel iPad App Confirmed, Details Revealed
Marvel has confirmed their iPad App, and revealed the details behind the device's comic reader
Will French Creators Go On Strike Over Digital Rights
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported on current unrest in the Franco-Belgian comic creator community over the launch of new digital comics services that allow people to “rent” comics online for a much smaller fee than purchasing ... http://tinyurl.com/ydeshdh
Neal Adams on Batman
We’ve heard rumblings about this project for some time, but we can now make it official: Legendary comic book creator Neal Adams will be returning to Batman in 2010.
BATMAN: ODYSSEY, a 12-part mini-series launching in July, brings Adams back to the character he helped redefine. Adams’ energetic, realistic and [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8h2362
We’ve heard rumblings about this project for some time, but we can now make it official: Legendary comic book creator Neal Adams will be returning to Batman in 2010.
BATMAN: ODYSSEY, a 12-part mini-series launching in July, brings Adams back to the character he helped redefine. Adams’ energetic, realistic and [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8h2362
Indie Month-to-Month Sales: February 2010
By Matthew Murray
The big news this month is that IDW have become a premier publisher. I would include the percentages of the market various companies have, except there’s a fairly big error in the chart this month.
Other than massive errors, Buffy sees a small rise thanks to Brad Meltzer coming on as writer and the [...] http://tinyurl.com/yelhye3
The big news this month is that IDW have become a premier publisher. I would include the percentages of the market various companies have, except there’s a fairly big error in the chart this month.
Other than massive errors, Buffy sees a small rise thanks to Brad Meltzer coming on as writer and the [...] http://tinyurl.com/yelhye3
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 91
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...] http://tinyurl.com/y9v7kmd
Today [...] http://tinyurl.com/y9v7kmd
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