lunedì 1 marzo 2010
Barks, Peanuts, Umbrella Academy
Dark Horse is planning new collectible releases in its Barks, Peanuts, and Umbrella Academy lines.
We spoke to Steve Horvath, FFG’s VP of Marketing Communications, about the company’s new campaign to explain its LCG game format.
Peter Parker’s Unemployed
Peter Parker is becoming unemployed in Amazing Spider-Man 623,�and the media appears to be picking up on it.�
Reed Sells 'LJ,' 'SLJ'
Reed Elsevier has sold Library Journal and School Library Journal to Media Source, a roll-up funded by Riverside Company.
Mugwhump The Great UPDATE 03/2/2010
Roger Langridge updated Mugwhump The Great.
CBR Review: Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk, issue 2
Red Hulk and Thundra go over their shared and convoluted history.
Global Freezing Strip 0075 (Blog@Newsarama)
Find out more about Global Freezing here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or at
POW! BOOM! STAN LEE Overseeing 3 New Superhero Titles!
POW! Entertainment and BOOM! Studios, the most natural team-up in comics history, is bringing new Stan Lee helmed comics
Marvel Hotline: Jeanine Schaefer
Editor Jeanine Schaefer discusses GIRL COMICS #1, on sale March 3, 2010! | Views: 0 0 ratings | |
Time: 01:54 | More in Entertainment |
BRAD, BUFFY & the BIG BAD: Meltzer Talks Twilight Reveal
Bestselling author & comic book writer Brad Meltzer talks the reveal of Twilight this week in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Preview: Batman Confidential
The "Ghosts" storyline written and drawn by Sam Kieth continues with part 3 of 4! Batman and Callie become closer as they literally share their troubles when Batman goes blind! And the creature they're fighting continues taking the two down memory lane. But can either Batman or Callie handle being forced to face the loss of their parents?
When Words Collide - Monday, Mar 1st
Tim wraps up his look at the work of Brian Michael Bendis by reflecting on the Top 10 Bendis Comics of All Time in this week's column. Will "New Avengers" make the final cut? "Jinx"? "Secret War?" What will take the #1 spot?
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEWS: "Batman Confidential," "Milestone Forever"
Courtesy of DC Comics, CBR presents two exclusive previews for title on sale this Wednesday, March 3: Sam Keith's "Batman Confidential" 42 and the second half of "Milestone Forever!"
Best Shots Comic Reviews: JSA, X-MEN LEGACY, More
Tons of comic book reviews from last week's books? Well sure, don't mind if we do!
‘Cutter’ continues in DETECTIVE COMICS #862
Two cases collide as Batman inches closer to finding a missing socialite while Batwoman uncovers a gruesome new villain. All the blood and battling comes courtesy of writer Greg Rucka and artist Jock.
DETECTIVE COMICS 862 hits Wednesday.
DETECTIVE COMICS 862 hits Wednesday.
Gillen gets Mischievous in "Siege: Loki"
In April's "Siege: Loki" one-shot, writer Kieron Gillen delves deep into the psyche of the Asgardian God of Mischief. We spoke with Gillen about examining Loki's motivations for orchestrating the epic Avengers conflict.
Nick Simmons Responds to Plagiarism Charges
Nick Simmons has responded to last week's allegations that he plagiarized plot elements, dialogue, character designs and more from "Bleach" and other popular manga titles in his comic book "Incarnate."
The Pilot Season flies on, and Marc Silvestri & Robert Kirkman take a brief break to chat about the genesis of the project
The political leanings of superhero comics ... revealed!
No, this isn't another post about Captain America 602. It's partly inspired by that, but it's much more far-reaching than that. You recall that every once in a while I like to generalize about comics in such a way that it sends people into paroxysms of rage? Well, here's another one of [...]
BOOM! Studios Titles On Sale March 3, 2010
BOOM! Studios has provided CBR with advance looks at new comics on sale March 3, including "Dingo" #4, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" #9, "The Incredibles" #6, and more!
Who Are The X-Men?
The future of Marvel's merry mutants, already in doubt with the onslaught of "Second Coming," may hold a bloody turn of events as a new teaser from the publisher casts doubt upon the teams makeup and fate in July and on.
Marvel Teaser: WE ARE THE X-MEN
Another Marvel Teaser has hit, going back to the X-Men. This one doesn't say a whole lot, leaving it wide open for speculation
Exclusive IDW Preview - KALUTA & VESS' STARSTRUCK #7
Michael Wm. Kaluta and Charles Vess (along with writer Elaine Lee). Need we say more to get you to check out this exclusive preview
Did Hermione curse Superman?s lawyers? (Blog@Newsarama)
Heidi MacDonald & Graeme MacMillan have raised the pertinent question of what role DC’s new executive team might have played in replacing the company’s outside counsel. As any number of folks have observed, Time Warner’s decision to reorganize DC under the leadership Diane Nelson–who had a proven track of developing another literary property, [...]
David Petersen and the Future of "Mouse Guard"
"Mouse Guard" creator David Petersen spoke with CBR News about "Black Axe" and "Legends of the Guard" while teasing some information about the future of the series and a much-anticipated update on the Mouse Guard film.
CBR Games Roundup: March 2010
The CBR Games Roundup is back again to usher in a new month of video game releases. This month's offerings include "Final Fantasy XIII," "Battlefield: Bad Company 2," a pair of MLB games and "God of War III."
The Muppet Wicker Man Comic
Because some things just need to be read. Read online. And read now. No, I mean now. I don’t care if there’s someone on the phone, if your job depends on that report being done ...
Hands-On Preview: GOD OF WAR 3: Glorious Beautiful Violence
We got an extended look at God of War 3 with some new hints from the developers, and this game will wow you.
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 60
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
She Has No Head! - Marc Andreyko's Manhunter
Some of you who have been paying very close attention to this column might remember that Marc Andreyko offered in the comments section of one my posts to send me the trades of Manhunter so that I could check it out. Well most of the time I'm not a fool, so I took him up [...]
Ultima Thule? Fairy Godmothers?
In CINDERELLA: From Fabletown With Love #5 Cindy and Aladdin head to an obscure Homeland to find out who’s behind the arms trade. There, Cindy must revert to her former days of cleaning house and…wearing clogs? Yes, this is a footwear catastrophe…until a blast from her past appears.
Check out the sneak peek below and pick [...]
Check out the sneak peek below and pick [...]
Samuel L Jackson is excited about his new comic. He talks about what to expect and what inspired him to do it.
Lying In The Gutters ? 1st March 2010
Trying something different with Lying In the Gutters. Mostly cos I was so busy with stories, I missed doing last week’s column. So this week I’m listing a Top Twenty of the most read stories ...
Preview: Flash #1 by Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul
I don”t know what it is but I’m allergic to the DCU Source blog’s choice of laying out preview pages as little thumbnails. It feels counter-intuitive and could even have spoiler issues, in that you ...
Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh#37: Painting Pretty Pictures of Plagiarism
Yeah, yeah, I just can’t resist the alliteration. Nothing like a plagiarism bomb going off in comics to get my snark on, and the case of Nick Simmons’ INCARNATE is a clear and indisputable ...
Preview: Zorro
Zorro continues to wage war and chaos against the bullying oppressors of California, but those in command have had enough of the rogue and plot desperately to destroy him and his crusade once and for all!
The Hundred-Minute War is upon us — but what does it mean for Superman and his allies? Well, a superhuman war fought at superspeed can only mean things will get all the more destructive — and deadly.
But you all know that. You wanna get to the goods — some amazing inked pages from penciller Eddy [...]
But you all know that. You wanna get to the goods — some amazing inked pages from penciller Eddy [...]
Samuel L. Jackson Explores "Cold Space"
Superstar actor Samuel L. Jackson spoke with CBR about “Cold Space,” his new comic series set to debut in April from BOOM! Studios, which he co-wrote with “Afro Samurai” partner Eric Calderon and which features his likeness in the starring role.
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Warner Bros. brings in legal muscle for Superman battle! What triggered $1 million comic sales? Japanese publishers launching three manga magazines for mobile phones! Plus, the lifespans of "Walking Dead" characters!
Peter Parker Becomes Unemployed
Marvel's web-slinging wonder joins the ranks of America's jobless in an upcoming story line that kicks off this week in "Amazing Spider-Man" 623 a revealed in an all-new teaser by Pasqual Ferry.
Exclusive DC Preview - THE GREAT TEN #5
Great Ten leader August General in Iron takes center stage in this week's latest issue, and we have a preview
Top Shelf debuts new website, new books
This morning, indie publisher Top Shelf unveiled a new, more user-friendly website, but they’ve also announced a slew of new books for 2011 and beyond listed below — among the highlights, a two-volume BACCHUS omnibus by Eddie Campbell, the return of Petey and Pussy, and promising work by Jess Fink and Will Dinski.
Five New [...]
Five New [...]
2010 MoCCA programming announced
A panel with Al Jaffee, Jules Feiffer, Arnold Roth and Gahan Wilson may be the highlight — not just of MoCCA but the YEAR — but the rest of the MoCCA Festival’s programming has just been announced at The Daily Crosshatch. In addition to the panels, David Mazzucchelli will be presented with [...]
Check out Reilly Brown?s Harry Potter (Blog@Newsarama)
It looks like you don’t need Hercules or Amadeus Cho to see Reilly Brown make magic. Check out the Harry Potter drawing by the Prince of Power artist, over on his DeviantArt blog. Paging Warner Bros. and Scholastic — can this guy draw the HP comic for real?
Stan Lee to hit the Big Bang Theory (Blog@Newsarama)
For all you fans of the Big Bang Theory, be prepared to geek out, as the show has an extra-special guest tonight. Via Stan Lee’s Twitter feed: If you have the time and inclination, I suggest you tune in to The Big Bang Theory this very night! Emmy Award judges, take note! Excelsior! Apparently, according to TV Guide, [...]
Read FIRST WAVE #1 with Jim Lee and Geoff Johns
Hopefully all the Friday FIRST WAVE goodness got you excited for the debut issue of the mini-series from writer Brian Azzarello and artist Rags Morales, which is packed with neo-noir action and deftly reimagined icons, including the Bat-Man, Doc Savage and the Spirit.
What could possibly make your reading experience better? How about reading it along [...]
What could possibly make your reading experience better? How about reading it along [...]
Captain America, Justice League, Sin City 2: March 1st Comic Reel
Marvel denies trouble on "Captain America." Rumors surface of a plan for the "Justice League." Robert Rodriguez offers a "maybe" to "Sin City 2." Also, "Tron Legacy" trailer and more.
Giffen & DeMatteis Bring "Bwa-Ha-Ha" to THE AUTHORITY
Keith Giffen & J.M. DeMatteis are reuniting to bring a familiar brand of humor to THE AUTHORITY: THE LOST YEAR
Preview: The Flash
A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in! Get in on the ground floor of DC's next epic in the making! The Flash races out of BLACKEST NIGHT and into his own monthly title as the all-new adventures of The Fastest Man Alive start with "Case One: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues!" Barry Allen runs back to his life in Central City, but when one of the Rogues turns up murdered under mysterious circumstances, it's up to The Flash to not only solve this bizarre crime, but protect those that are still targeted by the elusive killer. Plus, don't miss a peek into the future of the Flash universe in this special, extra-sized starting point issue!
DC Preview: THE FLASH #1 - Johns/Manapul Run Onto The Scene
The Flash is back! We have a full color preview of the first issue, courtesy of DC Comics
Kick off the week with a look at THE FLASH #1
The Flash is back.
Can’t really say how cool it was to just type those words. And it’s really happening, with writer Geoff Johns and artist Francis Manapul uniting to launch Barry Allen into his own monthly series. But coming back may have been the easy part. When one of the Flash’s deadliest foes turns up [...]
Can’t really say how cool it was to just type those words. And it’s really happening, with writer Geoff Johns and artist Francis Manapul uniting to launch Barry Allen into his own monthly series. But coming back may have been the easy part. When one of the Flash’s deadliest foes turns up [...]
PREVIEW: "The Flash" #1
DC Comics' official blog, The Source, has unveiled an advance look at Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul's highly anticipated new series, "The Flash," releasing the first five pages of of the title's first issue set to debut April 14.
Preview: Wizards of Mickey
The epic WIZARDS OF MICKEY tale continues here in its own ongoing series! Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy continue as our magical tale marches onward with wizarding wands and sublime spells aplenty!
Evan Dorkin’s Monsters
A Flickr set of monsters , drawn by Evan Dorkin for his daughter Emily. Above, Mr. Bascomb.
Photo Parade: Oni, Hannigan, Templesmith, etc etc etc
[We welcome links for this feature -- please send your photo links to comicsbeat at Thank you!]
•Anders Nilsen went to Rothenburg’s Kriminalmuseum and Munich’s Altes Pinakothekand took pictrues.
Jamie S. Rich and Diana Schutz spoke to Brian M. Bendis’s comics class. Charlie Chu (recently relocated to Portland as an Oni employee) took pictures.
• [...]
•Anders Nilsen went to Rothenburg’s Kriminalmuseum and Munich’s Altes Pinakothekand took pictrues.
Jamie S. Rich and Diana Schutz spoke to Brian M. Bendis’s comics class. Charlie Chu (recently relocated to Portland as an Oni employee) took pictures.
• [...]
Is “Lost Island” attraction on its way at Disneyland?
Some Lost personnel were just at the Paleyfest yakking about their continuing anxiety over upcoming fan reaction to the final season, and they also let this thrilling news drop:
Since few fans really expected major secrets to creep off the island during this friendly panel, the most exciting bit of news for series fans might be [...]
Since few fans really expected major secrets to creep off the island during this friendly panel, the most exciting bit of news for series fans might be [...]
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 3/1/2010
§ Charles M. Hatfield visited the Crumb’s Genesis art exhibit
Evidence of “mistakes” or second-guessing was pretty minimal, though; Crumb’s facility and focus remain mind-blowing. The underdrawing was completely hidden by his tight inks, and the hypnotic textures of the rendering were, well, just that. What I particularly enjoyed was seeing other viewers — ones unversed [...]
Evidence of “mistakes” or second-guessing was pretty minimal, though; Crumb’s facility and focus remain mind-blowing. The underdrawing was completely hidden by his tight inks, and the hypnotic textures of the rendering were, well, just that. What I particularly enjoyed was seeing other viewers — ones unversed [...]
Review: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Blog@Newsarama)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Written by L. Frank Baum Comic script by Eric Shanower Illustrated by Skottie Young Colored by Jean-Francois Beaulieu Lettered by Jeff Eckleberry Published by Marvel Superb. Really, it’s just superb. I mean, that’s really no surprise. The source material’s strong; I didn’t read it until my mid-20s, so it never had a chance to impact on my [...]
Sir Derek Jacobi And Juliet Stevenson Star In Macbeth: The Motion Comic
Classical Comics, who specialise in adapting Shakespeare plays at graphic novels, in three different levels of text for educationanal purposes, have hired classical Shakespearean Sir Derek Jacobi and Juliet Stevenson to play Macbeth and Lady ...
Zombieland Wins Kick-Ass Little White Lie
Bleeding Cool ran a piece on the Little White Lies competition as part of their Kick-Ass issue, in which people were asked to retell a favourite film in a six panel grid, John Romita Jr ...
And The Award Goes To Monday Runaround
AwardWatch: Graphic novel Tales from Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan has won the Premier Award at the Adelaide Literary Festival, as well as the children’s literature award.
AwardWatch2: Terry Zwigoff, director of Crumb and Bad Santa ...
AwardWatch2: Terry Zwigoff, director of Crumb and Bad Santa ...
The Streets Of San Diablo UPDATE 03/1/2010
Darryl Cunningham updated The Streets Of San Diablo.
Comic Critics #107!
Here is the latest installment of the Comic Critics strip, courtesy of Sean Whitmore (writer) and Brandon Hanvey (artist)! You can check out the first hundred and six strips at the archive here and you can read more about Sean and Brandon at the Comic Critics blog.
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
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