venerdì 22 gennaio 2010
Marvel Unveils "Siege" #3 Deadpool Variant
The publisher gives a first look at the variant offered as part of the much-discussed "cover swap" promotion featuring Deadpool flashing some shiny new rings as drawn by J. Scott Campbell.
Mike Mitchell Is Solidly "With Coco"
On the day fans bid farewell to "The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien," CBR talks to the artist whose "I'm With Coco" painting took the internet by storm, fanning support for the host during the most tumultuous late night TV battle in 17 years.
Chris Staros Talks Capital, Hollywood & More
After the infusion of investment capital to indie comics mainstay Top Shelf Productions, the publisher goes deep into what future film and new media possibilities may be at hand and previews their 2010 comics slate.
So what’s up with Marvel and DC anyway?
Okay it’s a brand new year, and Marvel is now officially part of Disney, and DC is officially not officially doing anything yet. So what’s the word? Here’s the week in leaks and whispers:
MARVEL: A Marvel insider tells us that a few retailers are definitely sending in covers of their Blackest Night tie-ins — one [...]
MARVEL: A Marvel insider tells us that a few retailers are definitely sending in covers of their Blackest Night tie-ins — one [...]
Global Freezing Strip 0059 (Blog@Newsarama)
Find out more about Global Freezing here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or at
Comic Book Legends Revealed
How do the Power Rangers owe a debt to Spider-Man? Did the Batman TV series inspire a Superman musical on Broadway? And who is Rocket Robin Hood and what does he have to do with Spider-Man?
REVIEW: "Starman" #81
CBR's Timothy Callahan reviews "Starman" 81, and likes what he finds, giving the resurrected title 4 stars while saying that "at home in Opal City, even during a particularly black night, James Robinson has returned to form."
"Pop" Rocks! Creators & Editors On POPGUN Volume 4
We talk with some of the creators & editors contributing to this year's edition of the Image anthology POPGUN
Thunderchickens Withdrawn From Zuda ?In Light Of Recent Events?
Bleeding Cool covered some of the local press that the creators of the webcomic Thunderchickens, Chad Boudreau and William Blankenship received before their entry into DC’s webcomic talent show Zuda Comics. And this month it ...
ALA names great graphic novels for teens (Blog@Newsarama)
With all the craziness of this week — that’s right, I’m looking at you, Conan and Martha Coakley — I’ve been catching up on my posting this week, which is why I haven’t been able to give a proper shout-out to this list. Here’s the American Library Association’s Top Ten graphic novels for teens: Hardison, Jim [...]
Comic Book Legends Revealed #244
Welcome to the two-hundred and forty-fourth in a series of examinations of comic book legends and whether they are true or false. Click here for an archive of the previous two hundred and forty-three.
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...]
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...]
Exclusive first look, HOW TO UNDERSTAND ISRAEL IN 60 DAYS OR LESS cover!
Like many bright, young Jewish Americans, Sarah Glidden participated in a Birthright trip to Israel. HOW TO UNDERSTAND ISRAEL IN 60 DAYS OR LESS by Glidden is her first person account of that journey. Here, she questions everything she knows, or thinks she knows, about Israel and being Jewish and everything her tour guides tell [...]
PREVIEW: "Detective Comics" #861
DC Comics has released a preview of next week's "Detective Comics" 861 by the creative team of Greg Rucka, Jock and Cully Hamner with a cover from regular series artist JH Williams III.
Visiting Spencer's "Shuddertown"
The "Existence" and "Forgetless" writer spoke with CBR News about his upcoming Image Comics/Shadowline miniseries, which focuses on a homicide detective investigating murders that are seemingly commited by the dead.
Cho's 50 GIRLS 50 Team Travels Through the Wormhole
Writer Doug Murray and newcomer artist Axel Medellin talk about 50 Girls 50 & what it's like working on a Frank Cho property
BATMAN: THE BRAVE & THE BOLD - "Sidekicks Assemble"
Aqualad, Robin and Speedy have had it with being bossed around and demand a piece of the action, but they get more than they bargained for when they find themselves facing off against Ra's Al-Ghul and his flying island!
Tonight to do, Detroit: Funny (not funny)
Via our email, the opening for what looks like an entertaining show tonight focusing on dark humor, something which I’m sure we all need a bit of these days. Artists include Ivan Brunetti, Lisa Hanawalt, Tom Neely, and Michael Kupperman. Complete list in the jump.
FUNNY (not funny)
Recent Comic Art Exhibiting Signs of Black Humor
Curated [...]
FUNNY (not funny)
Recent Comic Art Exhibiting Signs of Black Humor
Curated [...]
Ted Naifeh wants to draw Batman
Naifeh — (Courtney Crumrin, The Good Neighbors series) wants to draw Batman so he’s put together an online gallery of sketches and samples.
IDW and Desperado to release Tony Harris retrospective (Blog@Newsarama)
IDW and its latest imprint, Desperado, will be releasing a retrospective on the artwork of Tony Harris, called “Tony Harris: Art & Skulduggery”: Ain’t that cover a beaut? Here’s what Desperado founder Joe Pruett had to say on the IDW blog about the Eisner-winning artist of Ex Machina and Starman: “Tony Harris is an important artist in [...]
Movies: Hulk - Planet Hulk: Writer Greg Johnson Talks Hulk! (Marvel)
The scribe returns to a character he's tackled many times during his long association with Marvel Animation.
Toys - Sideshow Bets on Gambit (Marvel)
The statue makers add our favorite Cajun to their Premium Format Figure line.
Preview: Detective Comics
It's double the detectives with Batman and Batwoman in for part one of "Cutter"! Batwoman investigates a string of grisly attacks that have left the victims mutilated, or, worse, dead. But what does this case have to do with the kidnapping of a socialite from ten years ago, and what evidence can The Dark Knight himself bring to light on this macabre mystery? Featuring guest Art by acclaimed illustrator Jock (THE LOSERS, GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE)!
And in the co-feature, the Huntress and The Question find themselves in over their heads as a gunrunning case leads them to the business end of a double-barrel shotgun!
And in the co-feature, the Huntress and The Question find themselves in over their heads as a gunrunning case leads them to the business end of a double-barrel shotgun!
Exclusive Marvel Preview: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #619
Take a peek at Amazing Spider-Man 619, shipping from Marvel Comics Jan 27, 2010.
Make Money Fast (Ish) With Comics: Continued
Running the link to the 70% off listing of the Nation X Hardcover volume in Bleeding Cool the other day seems to have pushed the book to be the bestselling graphic novel on Amazon ...
VIDEO: "Brave and the Bold: Sidekicks Assemble"
Courtesy of Cartoon Network, CBR has three new clips and a massive library of pics from this week's new episode of "Batman: The Brave and the Bold," featuring the Aquaman, Green Arrow and the Teen Titans!
Taschen’s comics beginnings in 1980
As Paul Pope alluded to in the comments, Taschen Books, the art book publisher whose sale we were just telling you about, actually started out as a comics publisher, and there’s more about it on their website, including this picture of what a comics shop in Cologne looked like in 1980, with a picture of [...]
Studio coffee run: WALKING DEAD pilotized, Conan cast, Sinestro lurking
A few items we missed during down time:
AMC has greenlit a pilot for a WALKING DEAD TV series, based on the Robert Kirkman-Tony Moore/Charlie Adlard Image comics staple about a bunch of folks surviving in the Zombie Apocalypse. Frank Darabont will write, direct and executive produce. AMC is looking to boost its slate of original [...]
AMC has greenlit a pilot for a WALKING DEAD TV series, based on the Robert Kirkman-Tony Moore/Charlie Adlard Image comics staple about a bunch of folks surviving in the Zombie Apocalypse. Frank Darabont will write, direct and executive produce. AMC is looking to boost its slate of original [...]
Diary of a Wimpy Kid trailer hits the web (Blog@Newsarama)
For those of you who haven’t heard about Diary of a Wimpy Kid (like, er, me), take a look at the trailer for the upcoming film adaptation of the illustrated book: Okay, that’s kind of funny. Especially the line about the baby hippo. [Via Heidi]
Last night The Thunderchickens resigned the competition. I won't go into the specifics behind the resignation other than to say that its a decision that Chad, 3iLL and the staff here mutually agreed was the best course of action given recent events.
Exclusive first look, A SICKNESS IN THE FAMILY cover!
The second is A SICKNESS IN THE FAMILY by award winning crime novelist Denise Mina in her first graphic novel and artist Antonio Fuso for Vertigo Crime.
Sometimes the greatest mysteries, and the most frightening horrors, occur right at home. I’m sure some of us can attest to that. Well, together, Mina and Fuso unravel [...]
Sometimes the greatest mysteries, and the most frightening horrors, occur right at home. I’m sure some of us can attest to that. Well, together, Mina and Fuso unravel [...]
Jock teams with Rucka for DETECTIVE COMICS #861
Batwoman crosses paths with another “Bat”-character in this, the first part of “Cutter,” teaming artist Jock with writer Greg Rucka. And yes, the title implies that things get a little grisly.
DETECTIVE COMICS 867 hits 1/27.
DETECTIVE COMICS 867 hits 1/27.
PREVIEW: "Robocop" #1
Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment, CBR presents this preview of "Robocop" #1, on sale January 27 from the creative team of Rob Williams and Fabiano Neves, featuring covers by Stephen Segovia and Johnny D.
Five Seasons Of Lost In Ten Minutes, Courtesy Of The Reduced Shakespeare Company
As the US and the UK await the sixth final series of Lost, the Reduced Shakespeare Company, famous for their Complete Works Of Shakespeare, performed in one hour, are doing their own version.
Along with UK ...
Along with UK ...
Young Robots in Love (Blog@Newsarama)
Spike Jonze. Young Robots in Love. Need I say more? How about this — WATCH IT: I just wanna know — how do you say “daaaaaaaawwww!!” in binary code? [Extreme hat-tip to Christine]
Red, The Avengers, Scott Pilgrim: Jan 22nd Comic Reel
First photos from the set of "Red!" "Incredible Hulk" director questions character's reported role in "Avengers." Director Edgar Wright talks "Scott Pilgrim." Also, Conan has been cast and more.
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Michigan man to serve at least 27 years in prison for shooting comics retailer! Platinum Studios gets $5-million line of credit! Still more best graphic novels of the year -- and decade! Plus, interviews with Scott Allie and Fred Van Lente!
Preview: Robocop
Dynamite Entertainment proudly presents the dynamic debut of Robocop by writer Rob (Classwar) Williams and artist Fabiano (MARVEL ZOMBIES VS. THE ARMY OF DARKNESS) Neves! Under two awesome covers - one by the sensational Stephen Segovia and the other by Dynamite's newest artistic sensation (and the pupil of artist David Finch) Johnny D! - Dynamite goes back to basics as it unveils the dystopian, deeply satirical, and all-out violent world of Robocop.
This is ROBOCOP meets the conspiracy theory mystery of ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN, following on from Paul Verhoeven's original by mixing high action, extreme violence and satire. Plus: the return of ED-209!
This is ROBOCOP meets the conspiracy theory mystery of ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN, following on from Paul Verhoeven's original by mixing high action, extreme violence and satire. Plus: the return of ED-209!
Jason Momoa is CONAN THE BARBARIAN (Blog@Newsarama)
Conan the Barbarian has been brought back to life, this time being played by Jason Momoa! Deadline Hollywood reports that the Life on Mars actor has been cast for the title, beating out Twilight actor Kellan Lutz as well as the upcoming Tonight Show host Jay Leno. (For those of you who don’t stand with Coco, that [...]
A STARK Take on Noir - Writer Talks IRON MAN NOIR
We talk with writer Scott Snyder about adapting Iron Man to Marvel's new series of noir-inspired series
Exclusive first look, FABLES: WEREWOLVES OF THE HEARTLAND cover!
Throughout the day I’m going to reveal covers to three graphic novels that are coming out this Fall.
The first, FABLES: WEREWOLVES OF THE HEARTLAND by Bill Willingham and artists Jim Fern and Craig Hamilton, follows Bigby Wolf as he searches for a new home for Fabletown.
That’s right, Bigby is getting his own book…where he [...]
The first, FABLES: WEREWOLVES OF THE HEARTLAND by Bill Willingham and artists Jim Fern and Craig Hamilton, follows Bigby Wolf as he searches for a new home for Fabletown.
That’s right, Bigby is getting his own book…where he [...]
Tommy Lee Edwards Opens His "Pandora?s Box"
Fresh off his stint on "The Book of Eli," the artist shares with CBR his process for creating a series of covers for Top Cow's "Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box" and how to create a slick sci-fi style with the latest digital technology.
Barney Banks: Extra Life! UPDATE 01/22/2010
Tom Hart updated Barney Banks: Extra Life!.
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 21
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
Three variant covers to brighten your Friday morning
GREEN LANTERN CORPS 45 by Brian Bolland.
BLACKEST NIGHT: THE FLASH #3 by Francis Manapul.
GREEN LANTERN 51 by Greg Horn.
BLACKEST NIGHT: THE FLASH #3 by Francis Manapul.
GREEN LANTERN 51 by Greg Horn.
Justin Green on "Binky Brown"
"Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary," regarded as the first biographical comic, recently received a deluxe hardcover treatment from McSweeney's. CBR spoke with cartoonist Justin Green about the book's creation and his "neurosis."
Blackest Night Flash Error Ring Issue
We’ve had a lot of fun with the Error Ring phenomenon in DC’s Blackest Night promotion. But now it’s spread to the comic books.
The Flash has recently become a Blue Lantern (just go with it, ...
The Flash has recently become a Blue Lantern (just go with it, ...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid trailer
Prepare for Greg Heffley. Based on Jeff Kinney’s best selling series of graphic-hybrid books, the movie opens April 2.
Parents confused about whether to go take their kids to this of Kick-Ass should know that Chloe Moretz appears in both films — she is the new Seth Rogen or something. Also starring Zachary [...]
Parents confused about whether to go take their kids to this of Kick-Ass should know that Chloe Moretz appears in both films — she is the new Seth Rogen or something. Also starring Zachary [...]
Gorillaz invade Plastic Beach
Pioneering cartoon band Gorillaz is back! This time they’re living off the western coast of Africa on an island called Plastic Beach:
The band have taken up residence, recording on a secret floating island deep in the South Pacific, a Plastic Beach HQ, made up of the detritus, debris and washed up remnants of humanity. [...]
The band have taken up residence, recording on a secret floating island deep in the South Pacific, a Plastic Beach HQ, made up of the detritus, debris and washed up remnants of humanity. [...]
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