domenica 14 marzo 2010
'Alice' Scores Again
Theatergoers continued to follow Tim Burton’s Alice down the rabbit hole. http://tinyurl.com/yeuc6so
DVD Round-Up: Week of March 16th
This is one of the biggest DVD release weeks of the year so far. http://tinyurl.com/y94cns6
Preview: Amazing Spider-Man
Deep within the fires of the gauntlet It's Rhino vs. Rhino - with Spidey caught in the middle! When the young, teched-out upstart who's taken the Rhino mantle refuses to leave the original Rhino, Aleski Systevich in peace, he forces Systevic to make a stand...and the tragic result s will be felt in Spidey's life for months to come. Witness THE LAST STAND OF THE RHINO! http://tinyurl.com/y88jszy
CBR Review: Action Comics, issue 887
Nightwing and Flamebird fight their god, and I suppose someone might care. Maybe. http://tinyurl.com/y8oh2cj
Arrest Of Another Stepford Terrorist
Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a second white American blonde female has been arrested by authorities in counter terrorism operations. She is supected, with others, of seeking to commit terriorist attacks on Danish cartoonist, Lars Vilks, who three ... http://tinyurl.com/yleb6dh
Five More Newsbites From Emerald City Comic Con
To follow up yesterday’s runaround…
1. Women Out Of Refridgerators – Kyle Raynor’s girlfriend Alex DeWitt will be returning as a Black Lantern, emerging from the same fridge her corpse was stuffed into, made famous by ... http://tinyurl.com/yl3yu7k
1. Women Out Of Refridgerators – Kyle Raynor’s girlfriend Alex DeWitt will be returning as a Black Lantern, emerging from the same fridge her corpse was stuffed into, made famous by ... http://tinyurl.com/yl3yu7k
Ryan Ottley?s Sea Bear & Grizzly Shark
It’s been a long time coming. But Invincible’s Ryan Otterly’s much-awaited Sea Bear & Grizzly Shark oneshot is coming out soon from Image. Plenty of, well, this kind of thing. Shark-on-bear action in a variety ... http://tinyurl.com/yjscnp7
ECCC: Marvel's Cup O' Joe Panel
Joe Quesada brings his trademark Q&A to Seattle along with some of Marvel's biggest writers, sharing advice, wit, and a teaser or two on projects from "Marvelman" to "Spider-Woman" with folks in the northwest. http://tinyurl.com/y94amen
ECCC: WildStorm Panel
In the face of technical delays and a small audience, WildStorm's Ben Abernathy lead a panel of including Kurt Busiek and Darick Robertson, in an expansive overview of the the WildStorm line including news on "Astro City," "Gen13" and more. http://tinyurl.com/yd9xso8
ECCC: The Image Comics Show
Image had lots of news to share with attendees of the ECCC, including a not-so-funny animal story, the return of two heroes, and an introduction to the newest member of the Image family. Plus, exclusive art! http://tinyurl.com/yaz2w5f
ECCC panel round up
Various news from various panels here in Seattle:
At the West Coast DC Nation panel, the death of Speedy’s daughter Lian in Cry for Justice was discussed.
James Robinson: “That decision [was] a controversial and one that I know has been greeted with some displeasure by some people… I’m sorry if it upset people. In all honesty, [...] http://tinyurl.com/yl47xnr
At the West Coast DC Nation panel, the death of Speedy’s daughter Lian in Cry for Justice was discussed.
James Robinson: “That decision [was] a controversial and one that I know has been greeted with some displeasure by some people… I’m sorry if it upset people. In all honesty, [...] http://tinyurl.com/yl47xnr
Megacon news: Palmer/Gray/Conner leave Power Girl
Over in Florida, comics news out of MegaCon has been pretty sparse. In fact, Dan Didio has to add Black Canary and Green Arrow cosplayers up to fill out his DC Nation panel. Over we’re kidding but not too much newsworthy stuff came out of the panel except for the fact that there may be [...] http://tinyurl.com/yah2fbr
CBR Review: 1,000 Comic Books You Must Read
This is Tony Isabella's personal reflection on the "1000 Comic Books You Must Read," and it is an interesting start to an idea that could really grow some legs. http://tinyurl.com/yd2wuv6
ECCC: Boom! gets Darkwing
90s nostalgia is rampant at Boom! Studios, as Ian Brill and James Silvani are teaming for a 4-issue mini-series featuring Darkwing Duck, Disney’s superheroic anatid from 1991. A spin-off of the popular Duck Tales cartoon, Darkwing, his daughter Goslyn, and sidekick Launchpad faced such villains as Megavolt, Negaduck and Quackerjack for, perhaps, Disney’s best [...] http://tinyurl.com/ycln48e
ECCC: DC Nation
Saturday at Emerald City Comic Con, DC's Ian Sattler, Geoff Johns, and more answered fans questions about “Brightest Day,” plastic rings, legacy heroes, and kitchen appliances at the northwest’s largest con. http://tinyurl.com/ygdb5mf
A Week of Proto-Comics @ CSBG
Join CSBG's Greg Hatcher as he begins an multi-part exploration of pulp magazines that are almost like prototypes for the comic books of the Golden Age. Greg kicks the series off with an examination of "Captain Future." http://tinyurl.com/yk5mcj4
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 73
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8oj3tv
Today [...] http://tinyurl.com/y8oj3tv
Marvel CLASSICS Duo Preview: MARVEL BOY #3, THE TORCH #6
Preview MARVEL BOY: THE URANIAN #3 and THE TORCH #6, shipping from Marvel Comics Mar 17, 2010
Preview X-23 #1, WOLVERINE ORIGINS 45, DEADPOOL: MERC WITH A MOUTH #9, shipping from Marvel Comics Mar 17, 2010
ECCC: Mondo Marvel
Joe Quesada, Ed Brubaker, Brian Michael Bendis, and the whole Marvel crew tackled questions, controversies, and rolled out some surprises during their appearance at this year’s Emerald City Comic Con. http://tinyurl.com/y9mcs47
Lorendiac's Lists: 11 Methods of Target Acquisition
Here is the archive of the lists Lorendiac posts here, and here is his latest piece! Remember, again, this list is written by Lorendiac, not Brian Cronin. - BC.
I once listed the various reasons why some people become superheroes and start looking for villains to smite -- and on another occasion I examined the options [...] http://tinyurl.com/yzse73c
I once listed the various reasons why some people become superheroes and start looking for villains to smite -- and on another occasion I examined the options [...] http://tinyurl.com/yzse73c
ECCC: "Green Lantern: The Future is Bright" Panel
Eager Emerald City ComiCon fans vault a whole spectrum of questions at the teams behind DC’s Green Lantern books, revealing spoilers for a "Brightest Day" DCU while a surprise guest squeezes some potentially juicy info out of Geoff Johns. http://tinyurl.com/yhlmhv6
ECCC: Top Cow's "Herd It Through the Bo-Vine" Panel
Top Cow kicks off the Emerald City ComiCon with creators from Phil Hester to William Harms dropping some unexpected announcements regarding the creative team of "The Darkness," the publisher's next big crossover and more. http://tinyurl.com/yktvkew
Male Slave Princess Leia Cosplayer Wins Over Convention
If there’s one image threatening to sum up the Emerald City Comic Con, it’s these ones. A young bearded man who has decided that, above all, he must dress up in the Slave Princess Leia, ... http://tinyurl.com/yjpr4gn
Detective Comics Wins GLAAD Award For DC Comics
Detective Comics has won the Outstanding Comic Book category at the GLAAD awards, held in New York last nightcelebrating portrayal of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered in popular culture.
Of course, this journey has been quite ... http://tinyurl.com/y9hf7hh
Of course, this journey has been quite ... http://tinyurl.com/y9hf7hh
Sunday Runaround ? Jetting Off To Austin And Seattle
TakingAdvantageWatch: Joan Jett and the Runaways are to appear in a biography comic from Bluewater Productions. Written by Spike Steffenhagen and Jay Allen Sanford, with interior art by Joe Paradise and Larry Nadolsky, the comic ... http://tinyurl.com/yf3u6vt
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