venerdì 23 aprile 2010
David Mazzucchelli Wins First LA Times Book Prize For Asterios Polyp
It’s a long time since Batman: Year One. But David Mazzucchelli’s decision to leave what was laughingly called “mainstream comics” in the eighties, to create the likes of Rubber Blanket and City Of Glass and ...
Chinese Printers Rejected 'Titanium Rain'
Archaia Entertainment’s Titanium Rain graphic novel was “repeatedly rejected by Chinese printers” over a storyline.
'Rifts' Comic in 'Heavy Metal'
A crossover story bringing together Rifts and Colt the Outlander will appear in the July issue of Heavy Metal.
CBR Review: Wall-E, issue 5
The second Wall-E story arc finally gets started, and it's a wondrous mix of animated art with the themes and style of the movie.
CBR Review: Queen Sonja, issue 6
Jackson Hebert is a heck of an artist, and you get what you'd expect from a Sonja story: metal bikinis, action, intrigue.
Global Freezing Strip 0083 (Blog@Newsarama)
Find out more about Global Freezing here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or at
Exclusive DC Preview: SUPERMAN #699
The showdown between Superman (and the Kryptonians) and Brainiac continues in this prelude to the 100 Minute War
PREVIEW: "Detective Comics" #864
Courtesy of DC Comics, CBR brings you an advance look at "Detective Comics" 864 by David Hine & Jeremy Haun and Greg Rucka & Cully Hamner with a cover by Cliff Chiang, on sale next week.
Cup O' Joe - Cup 'O Video Q&A: Joe Quesada
What's up with "Runaways?" How about Iron Fist and Norman Osborn? Marvel's philosophy about digital distribution? Joe Quesada answers your questions and more in CBR TV's exclusive CUP O' VIDEO Q&A!
The Weekly Watcher: April 23, 2010
Jennifer Grunwald checks in with "Iron Man 2" updates, July Previews, the C2E2 Round-up, and more! | Views: 0 0 ratings | |
Time: 02:38 | More in Entertainment |
Cup 'O Video Q&A
What's up with "Runaways?" How about Iron Fist and Norman Osborn? Marvel's philosophy about digital distribution? Joe Quesada answers your questions and more in CBR TV's exclusive CUP O' VIDEO Q&A!
Fred Van Lente talks with Justin and Alex about Iron Man and The Incredible Hercules at C2E2 2010
Artist James Silvani Gets Dangerous With DARKWING DUCK
Darkwing Duck returns in June, thanks to BOOM! Studios, and artist James Silvani tells us about drawing the icon
Get a first look at Fabrizio Fiorentino’s TITANS artwork
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, but one of the coolest parts of my job is being able to swing by editorial and see new pages as they come in. Just last night, I swung by TITANS Editor Brian Cunningham’s base of operations to get a glimpse of artist Fabrizio Fiorentino’s TITANS: [...]
EXCLUSIVE: "Random Acts of Violence" Preview
Courtesy of Image Comics, CBR brings you an exclusive preview of "Random Acts of Violence," the new graphic novel by Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray and Giancarlo Caracuzzo & Paul Mounts, on sale next week.
Shadowline & Image Release "Fractured Fables"
Some our most beloved fairy tales get a fresh perspective this July with the release of "Fractured Fables," an all-new anthology from Shadowline and Image Comics.
Closing ?Project Superpowers Chapter 2?
Alex Ross wraps the world-building phase of his Dynamite superhero universe with an explosive throwdown between literal gods and god-like heroes. CBR spoke with Ross about "Project Superpowers: Chapter 2."
Is Losers Heading For A Worse-Than-Kick-Ass Opening?
Kick-Ass, based on the Mark Millar/John Romita Jr series from Marvel Comics, expected to open with $30 million plus, opened with just shy of $20 million.
Industry tracking showed a relatively low awareness, juxtaposed with a ...
Industry tracking showed a relatively low awareness, juxtaposed with a ...
Preview: Detective Comics
The inmates of Arkham Asylum have taken over DETECTIVE COMICS in "Beneath the Mask" Part 1 of 2! It's Black Mask verses Jeremiah Arkham for control of the asylum. But what of the enigmatic Three Beauties, and how does Batman fit into the mad plan? Everything that was set up and teased in BATTLE FOR THE COWL: ARKHAM ASYLUM and ARKHAM REBORN is at last revealed, but the answers to the mysteries just might drive everyone – including Batman – mad!
Then, in the co-feature, the spotlight is shone on Renee's personal life. But just who knows about her secret identity, and what will they do with that information? That is the question...
Then, in the co-feature, the spotlight is shone on Renee's personal life. But just who knows about her secret identity, and what will they do with that information? That is the question...
Comic Book Legends Revealed
With Deadman's crucial role in "Brightest Day," Comic Book Legends Revealed spotlights turths and rumors about the late, great Arnold Drake, creator of Deadman and the Doom Patrol!
Image Presents FRACTURED FABLES, a Kid-Friendly Anthology
A new kid-friendly Anthology is coming from Image this summer, featuring beloved fairytales & an all-star cast of creators
Dynamite JULY 2010 Solicitations [Exclusive Preview]
Dynamite rides the success of Green Hornet #1 with their July 2010 books. Take a look at what's to come from the publisher
A bad week for comic-book movies?
So how's that April 17th working out for you, Mark Millar? You'll recall that the excitable Scottish scribe was waiting for the day AFTER the KICK-ASS opening for his agents to take out his next project, NEMESIS, a move he may regret considering the tepid opening for KICK-ASS, which only managed a sub-$20 million opening AFTER Lionsgate toted up every penny -- thus avoiding being #2 to a four-week-old cartoon about getting your dragon to use a potty chair. Millar seems to have made peace with the opening however, probably because his agents didn't listen to his advice and already sold the hell out of his next few books.
Although there's no disputing that KICK-ASS will recoup on home DVD and got a very smart, savvy marketing push to the target audience, it's still being looked at as a case study of internet buzz not equalling actual movie goer buzz. Some are using it as a platform for wider mythbusting:
Although there's no disputing that KICK-ASS will recoup on home DVD and got a very smart, savvy marketing push to the target audience, it's still being looked at as a case study of internet buzz not equalling actual movie goer buzz. Some are using it as a platform for wider mythbusting:
Karen Gillan Takes Amy Pond Across The Pond
Even the Doctor couldn’t help Karen Gillan avoid the fallout from the volcanic eruption in Iceland, giving the actress time to talk to Spinoff Online about "Doctor Who" and her visit to the U.S.
David Tennant: The Doctor Who Musical
Okay, so you’ve just started watching the new series of Doctor Who on BBC America with Matt Smith.
Getting record audiences, there must be some of you new to the show.
And you’ve probably heard a lot ...
Getting record audiences, there must be some of you new to the show.
And you’ve probably heard a lot ...
Preview: Random Acts of Violence
RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE is the blood soaked story of two comic creators and their ultimate horror character creation gone very bad. A “done-in-one” graphic novella that truely lives up to its title, it’s all brought to you by the twisted minds of JIMMY PALMIOTTI and JUSTIN GRAY (JONAH HEX, POWERGIRL, BACK TO BROOKLYN) and illustrated by GIANCARLO CARACUZZO (THE LAST RESORT) and PAUL MOUNTS (POWERGIRL, WANTED) and lettered by BILL TORTOLINI.
REVIEW: "DV8" #1
CBR's Chad Nevett says the new "DV8" is off to a promising start, with Brian Wood and Rebekah Isaacs honoring the WildStorm cult classic while giving new readers all they need to enjoy this edgy new series.
Friday Runaround ? Freeeeeee Scott Pilgrim, Bring Him Back Home To Toronto?
BookMarkWatch: A thousand comic stores will be getting a hundred Scott Pilgrim boolmarks each at the end of the month in time for Free Comic Book Day, promoting the movie and the final graphic novel ...
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger – The Journey Begins #1 Launches This May and Marvel has released a 1st look
C2E2: The B.P.R.D. Panel
The next wave of B.P.R.D. stories finds a name, Dark Horse announces a new series of Mignola-inspired minis, and the origins of the Bureau's biggest stars from Abe Sapien to Lobster Johnson are explored in Chicago.
Comic Book Legends Revealed #257
Welcome to the two-hundred and fifty-seventh in a series of examinations of comic book legends and whether they are true or false. Click here for an archive of the previous two hundred and fifty-six.
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...]
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...]
Green Hornet, Last Airbender to get 3D treatment (Blog@Newsarama)
3D filmmaking might have been the box that Pandora opened with Avatar, but it’s not going away anytime soon, as two more genre-friendly flicks are getting the three-dimensional treatment. Deadline has reported that Michel Gondry’s Green Hornet has been pushed back from December to January 2011 to be converted to 3D. According to what Sony’s Jeff [...]
Preview: Justice Society of America
The Nazis have succeeded and taken over America, which is leading to the scheduled executions of the major heroes and villains in the U.S.! But Mr. Terrific may have figured out a way to topple the Fourth Reich using their own Darkness Engine against them...
The Great Torchwood Budget Scandal
Well, we did one for Doctor Who, why not Torchwood as well?
Live Feed has been reporting that the proposed Fox US version of Doctor Who-spinoff Torchwood won’t be happening.
A source close to Fox staffers tells ...
Live Feed has been reporting that the proposed Fox US version of Doctor Who-spinoff Torchwood won’t be happening.
A source close to Fox staffers tells ...
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