Fantastic Four 26's cover meets Donkey Kong, by Anthony Vukojevich. Thanks to Kotaku's Mike Fahey for bringing this to my attention.
lunedì 25 gennaio 2010
CBR Review: Captain America, issue 602
Captain America is back. Not that one, the other one. No, the other other one.
Global Freezing Strip 0060 (Blog@Newsarama)
Find out more about Global Freezing here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or at
Preview: Superman: Secret Origin
While everyone wants something from Metropolis' first Super Hero, Superman must fight his first Super-Villain - someone who wants everything - the Parasite! Meanwhile, Lex Luthor turns his attention toward The Man of Steel...
Geoff Johns and Gary Frank continue their bold reinterpretation of the origin of The Man of Steel for the 21st Century!
Geoff Johns and Gary Frank continue their bold reinterpretation of the origin of The Man of Steel for the 21st Century!
WALKING DEAD Pilot review appears online. (Blog@Newsarama)
Z is for Zeitgeist. It’s also for zombie. With AMC ordering a pilot for an adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s WALKING DEAD, fans of the series have to be wondering if WALKING DEAD’s small-screen translation will retain the character driven, anyone-can-die ruthlessness that separates the series from the shambling horde of zombie comics, movies, and [...]
Name Nemesis? Nemesis
Bleeding Cool has covered Mark Millar and Steve McNiven’s new comic, Nemesis, quite thoroughly. We also mentioned Millar’s plan to auction off the name of the cop who goes up against the titular character in ...
Kirkman and Silvestri's "Demonic" Enters "Pilot Season"
The "Pilot Season" masterminds talk about their work on "Demonic," the second installment in Top Cow's ongoing competition that focuses on the nefarious relationship between man and demon.
Preview: WWE Heroes
After the epic, epoch-spanning first issue, there was only one place for our eternal champions to end up – Wrestlemania! What will the stars of the WWE do when mystical terrorists grab the ringside seats? Will Triple H, John Cena and the Undertaker be able to stop heavily-armed, mysterious bad guys? And how do these unforgettable events tie into the centuries-old face-off between the Shadow King and the King of Kings? Plus – a cliff-hanger ending that you won’t want to miss!
When Words Collide - Monday, Jan 25th
This week, Tim considers Matt Fraction's twenty-six issue run on "Punisher War Journal," the writer's first foray into mainstream superheroics, and thinks about the series' unlikely convergence with Shakespeare and Tom Stoppard.
Rank Update
Things continues to move and shake in the Zuda January Competition. Who will be on top when the dust settles?
War Of The Woods -- Current Rank: 1
NewBot -- Current Rank: 2
Phantom Sword -- Current Rank: 3
War Of The Fallen -- Current Rank: 4 -- UP 1
Road Monster -- Current Rank: 5 -- DOWN 1
Pavlov's Dream -- Current Rank: 6
Candy From Strangers -- Current Rank: 7
Iron Sam -- Current Rank: 8 -- UP 1
Beyond The Borderlands -- Current Rank: 9 -- DOWN 1
TV Legend STEPHEN J. CANNELL On the Big-Screen A-TEAM
We talk with the prolific TV writer/producer Stephen J. Cannell about bringing the the TV series to theaters
Rick Wasserman Talks PLANET HULK at L.A. Premiere Screening
Newsarama talk with the voice of The Hulk at the L.A. premiere screening.
Excited for BATMAN AND ROBIN #7?
Let’s see if we can double that, courtesy of this page from artist Cameron Stewart.
Take a day to catch your breath. And check back tomorrow for a full preview.
Take a day to catch your breath. And check back tomorrow for a full preview.
Preview: Gotham City Sirens
The Sirens' dangerous alliance with The Riddler continues! They're willing to do anything to uncover the truth and protect themselves, but who is the mysterious villain targeting them all for death?
Wallace Takes "Titans" Down A Dark Path
With Deathstroke set to lead an all-villain team, the new writer of DC's former graduated sidekick series draws up his battle plan for a book full of devious villains while explaining how history weighs heavy in their lives.
James Kyson Lee Talks "Heroes"
"Heroes" actor James Kyson Lee spoke with CBR about Ando's evolution over the course of the series, why he's not worried about the show's ratings and his hopes for the sixth volume, tentatively titled "Brave New World."
Look who?s coming to, and coming back, to Smallville (Blog@Newsarama)
[Images and Source: TV Guide] This season of Smallville, even though is half-way over, doesn’t show any signs of slowing down with another DC villain joining the ranks of Metallo and Doomsday with an appearance on the show: Silver Banshee! TV Guide reports that Odessa Rae from TV’s Leverage, will portray the Silver Banshee as well [...]
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Vengeance of the Moon Knight" #5
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, CBR presents an exclusive advance preview of "Vengeance of the Moon Knight" #5, slated to hit stores February 10 with a story by Gregg Hurwitz and Jerome Opena.
What I'm reading - The Master and Margarita; Back Issue #38
Who has time to read? We all do, right?
A few years ago, I read an unusual "biography" of Pontius Pilate that went into how literature has viewed him, and the author referred quite often to Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, which sounded interesting. So I went out and got it, and [...]
A few years ago, I read an unusual "biography" of Pontius Pilate that went into how literature has viewed him, and the author referred quite often to Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, which sounded interesting. So I went out and got it, and [...]
Preview: Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Unlettered)
“SHOCK AND AWE, PART 5: PAST IS PROLOG” There is one villain who can make Moon Knight look sane: The Scarecrow. This unhinged lunatic has taken to the streets. Now Moon Knight must face the Scarecrow and his minions of madness under a black sky filled with crows in this final obstacle keeping him from his true nemesis: Bushman.
Just Foolin' Around
I correspond frequently with Jim Ivey, a political cartooner who is, inexplicably, slightly older than I am and therefore retired. My last letter went on a letterhead I’d devised from the latent logo for this blog. The logo, you’ll remember—if… Crilley on "Brody's Ghost"
CBR has an exclusive first look at "Brody's Ghost" part two, which hits "MySpace Dark Horse Presents" next week. We spoke with writer-artist Mark Crilley about the web comics and the graphic novel series starting in June.
Marvel Offers Another SECOND COMING Teaser: "One Will Die"
Marvel has released a 2nd teaser for their upcoming X-Men event "Second Coming", this one promising a dirt nap
Best Shots Reviews: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, GLC, More
The Best Shots review team takes a look at a wide selection of comics from last week
Where will YOU be on January 27th???
It is coming. And nothing will be the same. At least for bloggers, who will not be able to speculate endless about Apple’s expected announcement of an iTablet-like device on Wednesday. The device — a larger even more readable version of the existing iPhone technology — is expected to have huge ramifications for the print [...]
Separated at birth?
A classic Love and Rockets cover
The cover to the second issue of Titan’s WWE comic.
The cover to the second issue of Titan’s WWE comic.
Sam Jackson, BOOM! Team for "Cold Space"
Actor Samuel L. Jackson and BOOM! Studios will be teaming for an original miniseries titled "Cold Space" to be written by the acclaimed movie star. ROBOT 6 has all the details and an early teaser image for the comic.
Marvel Releases New "Second Coming" Teaser
Marvel has released a new teaser image by Daniel Acuña featuring Cyclops standing over a freshly dug grave, framed by a stained glass border with the single statement that "One Will Die..." inscribed above the leader of the X-Men.
SPACE Prize winners announced
The Space Prize is presented each year to the best in comics collected at the previous years SPACE festival in Columbus, OH in the categories Minicomic, Short Story and Webcomic and a Grand Prize. This year’s space will be held on April 24 and 25, 2010 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel & Conference Center in [...]
Shamus takes New Jersey
Most probably building off the pop culture phenomenon Jersey Shore, Gareb Shamus and the Wizard Convention tour are hitting New Jersey — but the locale will not be the piquant environs of the A.C., but rather Edison, an industrial/shopping complex near the spot where Thomas Alva Edison claims to have invented the light bulb in [...]
Comics: X-Men - One Will Die... (Marvel)
An X–Man will fall in Second Coming!
Movies - Animation Exclusive: SHS Cap, Wolvie & More (Marvel)
Check out some exclusive sketches of Cap, Wolvie, Falcon and Ms. Marvel from "The Super Hero Squad Show!"
Comics: Marvel Heroes - SNEAK PEEK: Punisher #14 (Marvel)
Meet Hellsgaard in a story featuring the art of Dan Brereton!
Dynamite Entertainment Titles On Sale January 27
Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment, CBR brings you previews of "Robocop" #1, "Black Terror" #7, "Buck Rogers" #8, and "The Complete Alice in Wonderland" #2, all on sale this week.
Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh #34: Now We Live In Science Fiction
We don’t have flying cars or jetpacks or condos on a terraformed Mars, but we have video games to tide us over while we wait.
The last few weeks have seen a bombardment of advertising for ...
The last few weeks have seen a bombardment of advertising for ...
ComicsPRO Announces Industry Appreciation Award nominees
The ComicPRO retailer organization has announced the formation of their Industry Appreciation Awards to honor individuals who have improved the direct market. PR below, more info here.
The direct market remains the way most comic-book stories get from creator to fan. ComicsPRO, the largest organization of direct-market retailers, wants to honor those people who stand in [...]
The direct market remains the way most comic-book stories get from creator to fan. ComicsPRO, the largest organization of direct-market retailers, wants to honor those people who stand in [...]
She Has No Head! - Giving Lois Lane A Second Look, For The First Time
It’s confession time.
I’ve never been a fan of Lois Lane.
I know…it’s pretty shameful to be all ‘go women!’ and not be a fan of one of the longest running female characters in superhero comics…even if she isn’t a superhero. But Lois just always seemed to me the ‘damsel in distress’ and the girlfriend to our [...]
I’ve never been a fan of Lois Lane.
I know…it’s pretty shameful to be all ‘go women!’ and not be a fan of one of the longest running female characters in superhero comics…even if she isn’t a superhero. But Lois just always seemed to me the ‘damsel in distress’ and the girlfriend to our [...]
Trick ‘r Treat film makes many best-horror-of-the-decade lists
Writer/Director Michael Dougherty’s excellent horror anthology film, Trick ‘r Treat, has landed on many critics’ and horror bloggers’ best of the decade lists. I’m glad to see it getting all of this praise - I loved the movie, and I love rooting for another Ohio native.
Horror fans: I definitely recommend checking out the movie, if [...]
Horror fans: I definitely recommend checking out the movie, if [...]
The heat gets turned up in JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #35
Things get dicey for the leaner, meaner Justice Society as writer Bill Willingham reveals another intruder among the team. But this time, they’re ready for it.
Green Lantern, Powers, Spider-Man: Jan 25th Comic Reel
Martin Campbell and Ryan Reynolds talk "Green Lantern." The writer of "Powers" pilot revealed! Joseph Gordon-Levitt talks "Spider-Man" reboot. Also, an "Absolute Justice" trailer and more.
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
"Twilight: The Graphic Novel" rockets up chart! "Alix" creator Jacques Martin passes away! Kieron Gillen talks about planning for the end of "S.W.O.R.D."! Ten graphic novels for the classroom! Plus more!
Take a peek at KICK-ASS #8, Punisher 13, & Ultimate Comics Enemy #1, shipping from Marvel Comics Jan 27, 2010.
Half-SCALPED: Jason Aaron at the Vertigo Series Mid-Point
Writer Jason Aaaron talks about his Vertigo title SCALPED at the series mid-point and the story arc "Gnawing"
Moving Mouse ? Is Marvel On The Streets?
New York is the home of the American comics industry. And the Marvel Universe from its inception was based in and around New York proper, with Spider-Man swinging down Broadway and the Fantastic Four engaged ...
A quick chat with Mark Doyle
I thought it would be fun to get to know some of the editorial group behind your favorite comics and graphic novels a bit better, so I started asking questions.
First up, Mark Doyle.
PM: What was the first Vertigo book you read?
MD: Sandman. I blame that book for my current occupation.
PM: What was the first [...]
First up, Mark Doyle.
PM: What was the first Vertigo book you read?
MD: Sandman. I blame that book for my current occupation.
PM: What was the first [...]
Preview: The Complete Alice in Wonderland
No wonder you're late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow." -- Mad Hatter
Following up on the success of The Complete Dracula and Sherlock Holmes, Dynamite presents The Complete Alice In Wonderland. For the first time ever, Lewis Carroll's classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, and "The Wasp in a Wig," the "lost chapter" (from the Looking-Glass) are adapted in to one complete tale. In this All Ages adaptation, writers John Reppion and Leah Moore are joined by Erica Awano for a 4 issue adventure down the rabbit hole!
Following up on the success of The Complete Dracula and Sherlock Holmes, Dynamite presents The Complete Alice In Wonderland. For the first time ever, Lewis Carroll's classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, and "The Wasp in a Wig," the "lost chapter" (from the Looking-Glass) are adapted in to one complete tale. In this All Ages adaptation, writers John Reppion and Leah Moore are joined by Erica Awano for a 4 issue adventure down the rabbit hole!
BOOM! Studios Teases New Series With a Familiar Face
A familiar face is attached to this BOOM! Studios teaser. Guess away inside.
Johns' and Frank's updating of Superman's origin for the current DCU continues this Wednesday, and your preview is right here.
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 24
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
Gareb Shamus To Launch Wizard World New Jersey In October
I understand that Gareb Shamus is launching a new Wizard World comics convention, on New Jersey.
Dated October 15th-17th this year at the New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center (NJCEC), the New Jersey Comic Con will ...
Dated October 15th-17th this year at the New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center (NJCEC), the New Jersey Comic Con will ...
Slott Talks ?Amazing Spider-Man?
In the current arc of “Amazing Spider-Man”, the machinations of Spidey's old foe Mysterio have put him in the middle of a gang war between the forces of Mister Negative and some not-so-undead mobsters. CBR News spoke with writer Dan Slott about the arc.
Continue to explore Superman’s early days with SECRET ORIGIN #4
It’s Superman facing off with the Parasite for the first time, while Lex Luthor starts to take notice of the Man of Steel.
Preview: WWE Heroes #2 ? And A Nagging Question
Titan have released covers and artwork for their second issue of WWE Heroes #2 by Keith Champagne and Andy Smith, with alternative cover by Steve Pugh, out in April.
You know, with a wrestler and theire ...
You know, with a wrestler and theire ...
Boom! Studios To Release Samuel Jackson Comic Book
We don’t know who’s writing or drawing it. We don’t know what it’s about or when it’s coming out. We don’t even know what it’s called.
All who do know is what the lead character looks ...
All who do know is what the lead character looks ...
How Much Wood Would Brian Wood Brine If Brian Wood Would Brine Wood?
The solicitation for Brian Wood’s DMZ 50 lists the artists as Riccardo Burchielli, Ryan Kelly, Rebekah Isaacs, Fábio Moon, JP Leon and others. As well as a collection of DMZ self-contained short stories by Brian ...
This cover is the best at what it does
Whatever it is.
Actually, it’s part of a Wolverine cover art auction for the Hero Initiative.
Via Occasional Superheroine.
Actually, it’s part of a Wolverine cover art auction for the Hero Initiative.
Via Occasional Superheroine.
Drew Friedman covers The Best American Comics Criticism
Well now, this is sure to make you feel better about yourself.
Friedman explains
I created these lovely faces for this new book cover from Fantagraphics, designed by Alexa Koenings and due out next month. The idea was conceived by the author, journalist/historian Ben Schwartz, to be an homage/parody of THE BELIEVER covers, although I had [...]
Friedman explains
I created these lovely faces for this new book cover from Fantagraphics, designed by Alexa Koenings and due out next month. The idea was conceived by the author, journalist/historian Ben Schwartz, to be an homage/parody of THE BELIEVER covers, although I had [...]
Avatar passes The Dark Knight
The blue cat alien can beat
the scar-faced psychopath as AVATAR just passed DARK KNIGHT on the all-time box office list.
Topping the frame with an estimated weekend gross of $36 million for a cume of $552.8 million, 20th Century Fox and James Cameron’s “Avatar” has jumped past Warner Bros.’ “The Dark Knight” with $533.3 million to [...]
the scar-faced psychopath as AVATAR just passed DARK KNIGHT on the all-time box office list.
Topping the frame with an estimated weekend gross of $36 million for a cume of $552.8 million, 20th Century Fox and James Cameron’s “Avatar” has jumped past Warner Bros.’ “The Dark Knight” with $533.3 million to [...]
The weekend in pictures
The Diff’rent Strokes Curse strikes again.
Brangelina, please….don’t let the magic die!
We need you!
Isn’t one broken heart enough?
Brangelina, please….don’t let the magic die!
We need you!
Isn’t one broken heart enough?
Review: You?re a Good Man Charlie Brown on DVD Tomorrow (Blog@Newsarama)
The first few, non-musical sequences of You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, available to own on DVD January 26, is done in a sort of mockumentary-style, with a fair minimum of actual story content before each musical number; I’m unclear as to whether or not some or all of the non-musical footage was either reused [...]
The Streets Of San Diablo UPDATE 01/25/2010
Darryl Cunningham updated The Streets Of San Diablo.
Graphic Novelist Nikhil Singh Speaks Out About Being Kept Out Of UK For Book Launch
Graphic novelist Nikhil Singh has spoken out against British visa laws that saw him being kept out of the UK last year when his new illustrated book was being launched – because he doesn’t have ...
Preview: Amazing Spider-Man
MYSTERIOUS: Chapter Two "Re-Appearing Act" SPIDER-MAN versus MYSTERIO! How long can Mysterio play with Spidey's head before the web-slinger finally snaps?! The mind games keep ratcheting up as the body count goes up, down, and...into the negatives? Some bad guys just won't die and others can't stay dead! So which long-thought deceased Spider-Man character is back now?! It may only be January, but get ready for the most unbelievable Spider-Man moment of the year!
Monday Morning Runaround ? Beano Beats Watchmen
FaceWatch: I shaved off my beard last night. Thought it would make me look younger. instead, I look like a potato. Diet starts today. Or maybe tomorrow.
WatchmenWatch: Titan Books grossed £1,000,000 from Watchmen-related books last ...
WatchmenWatch: Titan Books grossed £1,000,000 from Watchmen-related books last ...
Interview: Lark Pien (Blog@Newsarama)
Since 1997, Lark Pien has built up a reputation within the small press comics community and has now made the jump to her first children’s book based on her most popular character, Long Tail Kitty. Having studied architecture and pursued work in the architectural industry, Pien gradually made the transition over to comics and becoming [...]
Great Anti-War Cartoons, The
Political cartoons are a near-perfect mix of journalistic opinion and artistic impression. But whether you appreciate and agree with a cartoon or cartoonist tends to come down to whether your political allegiances are aligned or not. However, there’s one strand of political cartoon where the message tends to hit so far home it’s difficult for [...]
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