domenica 3 gennaio 2010
Disney Expands Ties With Stan Lee
'Avatar' Posts Trifecta
The Ten Best DVDs of 2009
Manga Before Flowers -- My Year in Manga
Books about comics creators chatting should be good!
I've written this before and I'll write it again, but I LOVE behind-the-scenes stuff. I love books about the making of things, be they comics or movies (I love All About "All [...]
Founder Of Aircel Comics, Barry Blair, Dies
He complained to friends of an ear ache previously and was on medication as a result. However he ...
Amazing Fantasy 15
Amazing Fantasy 15 (Aug. 1962).
Penciler: Jack Kirby.
Inker: Steve Ditko.
Amazing Fantasy 15 original Spider-Man artwork given to Library of Congress.
An Insider's Part of Comic History. Jack Kirby's Spider-Man.
Amazing Fantasy - Wikipedia.
Le origini segrete di Spider-Man (prima parte).
Le origini segrete di Spider-Man (seconda parte).
Le origini segrete di Spider-Man (terza parte).
La prima copertina di Spider-Man.
Amazing Fantasy 15 donato alla Biblioteca del Congresso.
What are you excited about for 2010
Comic Critics #100!!
Congrats, guys!!
6 Comments At January 3, 2010, Mark Black [...]
The 30 Most Important Comics of the Decade, Part Two
Review: Spider-Man 2099 (Blog@Newsarama)
'Usagi Yojimbo Plush Figure'
Into the back issue box #51
(Or, Today: A comic that Greg Hatcher probably loves. Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
It's a new year, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop linking to the ground rules for these posts! They're still [...]
The 50 best covers of 2009
Speaking of Dusty Abell...
Click on the image to go to Abell's deviantART page where you can see the full image (it's yooooooooooge)!
BOOM! Studios Titles On Sale January 6, 2010
Comic Book Legends Revealed
What are you excited about for 2010?
419 Scammers Become Superheroes, Get Own Comic Book
The Mad Men Comic That Never Was
Sunday Runaround ? Beanworld In The Summer
Beanworld ...
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 2
Today we look at Brian Michael Bendis' Jinx!
Did you know that Brian Michael [...]
twenty-ten here we come!
Here we are in 2010 (Happy New Year everyone), and our first book of the year is off to press. I'm talking none other than James Kochalka's wickedly funny collected SuperF*ckers. Due in March, this book will make you laugh so hard you'll spew milk out your nose if you're not careful. Make sure you're not eating Oreo cookies with that milk! The collected edition includes all four previously published issues of the series, PLUS the unpublished Jack Krak solo issue!
• Some fine holiday greetings i received in my in-box these last couple of weeks.
• A sneak peak at Mike Huddleston's stunning cover sketch for the upcoming Homeland Directive, written by Robert Venditti.
• Finally, read the recent King-Cat (#70) by the nothing less than sublimely talented John Porcellino today on the exercise bike, only to discover that this issue celebrates King-Cat's 20th Anniversary. Holy shit! Unbelievable. I did a little digging and found this recent article/interview with John at Newsarama. If you're unfamiliar with John's work and profess to love comics, then please check out and purchase some of his masterful work, either here at his own King-Cat website or from his collected editions publisher, our friends at Drawn & Quarterly.