giovedì 18 marzo 2010
Exclusive Marvel Preview - PRELUDE TO DEADPOOL CORPS #4
Our exclusive previews of the weekly limited series PRELUDE TO DEADPOOL CORPS continued with a first look at issue #4
Rosenburg Is Due $3530
Comic book colourist Rachelle Rosenberg has won a court judgement for $3530 against Devil’s Due Publishing. She wrote about the process here, but the news today is that, after travelling to Chicago for the hearing, the ...
EXCLUSIVE: Al Gore is coming to Comic-Con
And so are Newt Gingrich, DeeDee Myers, Ken Burns and Freakonomics author Steven D. Levitt.
Well, they’re not exactly coming to Comic-con, see. But they will be NEXT DOOR as part of the 2010 AHA Health Forum Leadership Summit which is being held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, July 22-24, or Thursday-Saturday of [...]
Well, they’re not exactly coming to Comic-con, see. But they will be NEXT DOOR as part of the 2010 AHA Health Forum Leadership Summit which is being held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, July 22-24, or Thursday-Saturday of [...]
A review a day: John Constantine, Hellblazer: Pandemonium
That's the official title. Blame DC!
So, in order to celebrate John Constantine's first appearance (in Swamp Thing 37, which came out in 1985), DC has produced this original graphic novel, written by Jamie Delano, who was the writer on Hellblazer when it was launched in 1988, and drawn by Mark Simpson, who like Frank [...]
So, in order to celebrate John Constantine's first appearance (in Swamp Thing 37, which came out in 1985), DC has produced this original graphic novel, written by Jamie Delano, who was the writer on Hellblazer when it was launched in 1988, and drawn by Mark Simpson, who like Frank [...]
The Buy Pile - Thursday, Mar 18th
Tales of war and justice lead off this Week of Winning, even while most gamma irradiated, green-themed comics stunk and former teen heroes whine far more than they punch and Iris would be good...on TV, if not in comics.
Best Shots Rapid Reviews: GHY1 #1, HULK, NOVA, More
The Best Shots team has some quick reviews of a handful of comics from this week from Dynamite, Marvel, & BOOM
Kick-Ass The Music Video by Mika
Mika sings the Kick Ass single, and gets all duffed up himself for the music video. Aw… poor little Mika…
Marvel Unveils More IRON MAN BY DESIGN Variant Covers
Marvel has revealed a handful of new IRON MAN BY DESIGN variant covers gracing April 2010 shipping titles
BONNYROAD ? The New Grant Morrison/Paul McGuigan/Stephen Fry Project
The New Grant Morrison/Paul McGuigan/Stephen Fry Project is called Bonnyroad.
Bonnyroad is the name of the new Grant Morrison/Paul McGuigan/Stephen Fry project for BBC Scotland.
It is, presumably about a road. That is a bit bonny.
Stephen Fry ...
Bonnyroad is the name of the new Grant Morrison/Paul McGuigan/Stephen Fry project for BBC Scotland.
It is, presumably about a road. That is a bit bonny.
Stephen Fry ...
HOTELOWEEN — the aftermath? — UPDATE with Haytt info
Okay that was really easy. Got on no problem. Faced with big list of hotels…luckily I’d done my planning last night and know the hotels of downtown by heart so that didn’t take long. Had to fill out all info…total time. Less than 10 minutes.
Waiting, waiting, waiting….sheesh, this is like [...]
Waiting, waiting, waiting….sheesh, this is like [...]
Sales Estimates for February, 2010
Inside you'll find the sales estimates for comics and trade paperbacks in February 2010. Sales are down overall from last month, with DC Comics in both the top comic and TPB spots with "Blackest Night" and "Fables."
Almost too obvious: Tim Burton to work on Addams Family 3-D animated movie. (Blog@Newsarama)
It was bound to happen, yet if anybody was going to do it, I’m glad Burton has his hands on it. Deadline reports that Tim Burton has found his next project: a stop-motion animated movie based on the Addams Family. It will not be based on any previous adaptations such as the animated cartoon of [...]
Advance Image Comics Solicitations, June 2010
Image has provided CBR with a first look at cover artwork and solicitation information for new comics shipping in June, including "Haunt," "Invincible" and extended previews for "The Bulletproof Coffin" and "Dust Wars."
Take a look at Image Comics' full June 2010 Solicitations, with info on Image & Top Cow books shipping that month
Frazer Irving Finally On Batman And Robin
It’s an age since I first heard rumours that Frazer Irving was to draw Grant Morrison’s Batman And Robin.
Initially I think it was meant to be after Frank Quitely’s run. Then after Philip Tan’s run.
Then ...
Initially I think it was meant to be after Frank Quitely’s run. Then after Philip Tan’s run.
Then ...
Comics Should Be Good 2010 March Madness
After last year's tournament, I decided it was so fun that we should do it again!
Welcome to the 2010 DC/Marvel Comic Character Tournament!
As the NCAA basketball tournament goes along, so will a series of polls matching various comic book characters against each other. You'll have 24 hours (from when the polls go up) to pick [...]
Welcome to the 2010 DC/Marvel Comic Character Tournament!
As the NCAA basketball tournament goes along, so will a series of polls matching various comic book characters against each other. You'll have 24 hours (from when the polls go up) to pick [...]
When it comes to establishing a new line, how fast is too fast? (Blog@Newsarama)
Earlier this month Dynamite Entertainment released the first issue of Kevin Smith’s Green Hornet, a six-part miniseries adapted from Smith’s unused screenplay for the upcoming Green Hornet film. Before the second issue of that series even shipped, a second miniseries launched, Green Hornet: Year One #1. This May will also see the launch of two more [...]
Read AMERICAN VAMPIRE #1 with Jim Lee and others
That’s right, you read the headline correctly. Today’s your chance to talk comics with Jim Lee and some of the biggest names in the industry: Where? Twitter. When? Tonight at 9pm EST/6pm PST.
So, pick up a copy of AMERICAN VAMPIRE #1 and devour it, if you haven’t already, so you can join in on the [...]
So, pick up a copy of AMERICAN VAMPIRE #1 and devour it, if you haven’t already, so you can join in on the [...]
After the Fall, GREEN ARROW rises again
As THE RISE AND FALL continues to rage, we’re getting a glimpse of how things will shake down amidst the rubble and tragedy surrounding Star City.
Oliver Queen has been branded a murderer by his friends. Roy Harper is facing a shattered and twisted reflection of his past life. The Brightest Day looms — but what [...]
Oliver Queen has been branded a murderer by his friends. Roy Harper is facing a shattered and twisted reflection of his past life. The Brightest Day looms — but what [...]
X-Men, Green Lantern, Red Sonja: March 18th Comic Reel
Bryan Singer on "X-Men Origins: First Class," Geoff Johns reveals another "Green Lantern," Robert Rodriguez on "Red Sonja" delay, JMS to appear in "Thor," a "Human Target" preview and more.
Adam Beechen on BATMAN BEYOND's Secret Story Arc Title
The writer discusses DC Comic' June 2010 limited series returning to Neo-Gotham & Terry McGinnis
IDW Become Premier Publisher, One Of The New Big Five
CrossGen were promised it, but never got it. Boom! have been doing their best to achieve it. But IDW Publishing have the prize, the status of a Premier Publisher at Diamond Comics, shared by DC ...
Countdown to Hoteloween
If you are like The Beat, you are right now loosening up your internet connection, optimizing your browser and limbering up your fingers for Hoteloween — the annual dash for a good hotel room for San Diego Comic-Con.
We’ve detailed the horrors of this day many times in the past — thousands of eager potential [...]
We’ve detailed the horrors of this day many times in the past — thousands of eager potential [...]
Philip Tan takes on WildCATS and The Authority
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of these all-star split covers. (You hear me, editorial? Keep ‘em coming.) June’ll bring us none other than Philip Tan, who’s been busy illustrating comics by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison and Dan DiDio for the past two years.
This four-issue arc of The Authority by guest creators Tom Taylor [...]
This four-issue arc of The Authority by guest creators Tom Taylor [...]
IDW Named 1st Diamond "Premier" Publisher Since '96
IDW has become Diamond's fifth Premier Publisher, & the first new one since 1996, joining Marvel, DC, DHC, Image
Clash Of The Titans Buy Google Ad Word ?Kick Ass?
What naughtiness!
Searching “Kick Ass” on Google brings up the expected results on the left hand side of the page. The movie’s IMDB listing. The offiical web-site. The wiki-pedia page, that sort of thing.
The right hand ...
Searching “Kick Ass” on Google brings up the expected results on the left hand side of the page. The movie’s IMDB listing. The offiical web-site. The wiki-pedia page, that sort of thing.
The right hand ...
Staging Neil Gaiman?s Neverwhere by Greg Balding
This spring, Chicago Above will become London Below as the Lifeline Theatre brings Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere to life as a stage play.
Originally produced as a six episode BBC miniseries in the late nineties, ...
Originally produced as a six episode BBC miniseries in the late nineties, ...
Various Vampirella Reactions (Blog@Newsarama)
While we still await a detailed official statement from Harris to follow up on Stanley Harris’s comments in the initial “Vampirella to Dynamite” release from yesterday, other pros have begun to weigh in on the move for the well-known character. One of them is writer Kurt Busiek. Fans may recall that it was Busiek that [...]
DARK RAIN by Mat Johnson and artist Simon Gane: Sneak Peek
Back in 2008 Vertigo published INCOGNEGRO by Mat Johnson. This is one of the first books I worked on here at Vertigo. It received much acclaim including a NEW YORK TIMES daily review which called it an “engrossing graphic novel, with its smart dialogue and sharp images.”
This summer Mat is back with DARK RAIN: [...]
This summer Mat is back with DARK RAIN: [...]
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Uncanny X-Men" #522
Marvel Comics has provided CBR with an EXCLUSIVE first look at pages from next week's "Uncanny X-Men" 522 by Matt Fraction and Whilce Portacio, featuring the long-awaited return of Kitty Pryde.
DC announced artist Frazier Irving will follow Andy Clarke as BATMAN & ROBIN artist AND draw the RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE
Frazer Irving Heads To "Batman & Robin"
The artist behind "Seven Soldiers: Klarion The Witchboy" reteams with Grant Morrison for an arc with Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne starting in June as DC announces the full artistic lineup for "The Return of Bruce Wayne."
Did Hercules Celebrate The Art Of Greek Love?
The recent comic, Hercules: Fall of an Avenger, saw the funeral of the titular character, the Greek god superhero of Marvel.
During the eulogy a number of Hercules lovers paid tribute.
But there were allusions to many ...
During the eulogy a number of Hercules lovers paid tribute.
But there were allusions to many ...
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 77
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
The British Invasion of C2E2 (Blog@Newsarama)
Okay, so I really wouldn’t call a world renowned author and a cult TV show an “invasion”, but it makes me more envious for those who are attending this show. Neil Gaiman will be headed towards C2E2 and will take the stage for a benefit appearance on behalf of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF). An “Evening [...]
McKellan: HOBBIT Shoots in July (Blog@Newsarama)
Entertainment Weekly reports that Sir Ian McKellan’s official website brings word that “The Hobbit” begins shooting in July. The official statement at the site reads thusly: THE HOBBIT’s, two films, start shooting in New Zealand in July. Filming will take over a year. Casting in Los Angeles, New York City and London has started. The script [...]
Who’s drawing BATMAN AND ROBIN next? Plus some BRUCE WAYNE news…
Speculation’s been bouncing around for a while now as to who’s going to take over the artistic reins after artist Andy Clarke’s stint on the series comes to an end, and we’re happy to confirm that the next artist is none other than Frazer Irving, who’s no stranger to collaborating with BATMAN AND ROBIN writer [...]
Preview: Uncanny X-Men
She’s been gone for a long time, but she’s coming back. This isn’t a hoax. This isn’t a joke. KITTY PRYDE is back in this over-sized special issue of UNCANNY X-MEN.
Frankie Boyle?s New Graphic Novel ? Hereditary
I talked about British stand-up comedian Frankie Boyle yesterday, and the possibility that he might be contributing to a Mark Millar-created anthology comic.
I don’t know if this is connected, but I understand that Frankie Boyle ...
I don’t know if this is connected, but I understand that Frankie Boyle ...
Google Street View Discovers Secret Wars In A Pub
So you’re going for a drive in the Shetland Isles in the UK. You approach a remote coastal village, there are fishing boats, small dwellings, an approaching pub… hang on… what’s that ahead?
Brightly coloured chaps, ...
Brightly coloured chaps, ...
IDW becomes Diamond premier publisher
And then there were…five. Diamond has just announced that IDW will join Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse as a “premier publisher,” the first company to rise to that rank since the whole system was set up in 1996. Diamond will continue to act as IDW’s exclusive distributor to comics shops, and also to the [...]
Porceilno, Sturm and Clowes on tour
Via the D&Q blog, chances are a great cartoonist will soon be coming to a store near you, as three tours have been announced:
Daniel Clowes:
05/03/10 Wash DC POLITICS & PROSE05/04/10 Cambridge BRATTLE THEATER & HARVARD BOOKSTORE05/05/10 NYC THE STRAND05/07/10-05/09/10 Toronto TCAF05/13/10 San Francisco THE BOOKSMITH05/14/10 Los Angeles SKYLIGHT BOOKS05/16/10 Portland POWELLS06/03/10 Oakland DIESEL06/12/10- 06/13/10 Chicago PRINTERS ROW & QUIMBY’S
James Sturm:
04/02/10 White River Junction, VT Center for Cartoon Studies04/08/10 NYC The Strand04/10/10-04/11/10 NYC MoCCA04/17/10 Seattle Fantagraphics04/22/10 Portland Powells04/24/10-04/26/10 Portland Stumptown Comics Festival05/01/10 Keene & Peterborough, [...]
Daniel Clowes:
05/03/10 Wash DC POLITICS & PROSE05/04/10 Cambridge BRATTLE THEATER & HARVARD BOOKSTORE05/05/10 NYC THE STRAND05/07/10-05/09/10 Toronto TCAF05/13/10 San Francisco THE BOOKSMITH05/14/10 Los Angeles SKYLIGHT BOOKS05/16/10 Portland POWELLS06/03/10 Oakland DIESEL06/12/10- 06/13/10 Chicago PRINTERS ROW & QUIMBY’S
James Sturm:
04/02/10 White River Junction, VT Center for Cartoon Studies04/08/10 NYC The Strand04/10/10-04/11/10 NYC MoCCA04/17/10 Seattle Fantagraphics04/22/10 Portland Powells04/24/10-04/26/10 Portland Stumptown Comics Festival05/01/10 Keene & Peterborough, [...]
Los Angeles Rock’n Comic-Con to feature Stan Lee
With Long Beach and Anaheim getting their own conventions, why not Pasadena? A consortium of
FAME LA , Vanguard Productions, and Animation Ink, in cooperation with Desert Wind Comics have just announced the LA Rock’n Comic-Con for May 28-30 at the Pasadena Convention Center. Sten Lee is the Guest of Honor, and the press release notes [...]
FAME LA , Vanguard Productions, and Animation Ink, in cooperation with Desert Wind Comics have just announced the LA Rock’n Comic-Con for May 28-30 at the Pasadena Convention Center. Sten Lee is the Guest of Honor, and the press release notes [...]
Notes from the road
By some miracle, we are safely back at Stately Beat Manor, after a continent crossing turn as a tagalong on the Choker Tour. The Bens Templesmith and McCool (and yes that does sound like a detective agency) are still out there barnstorming the Southwest and getting tattoos, but we’re home reacquainting ourselves with things [...]
New Geek Reality Show For NBC, Team Comicana ? And 75 Free Tickets To The Kick-Ass London Premiere
Team Comicana is a new TV pilot being filmed by Comcast/NBC/Universal. It follows the real life adventures of a bunch of geeks around the world.
Filming starts on Saturday night, outside Forbidden Planet in London where the ...
Filming starts on Saturday night, outside Forbidden Planet in London where the ...
Thursday Runaround ? The Lives Of Millar And Simmons
TVWatch: The Osbournes ripoff Gene Simmons Family Jewels’ new series starts on March 21st on A&E. And in the first episode we see Gene and Nick Simmons playing at last year’s San Diego Comic Con, ...
Kick Ass Sneaker Giveaway
Vans did a limited edition production run of Kick Ass sneakers in conjunction with the release of the new film...
Hearty Magazine is giving away a pair of the sneakers for free. Check them out here to see how you can enter to win a pair!
Hearty Magazine is giving away a pair of the sneakers for free. Check them out here to see how you can enter to win a pair!
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