lunedì 5 aprile 2010
Cup O' Joe - CUP O' Q&A: Crossovers & Cancelations Collide
In an all-new, all-fan question and answer session, Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada tackles crossovers with DC, canceled titles and calls in Matt Fraction for a hand.
?Nick and Norah? director to helm Marvel?s Runaways? (Blog@Newsarama)
[Source: Deadline] Marvel may have found its director for the big-screen adaptation to Runaways, which is often considered the Breakfast Club, but with super-powers. Peter Sollett, who directed Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, may be gearing up for the director’s seat of the property. Runaways mainly received high marks and reviews, but never seem to find [...]
CUP O' Q&A: Crossovers & Cancelations Collide
In an all-new, all-fan question and answer session, Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada tackles crossovers with DC, cancelled titles and calls in Matt Fraction for a hand.
When Words Collide - Monday, Apr 5th
Tim takes an early look at Brendan McCarthy's "Spider-Man: Fever," and talks about what makes McCarthy such a unique artist. He also offers some suggestions on where you might start on your road to McCarthy love.
It's Light vs. Dark. The White vs. The Black. Life vs. Death. And Damn, those Dirty Zombies aren't going away easy
WC10: DCU Editorial Presentation
DC Comics' brightest stars answered fans' questions about the futures of their favorite characters at WonderCon during the DCU Editorial Presentation, including word on Green Arrow, Batwoman and more.
Exclusive Marvel Fantastic Four Tease: "HERE, YOU DIE"
What does this line, and this image, mean? "HERE, YOU DIE. IN THE NEGATIVE ZONE, YOU CAN LIVE."
2010 Hugo Award nominations were announced (Blog@Newsarama)
Yesterday, the 2010 Hugo Award nominations were announced, naming the best that sci-fi and fantasy had to offer of the past year. The award is named after Hugo Gernsback, the founder of the pioneering science fiction magazine Amazing Stories and have been presented every year since 1955. To show just a sample, here are the nominees in [...]
WC10: Joe & Adam Kubert On The Kubert School
Father and son Joe and Adam Kubert discuss the history, curriculum and importance that their New Jersey institution The Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art has on the comic book community.
Marvel Finds "Runaways" Director?
Rumor has it that Marvel is close to signing a director for their adaptation of Brian K Vaughan's acclaimed teen superhero series – Peter Sollett of "Nick And Nora's Infinite Playlist" fame.
Jim Lee’s iPad art
Chronic early adopter Jim Lee is already finger painting on his iPad, vuia Sketchpad Pro:
Its fun and frustrating at the same time cuz half the time yer going this would be so easy to do by hand or wacom but was digging the primitive feeling of using yer hands.
Another Joker piece shows a bit [...]
Its fun and frustrating at the same time cuz half the time yer going this would be so easy to do by hand or wacom but was digging the primitive feeling of using yer hands.
Another Joker piece shows a bit [...]
Diane Nelson and Neil Gaiman nominated for TIME MAGAZINE?s Top 100 Most Influential People of 2010
TIME MAGAZINE has posted 200, count ‘em, 200 nominees for their list of the Top 100 Most Influential People of 2010. Included on that list? DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson and Neil Gaiman, author of the Hugo Award nominated WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE CAPED CRUSADER? and, of course, SANDMAN.
Want to cast a vote for this [...]
Want to cast a vote for this [...]
Diane Nelson and Neil Gaiman nominated for TIME MAGAZINE?s Top 100 Most Influential People of 2010
TIME MAGAZINE has posted 200, count ‘em, 200 nominees for their list of the Top 100 Most Influential People of 2010. Included on that list? DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson and Neil Gaiman, author of the Hugo Award nominated WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE CAPED CRUSADER? and, of course, SANDMAN.
Want to cast [...]
Want to cast [...]
Diane Nelson and Neil Gaiman nominated for TIME MAGAZINE?s Top 100 Most Influential People of 2010
TIME MAGAZINE has posted 200, count ‘em, 200 nominees for their list of the Top 100 Most Influential People of 2010. Included on that list? DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson and Neil Gaiman, author of the Hugo Award nominated WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE CAPED CRUSADER? and, of course, SANDMAN.
Want to cast a vote for this [...]
Want to cast a vote for this [...]
Marvel Opens For Business On The IPad
Marvel Comics Executive Vice President of Digital Media Ira Rubenstein speaks with CBR News about the launch app for Apple's iPad that has everyone talking and what about the device works for Marvel right now.
BOOM! Brings 7 PSYCHOPATHS to USA, Phillips Draws Tanks
BOOM! Studios is bringing Sean Phillips' WWII story, 7 Psychopaths, to the USA. The artist talks about the book
Publishers Weekly purchased by former publisher
Well, I finally got that darned Gogo wifi to work on my Virgin flight back to NYC, and the first thing I find out is that Publishers Weekly has been sold. Former owned Reed Business Publications has been selling off large chunks of their business magazine holdings over the last few months, including, recently, former [...]
Lorendiac's Lists: Temporary Disguises That Took On Lives Of Their Own
Here is the archive of the lists Lorendiac posts here, and here is his latest piece! Remember, again, this list is written by Lorendiac, not Brian Cronin. - BC.
When what looks like a brand new character turns out to be someone else's Temporary Disguise, and then later the disguise “really becomes” a new character concept [...]
When what looks like a brand new character turns out to be someone else's Temporary Disguise, and then later the disguise “really becomes” a new character concept [...]
Best Shots Comic Reviews: X-MEN SECOND COMING #1, More
The Best Shots team is back with a big week of comics from several publishers, including the 1st part of X-Men: Second Coming
WC10: Geoff Johns
DC's Chief Creative Officer was in the hot seat as Geoff Johns spent an hour talking up the "Green Lantern" film, teasing "Batman: Earth One" and not answering questions about "Blackest Night #8." Plus: Larfleeze!
WC10: Archaia
Archaia was out in force at WonderCon 2010, where Stephen Christy and Mel Caylo, joined by many of the publisher's writers and artists, discussed upcoming projects, from "Fraggle Rock" to Mouse Guard" and beyond.
Play Ball ~!
Hooray. It’s Opening Day (we’ll ignore the 4+ hour slugfest on TV last night). Spring is really here.
WC10: Judd Winick
Judd Winick took to the stage at WonderCon and discussed his career, from his beginnings in a college paper to his current successes, including the official announcement of the imminent return of Barry Ween.
WC10: For the Love of "Chuck"
"Chuck" fans got a sneak-peek at tonight's episode, plus a bit more information that some might have wanted about the show's stars and their bowel movements, at the Sunday WonderCon panel.
We talk with artist Whilce Portacio about his upcoming return to the UNCANNY X-MEN with Matt Fraction
WC10: Spotlight on James Robinson
James Robinson talks about writing for DC Comics, revealing new information about the Justice League, including their new, permanent lineup and the ramifications to be felt from "War of The Supermen."
Lawsuit Against Marvel and Stan Lee Dismissed by NY Judge
A lawsuit from Stan Lee Media against Stan Lee and Marvel has been dismissed in NY today
Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh #42: Who Is Both Old And New Again
It’s Easter Weekend, and DOCTOR WHO is back, so why wouldn’t I join in the tradition here at Bleeding Cool and write about it too?
Rich has pretty much covered the images, themes and motifs that ...
Rich has pretty much covered the images, themes and motifs that ...
Let’s take a sneak peek into SPARTA USA #2
April’s here - another dark month for a football junkie. Not as bad as March, since at least you have the draft at the end of the month. And, sure, as this weekend proved, you’ve got your fair share of crazy trades flying around. (Who trades the best QB on their roster to a division [...]
She Has No Head! - Greg Rucka And The Fate Of Batwoman...
As the entire comics reading world knows by now, Greg Rucka has decided to leave DC.
Before I start point by pointing this for myself, let me first offer congratulations to Mr. Rucka for doing what he wants, what he feels is right, and what he believes will reward him most (in a myriad of ways). [...]
Before I start point by pointing this for myself, let me first offer congratulations to Mr. Rucka for doing what he wants, what he feels is right, and what he believes will reward him most (in a myriad of ways). [...]
ALEC heads "Best of 2009" list at Comics Reporter... FAR ARDEN too!
<p>Prominent industry journalist <strong>Tom Spurgeon</strong> (<em><strong>The Comics Reporter</strong></em>) has finally presented <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">his picks for best comics of the year</a>, with <strong>Eddie Campbell</strong>'s landmark collection <em><strong><a href=" The Years Have Pants</a></strong></em> receiving the #1 spot for archival/reprint books. Also honored as one of the year's best was <strong><em><a href=" Arden</a></em></strong>, the rip-roaring Arctic adventure by <strong>Kevin Cannon</strong>.</p>
<p>Spurgeon singles out <em><strong>Alec</strong></em> as "extraordinary" and "life-affirming," pointing out that "Campbell's work reflects not just a life as lived but mirrors the process of understanding that life." He praises <em><strong>Far Arden</strong></em>, meanwhile, not only for its formal tricks but also for "its world-building and capacity for melancholy." <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">Click here</a> to read the whole list!
<p>Spurgeon singles out <em><strong>Alec</strong></em> as "extraordinary" and "life-affirming," pointing out that "Campbell's work reflects not just a life as lived but mirrors the process of understanding that life." He praises <em><strong>Far Arden</strong></em>, meanwhile, not only for its formal tricks but also for "its world-building and capacity for melancholy." <a href=" rel="external" target="_blank">Click here</a> to read the whole list!
Final Voting for the DC/Marvel Character Tourney
The field has been cleared and today is the final round of the DC/Marvel Character Tourney! Be sure to visit COMICS SHOULD BE GOOD to vote for your favorite - Batman or Spider-Man!
The NYT and the ethics of downloading (Blog@Newsarama)
The New York Times has an interesting article up about the ethics of downloading — one that certainly would play a role in the comics sphere, which is why I bring it to the floor for your debating pleasure. Randy Cohen, the newspaper’s ethics columnist, had an interesting question about the ethics of downloading a book. [...]
Iron Man 2 officially finished; Emily Blunt turns down Cap?s affections (Blog@Newsarama)
It’s good news, bad news for the film division at the House of Ideas, with more news from Iron Man 2 and Captain America! Starting with the good news here: According to Marvel, it’s official — Iron Man 2 has been “signed, sealed and delivered,” according to director Jon Favreau. Of course, when you look at [...]
Dynamite Comics On Sale April 7, 2010
Dynamite Entertainment has provided CBR with advance looks at new comics on sale this Wednesday, April 7, including "The Lone Ranger" 21, "Robert Jordan's New Spring" #8, "Zorro: Matanzas" #3 and more.
Hey kids! ?iPad? (Blog@Newsarama)
While WonderCon was the big news around these parts this weekend, you might have missed how Apple released a little product that you might have heard of — the iPad, which may have some wider implications for the industry. Curious as to how this might impact you? Well, look no further! ART: Like, case in point, [...]
Heading back!
Just woke up and yeesh, it’s early here on the west coast. Just so you guys know, I’ll be up in the air with a few of my DC colleagues heading back to NY. But don’t fret. We’ve got a preview of the next issue of BATMAN AND ROBIN coming first thing tomorrow, though. See [...]
Preview: Robert Jordan's New Spring
The long awaited conclusion is here!
The Historic binding of Al'Lan Mandragoran as Warder to Moiraine of the Aes Sedai is upon us and the search ensues for the Dragon Reborn, so that he may be saved to fulfill his destiny and oppose the Dark One in an ultimate Last Battle. However, followers of the Dark One also know the prophecy and a desperate race ensues with the fate of all mankind hanging in the balance. The Adventure has just begun!
The Historic binding of Al'Lan Mandragoran as Warder to Moiraine of the Aes Sedai is upon us and the search ensues for the Dragon Reborn, so that he may be saved to fulfill his destiny and oppose the Dark One in an ultimate Last Battle. However, followers of the Dark One also know the prophecy and a desperate race ensues with the fate of all mankind hanging in the balance. The Adventure has just begun!
Seth Kushner's Culture Pop Coming 4/12 - by Dean Haspiel 04/5/2010
Dean Haspiel added a blog post titled "Seth Kushner's Culture Pop Coming 4/12".
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Apple sells an estimated 700,000 units in iPad's debut weekend! Publishers and distributors test the app waters! Two years of TOON Books! Harlequin fares well in Japanese market! Plus much more!
The Visitors Have Returned, And Earth is in Trouble
In this special promo from V, see the mounting threat of the Visitors, and what the people of Earth are doing about it.
BOOM! Studios Preview Pair: 28 DAYS LATER 9, CODEBREAKERS 1
Preview two books from BOOM! Studios out Wednesday, April 7, 2010: 28 Days Later #9 and Codebreakers #1!
Captain America, Green Lantern, Tron Legacy: April 5th Comic Reel
Emily Blunt passes on "Captain America!" A "Green Lantern" location update! "Tron Legacy" event features protesters! Also, "The Losers", "Robotech", and much more from WonderCon.
WC10: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
The husband-and-wife team of "Power Girl" met with fans at WonderCon to discuss their exit from the DC Comics title, their working relationship, the nature of a two-income comics household, and what they're up to next.
Raising the Stakes with the Finale of Top Cow's IMPALER V2
Top Cow’s terrifying new take on the vampire mythos ended its 2nd volume last week. We talk with the creative team about its future
Review: Locas II: Maggie, Hopey and Ray (Blog@Newsarama)
Locas II: Maggie, Hopey and Ray Written & Illustrated by Jamie Hernandez Published by Fantagraphics Somehow, some way, Jamie Hernandez is getting better and better. Love & Rockets, since its debut in 1981, blazed a standard for brilliant, personal and engaging comic book storytelling, and Locas, the first gigantic hardcover compilation of Jamie’s “Maggie and Hopey” stories, stands [...]
Is CINDY running out of daylight?
From the hot sands of Dubai, to the cold North Sea, to the obscure homeland of Ultima Thule, author Chris Roberson and artist Sean McManus have had us on a thrilling adventure with one hottest fairytale couples. Now, in the conclusion of CINDERELLA: FROM FABLETOWN WITH LOVE, find out if Cindy can handle the source [...]
Whilce Portacio's "Uncanny" New Assignment
In "Uncanny X-Men" 522, readers got a hint of what artist Whilce Portacio could do with the book that helped launch his career in the '90s, and in July, the artist returns to draw a full story arc.
Exclusive Image Preview: 9 Pages of INVINCIBLE RETURNS
Invincible Returns! He's back in his original costume, and he's prepping for the Viltrumite War. See a Preview here!
Home again, woot
We’re in transit this morning but will post more later. In the meantime, we – and most everyone we spokewith — had a swell time at WonderCon…by most accounts it was bigger than last year, and despite the timing — Good Friday to Easter — there were fine crowds each day, even Easter.
Photo [...]
Photo [...]
Comic Critics #112!
Here is the latest installment of the Comic Critics strip, courtesy of Sean Whitmore (writer) and Brandon Hanvey (artist)! You can check out the first hundred and eleven strips at the archive here and you can read more about Sean and Brandon at the Comic Critics blog.
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
Let us know what you think, either here [...]
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 94
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
Jim Lee Tutorial ? Drawing Comics On the iPad
The new co-publisher of DC Comics, Jim Lee really liked his iPad… not just for reading comics on – but drawing them. He tweets;
Ha–I bought sketchbook pro for the iPad–went to information and found some ...
Ha–I bought sketchbook pro for the iPad–went to information and found some ...
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