mercoledì 3 febbraio 2010
Movie Gallery Heads to Chapter 11
The beleaguered DVD rental chain Movie Gallery has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Worldwide 'Sailor Moon' Revival
Toei Animation is hoping to revive the Sailor Moon property on a global scale starting in Italy .
Tatsumi's 'Black Blizzard'
This May Drawn & Quarterly is publishing Yoshihiro Tatsumi’s Black Blizzard.
CBR Review: Doom Patrol , issue 7
Keith Giffen keeps throwing ideas at the wall, but I'm not sure any of them are going to stick.
CBR Review: Zorro: Matanzas, issue 1
Over a decade in the making, “Matanzas” #1 is a good introduction to Zorro and his alter-ego, Don Diego.
CBR Review: Nova, issue 34
I'd like to think that we don't need any more, "and then two teams fight each other, one at a time" stories in comics.
You Better Not Be Collecting Superhero Toys for "Fun"
There is a fanboy that I see a lot at my local comic shop. His name is Eric. Eric loves the Marvel Universe line. He told me that he just thinks they are fun toys, that the lower price point makes him feel more relaxed about collecting them and that the scale [...]
Preview: Nemesis (B&W, Unlettered)
CIVIL WAR? Nothing. KICK-ASS? A warmup. What if the smartest, toughest costumed bad ass in the world was totally evil? Meet Nemesis. He’s systematically been destroying the lives of every police chief in Asia, and he’s now set his sights on Washington, DC. Between you and me, the police don’t have a chance. Do not miss the book that EVERYONE will be talking about by the creative team that made CIVIL WAR the biggest book of the decade.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The: Volume 2.5 ? Black Dossier
The third instalment of Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen brings us into the 1950s. After winning the Second World War, the British government was usurped by a new party called Ingsoc, bringing a socialist dictator (Orwell’s Big Brother) into power. The remnants of Mina Harker’s League (last seen fighting Verne’s [...]
PAUL LEVITZ Prepares for a LEGION of DC Writing Assignments
Newsarama talks with the former DC President and Publisher and now writer of Adventure Comics and the new Legion
Danielle Leigh's Reading Diary -- Alice in the Country of Hearts vol 1
Today's "romance" manga is not only a shojo re-telling of Alice in Wonderland (which I just know will annoy MarkAndrew to no end!) but a great commentary on the inherent creepiness of "harem" titles.
Alice in the Country of Hearts, by Soumei Hoshino and Quinrose, re-imagines every "male" character from the Alice in Wonderful books as [...]
Alice in the Country of Hearts, by Soumei Hoshino and Quinrose, re-imagines every "male" character from the Alice in Wonderful books as [...]
Chi McBride Talks "Human Target"
The "Pushing Daisies" alumnus spoke with CBR News about his role as Winston on "Human Target," his part in crafting the character with the writers and his experience working with Mark Valley and Jackie Earle Haley.
PREVIEW: Mark Millar And Steve McNiven?s Nemesis #1
Oh like the servers didn’t need testing today anyway… ah well, in for a penny… a six-page preview of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven’s Nemesis #1 coming out from Marvel.
And did you know that after ...
And did you know that after ...
Exclusive 23 Page Preview: COMPLETE DRACULA HC
Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment, we have a HUGE preview of the new HC out today, including backmatter.
PREVIEW: "Nemesis" #1
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, CBR presents a 6-page preview of the first issue of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven's new Icon title, "Nemesis." Issue #1 is scheduled to hit stores on Wednesday, March 3.
REVIEW: "Siege" #2
Timothy Callahan gives Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel a 3.5 star rating for "Siege" #2, comparing it to "the original 'Secret Wars' with less word balloons."
Rockne O'Bannon Talks ?Farscape: Scorpius?
This April, Farscape creator Rockne S. O'Bannon teams with scripter David Alan Mack for “Farscape: Scorpius,” an ongoing comic series starring the memorable villain. CBR spoke with O'Bannon about the series.
Exclusive Top Cow Preview - ANGELUS #2
The Darkness guest stars in issue #2 of Danielle Baptiste's trial-by-fire as the new bearer of the Angelus
REVIEW: "Ultimate X" #1
Doug Zawisza reviews "Ultimate X" #1 by Jeph Loeb and Art Adams, giving it 4.5 stars and noting that "this issue hearkens back to the early days of Marvel Comics when anything could - and did - happen."
Get Ready For Watchmen 2
I’ve heard this one rumbling for a while now. First there was the story that DC Comics Publisher and President Paul Levitz had personally prevented any Watchmen 2 projects, because, despite their differences, he believed ...
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Usagi Yojimbo" #126
Courtesy of Dark Horse, CBR brings you an exclusive first look at "Usagi Yojimbo" 126 by Stan Sakai, which hits stores February 24.
Best Shots Extra: BUFFY #32 (Meltzer's First) Review
Buffy has new powers, a new writer, and one heck of a foe. How's it all coming together? Troy takes a look.
SPOILERS: That?s One Dead Avenger ? Siege #2
Okay that’s the spoiler space over. Now we knew there was a dead Avenger coming. But I didn’t realise it would be a Dark Avenger. Didn’t Moore do this in WildCATS?
Anyway, this is the way ...
Okay that’s the spoiler space over. Now we knew there was a dead Avenger coming. But I didn’t realise it would be a Dark Avenger. Didn’t Moore do this in WildCATS?
Anyway, this is the way ...
Q&A: Erik Larsen on Savage Dragon #157 (Blog@Newsarama)
Larsen’s “Dragon War” starts to take its full toll on the world of the Savage Dragon; caught by his son in the act of eating another Dragon’s brain, “our” Dragon, who has regained his original, dictatorial memory set and lost the ones he made on earth, slaps the kid basically into orbit and starts taking [...]
She-Hulk turns 30! (Blog@Newsarama)
Happy Birthday, Jennifer Walters! 30 years ago, Stan Lee and John Buscema teamed up for the first issue of SAVAGE SHE-HULK — and so Marvel has announced that this week will be She-Hulk Week! If you hit up their Digital Comics Unlimited site, you can check out Dan Slott and Juan Bobillo’s first issue of their [...]
Adam Schlagman unveils a surprise return in the pages of GREEN LANTERN CORPS
First the Black Lantern Corps rose from the Crypt on Oa decimating the planet and many Lanterns in their horrific path.
Then Kyle Rayner’s brush with death and a Black Lantern ring resulted in Guy Gardner being blinded by great rage as he transformed into a Red Lantern killing machine.
All this tragedy and devastation led to [...]
Then Kyle Rayner’s brush with death and a Black Lantern ring resulted in Guy Gardner being blinded by great rage as he transformed into a Red Lantern killing machine.
All this tragedy and devastation led to [...]
Shaping the Story of "Planet Hulk"
All-star animation screenwriter Greg Johnson picks apart the mind of the Incredible Hulk, bringing betrayal and heroism to the forefront of Lionsgate's "Planet Hulk" feature and explains its place in the line of Marvel DVDs
Josh Fine Talks PLANET HULK at NYC Premiere Screening
Supervising Producer Josh Fine talks Planet Hulk with Newsarama at the NYC premiere.
"Invincible" Teaser Asks "Are You Ready For War?"
Image Comics has just released a new Ryan Ottley illustrated teaser image for Robert Kirkman's "Invincible," stating that the long awaited Viltumite War is coming while asking "ARE YOU READY FOR WAR?"
An Old Foe Becomes a New BLACK LANTERN in GLC #46
Perhaps the ultimate evil, the worst the DCU has ever seen, is making a fresh return, powered by a black ring in GLC 46
Image Comics released this teaser image Wednesday afternoon, promoting the March issue of Robert Kirkman's Invincible...
Rob Liefeld Draws Cover To Chase Variant? Variant
I gave you a preview of Chase Variant earlier today, my new comic published by Image in a couple of weeks or so.
And somehow (I’m blaming my evil twin), MTV got the drop on the ...
And somehow (I’m blaming my evil twin), MTV got the drop on the ...
The Beat has moved.
Henceforth, new posts will be found at Thanks for visiting!
Committed: No Hero and sardines on toast
This weekend I read No Hero, and found out that I have a bit of a problem. About once every decade I get a really disgusting craving (well, disgusting by some people’s standards, judging by their responses.) I crave oddly preserved fish. Sometimes it’s anchovies, sometimes sardines, once in a blue moon it’s haddock (but [...]
Make your laptop into an IRON MAC (Blog@Newsarama)
Need a little bit of superhero swagger to your portable computing device? Etsy artist skinat has something kind of cool, even if I’m not 100% as to the legality of the whole she-bang: An Iron Man decal for your laptop. I don’t know about you, but I think this is clever as hell. Skintat also has [...]
Jenna Busch talks LOST on AOL TV (Blog@Newsarama)
Lost on what happened with LOST? Don’t worry — with the latest show on AOL TV, WE HAVE TO GO BAAAAAAACK! Newsarama’s very own Jenna Busch was one of the first two guest hosts on AOL’s new webshow “Instant Dharma“, where she talked LOST theories and possibilities after last night’s Twitter-frenzying premiere. Don’t want to get [...]
Preview: Usagi Yojimbo
The rabbit ronin faces a terrifying creature from Japanese mythology in this creepy, self-contained story! Nukekubi are supernatural monsters that take the form of normal humans during the day, but at night can detach their heads to attack their unsuspecting prey. Invited to take refuge in an isolated mountain hut, Usagi doesn't notice anything suspicious about the house until he is awakened late at night by strange noises and a feeling of danger. Immediately, he sees the screaming head of his host -- with sharpened cannibal teeth -- flying down from the rafters!
A self-contained tale of supernatural horror!
A self-contained tale of supernatural horror!
Josh Howard Summons "The Witch Queen"
"Dead@17" creator Josh Howard spoke with CBR News about the penultimate arc in the series, "The Witch Queen," which focuses entirely on Nara Kilday and her newfound home of Purgatory.
Iron Man: An Avenger Once Again
The Armored Avenger flies with Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita, Jr.'s new team, foretelling the return of the "Big Three" in Marvel's May-shipping "Avengers" #1 and their entire Heroic Age promotion.
Publishing The Graphic Novel At NYU #1 by Dallas Middaugh
Dallas Middaugh is a comics industry veteran-turned-teacher. He writes for Bleeding Cool about his new course at the New York University.
So the plan is that I’m going to be teaching “Publishing the Graphic Novel” for ...
So the plan is that I’m going to be teaching “Publishing the Graphic Novel” for ...
Blood+: Kowloon Nights
In his years as a Hong Kong police officer, Nishi Tatsuyoshi has
never seen murder victims like the ones being found in the
abandoned Kowloon Walled City. Bodies completely drained of blood
are showing up every few nights, and rumors of vampires are
swirling. The closer Nishi gets to the truth, the more obstacles
are thrown in his way. Someone doesn't want him to discover what's
really going on! Forced into an uneasy alliance with the
Chiropteran-hunting Red Shield organization, Nishi works with a
mysterious cello player named Hagi as they try to find the source
of the murders and bring down the Wong family -- which peddles a
miracle drug they claim will give users immortality!
* Hot on the heels of the wildly successful Blood+ and Blood+ Adagio manga series and Blood+ anime series, Blood+ Kowloon Nights features Saya's lover, Hagi, in a gripping solo adventure that
takes place in the years between Saya's infamous Vietnam incident
and the events in Blood+!
* Dark Horse has sold over 70,000 copies of previous volumes of Blood+!
never seen murder victims like the ones being found in the
abandoned Kowloon Walled City. Bodies completely drained of blood
are showing up every few nights, and rumors of vampires are
swirling. The closer Nishi gets to the truth, the more obstacles
are thrown in his way. Someone doesn't want him to discover what's
really going on! Forced into an uneasy alliance with the
Chiropteran-hunting Red Shield organization, Nishi works with a
mysterious cello player named Hagi as they try to find the source
of the murders and bring down the Wong family -- which peddles a
miracle drug they claim will give users immortality!
* Hot on the heels of the wildly successful Blood+ and Blood+ Adagio manga series and Blood+ anime series, Blood+ Kowloon Nights features Saya's lover, Hagi, in a gripping solo adventure that
takes place in the years between Saya's infamous Vietnam incident
and the events in Blood+!
* Dark Horse has sold over 70,000 copies of previous volumes of Blood+!
Preview: Vengeance of Moon Knight (Unlettered)
Guest-starring Deadpool! Herman Goncharenko lies at death's door, wasting away of cancer, but someone wants him killed, not dead. Someone desperate enough to hire a certain mouthy mercenary to do the job. Gonchrenko's only hope just might be the reformed Moon Knight - if he's able to withstand the force of nature known as Deadpool, and if Goncharenko is, indeed, worth saving.
Guest-starring Deadpool! Herman Goncharenko lies at death's door, wasting away of cancer, but someone wants him killed, not dead. Someone desperate enough to hire a certain mouthy mercenary to do the job. Gonchrenko's only hope just might be the reformed Moon Knight - if he's able to withstand the force of nature known as Deadpool, and if Goncharenko is, indeed, worth saving.
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Vengeance of Moon Knight" #7
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, CBR brings you an exclusive four page look at April's "Vengeance of Moon Knight" #7, guest-starring Deadpool! Gregg Hurwitz and Tan Eng Huat bring you the story and art.
AVATAR: Behind the Scenes
The cast and crew of Avatar take you behind the scenes into the making of the movie.
CORALINE: Behind the Scenes
Go behind the scenes with cast and crew from the upcoming movie Coraline, a story by Neil Gaiman.
Movies: Hulk - Animation Exclusive: Planet Hulk Landing Site (Marvel News)
Take a look at some exclusive background sketches from the "Planet Hulk" DVD/Blu–ray in stores NOW! Loviathan Continues! - by Mike Cavallaro 02/3/2010
Mike Cavallaro added a blog post titled " Loviathan Continues!".
Wednesday Runaround ? Cartoons, Oscars, Bendis Wishes And Bad Movies
DCCartoonWatch: It seems that Stephanie Merelin’s blog post about getting the role of Arrowette in the yet-to-actually-be-announced Young Justice League animated cartoon was deleted about an hour after the Bleeding Cool post went live.
Still available ...
Still available ...
Remember When Captain America Really, Really Wanted to Join SHIELD?
An interesting aspect of having characters last for as long as Marvel characters have is that quite often, things like "personality" can become extremely nebulous. It's what often makes stuff like "Character X would never do that!" seem kind of silly to me, as pretty much every Marvel character has had, at one point or [...]
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 33
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
Archie Comics First Looks: Archie Comics First Looks: ARCHIE & FRIENDS #140 BETTY & VERONICA DOUBLE DIGEST #178 and JUGHEAD & FRIENDS DIGEST #36
Archie Comics First Looks: Archie Comics First Looks: ARCHIE & FRIENDS 140 BETTY & VERONICA DOUBLE DIGEST 178 and JUGHEAD & FRIENDS DIGEST 36 ARCHIE & FRIENDS 140 "Freshmen Year - The Missing Chapters: Jughead": For years, fans of Archie...
Shel Dorf’s 1973 San Diego Comic-Con Photos
At a now-bookmarked site called Comic-Convention Memories, the author isposting some photos found in the late Shel Dorf’s collection highlighting a just how much fun the old San Diego really was and b) how majestic 70s fashions really were.
Just a wee sampling:
Carmine Infantino, June Foray and Dorf.
The caption says: From the left, Ken [...]
Just a wee sampling:
Carmine Infantino, June Foray and Dorf.
The caption says: From the left, Ken [...]
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