This is not comics, but it’s so close. Taschen Books, publisher of many fine art books–some comics related–and many art reference basics, is having a warehouse sale this weekend at all its stores worldwide. 1000 Pin-Up Girls, 1000 Chairs…the International Male retrospective…there is something for all our needs.
Beginning Friday, January 22nd through Sunday the [...]
giovedì 21 gennaio 2010
The Great Comic Book Detectives #5
Here's the bit. You, the readers, send in descriptions of comics that you remember vague details from the past and either I, or one of the readers of the piece will use detective work to figure out what comic you're talking about!
Here's the latest one, from reader Jay...
An anthology horror/suspense/mystery comic book from sometime between [...]
Here's the latest one, from reader Jay...
An anthology horror/suspense/mystery comic book from sometime between [...]
THE GREEN ZONE: Hulking Editorial
Mark Paniccia and Nate Cosby, the editors behind "Fall of the Hulks," stop in for a rundown of what it takes to keep the event smashing chapter after chapter along with a tease on what the future holds for Betty Ross and company.
Exclusive Marvel Preview - X-MEN LEGACY #232
Next week's Marvel previews kick off with a look at look at X-MEN LEGACY with a guest turn by MAGNETO
Alix Creator Jacques Martin Dies, 88
The French cartoonist Jacques Martin died today, aged 88. He created the popular comic series Alix in 1948 as well as collaborating on a number of Tintin books with Herge.
Alix was a historic comic set ...
Alix was a historic comic set ...
Let's Rank It Up
Quite a bit of movement around here, huh? Seems the creators in the Zuda January Competition have a fever and it is not for more cow bell.
The Thunderchickens -- Current Rank: 1
NewBot -- Current Rank: 2
War Of The Woods -- Current Rank: 3 -- UP 1
Phantom Sword -- Current Rank: 4 -- DOWN 1
Road Monster -- Current Rank: 5
Pavlov's Dream -- Current Rank: 6
Candy From Strangers -- Current Rank: 7 -- UP 1
War Of The Fallen -- Current Rank: 8 -- DOWN 1
Iron Sam -- Current Rank: 9 -- UP 1
Seibel Illustrates Harvey Pekar
One of the key artists involved in "Smith Magazine's" online "Pekar Project," Tara Seibel spoke with CBR about breaking into comics from the graphic design field, life in Cleveland, the softer side of Harvey Pekar and much more.
First Second Begins the Climb to Mount OLYMPUS
George O'Connor and :01 Publishing are chronicling the Greek Gods in an all-new way. Read on for more on their ambitious adventure
Review: Whiteout on DVD and Blu-Ray (Blog@Newsarama)
Given that its rating on Rotten Tomatoes is 7%–which makes it 3% lower than Catwoman—this week’s DVD and Blu-Ray release of Whiteout will face an uphill battle getting anyone, even fans of the graphic novel upon which it’s based, to buy it. Which is a shame, really. The movie’s not nearly as bad as Catwoman. It’s [...]
Best Shots Rapid Fire Reviews: CPT AMERICA, BN: FLASH
The Best Shots crew has a ton of pellet reviews of books that came out yesterday, from Marvel, DC, BOOM!
Spoilers: Outsiders #26 Brings You A Blast From The Past
The cover indicated that Superman was joining the team.
But that annoying question mark meant it was never really going to happen, was it? And it caused all sorts of online debate and discussion.
Nevertheless, this week’s ...
But that annoying question mark meant it was never really going to happen, was it? And it caused all sorts of online debate and discussion.
Nevertheless, this week’s ...
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "Kick Ass" #8, the final issue of the miniseries by co-creators Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.! The issue hits comic stores next Wednesday, January 27.
Cover To Alan Moore?s Dodgem Logic #2
We saw her dancing at the launch party of Dodgem Logic. Well now she’s adorning one of the covers to the second issue, three in all. Say a big hello to queen of burlesque, Khandie ...
Preview: Kick Ass
THIS IS IT!!! The final confrontation as KICK-ASS and HIT GIRL test their mettle. Bodies will fly and bad guys will die as the biggest surprise hit super hero comic of the twenty-first century reaches shocking new heights! Who will live? Who will be morally outraged? MARK MILLAR (WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN) and JOHN ROMITA JR. (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) know the answers—and they hold NOTHING BACK in what’s sure to be the most talked-about single issue of the year!
The Buy Pile - Thursday, Jan 21st
Things are looking pretty good this week as this column's reviewer turns 37 which in turn means an abbreviated column that features the king of magic, a transdimensional spy, a demigod and a nice day for a Fable-filled baseball game.
Did you miss us?
We’re back! Damn the torpedoes AND the servers. While the server was down we took a little rest, finsihed watched season 5 of Lost, went to the gym and ate a cookie. And WE’RE BACK!
So let’s rap, people! No subject is too contentious. Women! Comics! Women AND comics! One More Day! Twilight! Photo contests! [...]
So let’s rap, people! No subject is too contentious. Women! Comics! Women AND comics! One More Day! Twilight! Photo contests! [...]
Early SCOTT PILGRIM movie reax
So there was a test screening of SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD last night, and many reviews are around the web. Months from release, do you really want to know all about it? If you do…click the link for an AICN scooper. If you don’t, here’s the conclusion of a generally AICN-level ecstatic review:
I [...]
I [...]
Archie Comic Publications, Inc. is donating a corporate contribution to the American Red Cross' Haiti Relief and Development Fund and urges everyone to aid the relief efforts in Haiti. The destruction that began on January 12, 2010 with a series...
Marvel's SIF: Swordplay & Bloodshed, That's More Her Speed
Kelly Sue DeConnick is weaving a tale of Sif's return to greatness for Marvel in March. We have the details here
Waltz Assembles "The A-Team"
This March, it's a nice month for a "Shotgun Wedding" as writer Tom Waltz teams with "A-Team" director Joe Carnahan to tell a pre-movie tale of Hannibal, Face, Murdoch and B.A. CBR spoke with Waltz about the four color prequel.
1st Look: Philip K Dick's ELECTRIC ANT #1
David Mack and Pascal Alixe's adaptation of ELECTRIC ANT begins in April, and your first look is right here
I think this Twilight thing is really going to catch on. (Blog@Newsarama)
Yesterday Entertainment Weekly teased their coverage of the upcoming Twilight: The Graphic Novel online, with the cover, a one-page excerpt, and a snippet of an interview with Stephenie Meyer. The full interview and a ten-page excerpt of the manga will appear in the new issue of EW, which is on sale tomorrow. The Yen Press book [...]
WORLD OF HURT - ?The Thrill-Seekers? - Episode 24 (Blog@Newsarama)
(Click the image above for a larger version of the strip.) WORLD OF HURT - The Thrill-Seekers - Episode 24: “Tell The Truth, Shame The Devil - Part 4” Despite her unassuming nature, Alicia isn’t one to take any crap off of anyone. I really loved her speech here, because I thought I did a solid job [...]
Comics: Best Selling Authors - Marvel Unveils Philip K Dick's Electric Ant #1 (Marvel)
Marvel and Electric Shepherd Productions are proud to announce the graphic fiction adaptation of Electric Ant, Philip K Dick's seminal science fiction short story!
How about a look at the two ADVENTURE COMICS #7 covers?
The title is pretty ominous on its own: ADVENTURE COMICS STARRING BLACK LANTERN SUPERBOY. But what more can we reveal about the issue, which is written by Tony Bedard, with art by Travis Moore? Well, we’re not saying a ton, but ADVENTURE COMICS editor Brian Cunningham has a few choice words to share. Take it [...]
Op/Ed: In Theory - 10 Candidates for DC Publisher
Newsarama looks at 10 potential candidates for the vacated role of DC Entertainment Publisher
REVIEW: "Incredible Hulk" #606 & "Hulk" #19
Both of this week's "Fall of the Hulks" chapters have garnered positive reviews from CBR's Reviews Staff, with Doug Zawisa looking at "Incredible Hulk" 606 and Timothy Callahan tackling "Hulk" 19.
Make Money Fast (Ish): X-Men Nation X Hardcover
The current Nation X storyline in Uncanny X-Men will be collected in a nice oversized hardcover in the summer. $34.99 in the US, £25.99 in the UK. And naturally the Amazon advance order for the ...
So Super Duper! Page One Hundred! One Hundred!! Wow! (Blog@Newsarama)
If you like what you’ve read so far (c’mon, how can you not') totally check out more super cute comics!
Planet Hulk: Arena Battle Clip
Can't wait for the "Planet Hulk" DVD/Blu-ray? Neither can we! Until then, take a look at this clip of Laven and Hiroim doing some damage in the gladiator arena from "Planet Hulk"! | Views: 0 0 ratings | |
Time: 01:11 | More in Film & Animation |
Leone and Harkom "Kill Monsters"
Red 5 Comics' "We Kill Monsters" concluded this month and CBR News spoke with the title's creators, TV screenwriters turned comic scribes Laura Harkom and Christopher Leone, about the comic's origins, possible future and more.
Brian Pulido?s The Graves Gets National Distribution, Kind Of
From the creator of Lady Death and Evil Ernie, Brian Pulido, comes new movie, The Graves. Written and directed by Pulido, its US debut will be as part of Horrorfest 4 in a week’s ...
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Viz Media executive on the state of the company and manga market! More on "Twilight: The Graphic Novel"! Michael George case goes back to court! Single issues vs. trades! Plus, a burglar who's half Spider-Man, half ninja?
Jeph Loeb Talks PLANET HULK at L.A. Premiere Screening
Jeph Loeb Talks PLANET HULK at the L.A. Premiere Screening
ALIENS Vs PREDATOR Comic Re-release W/ SEGA Game
The original Dark Horse AvP Comic, with new coloring, will be packed into the "Hunter Edition" of the upcoming SEGA game.
Reading Dark Avengers, Joe The Barbarian and Green Lantern Corps
How to approach the fantastic. Do you compare and contrast with the mundane, being restrained, giving people a glimpse of the impossible? Or do you go balls to the wall cosmic battering everyone out of ...
More praises sung for Victorian Undead
Victorian Undead hits the halfway-point with next week’s issue #3. I cited a whole pile of critical praise the book had gotten last month. Need even more encouragement to jump on the bandwagon? Let’s see what the critics have been saying since then…
“If you are a comic book fan, enjoy stories about zombies, and love [...]
“If you are a comic book fan, enjoy stories about zombies, and love [...]
Coming soon: Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose Statue (Blog@Newsarama)
Coming this Summer from Diamond Select, an exciting new line featuring one of the most alluring femme fatales of modern comics’ history starting with Jim Balent’s Witch of the Black Rose - Tarot! Standing over eight inches tall, this Sam Greenwell sculpt showcases the Broadsword Comics beauty as never before with stunning detail. Balent [...]
Bluewater Productions: From LADY GAGA to JESUS CHRIST
Bluewater productions does crazy biocomics and much more. We talk to the President of the company about what's to come
How Will Apple?s Tablet Affect Comics? ? Part Four
The Apple iSlate/iTablet/iPad is expected to be announced next week.
Jim Shelley has interviewed a number of movers and shakers in the emerging digital comic book field about the emergence of the device, its effect and ...
Jim Shelley has interviewed a number of movers and shakers in the emerging digital comic book field about the emergence of the device, its effect and ...
Iron Man 2, Smallville, Walking Dead: Jan 21st Comic Reel
"Iron Man 2's" secret difference revealed. "Smallville" pre-empted for disaster relief. "Walking Dead" pilot a-go for filming. Also, Hit Girl Chloe Moretz talks about cleaning guns and more.
Well, we’re hoping that by now you’ve read OUTSIDERS 26, the first issue of writer Dan DiDio and artist Philip Tan’s run on the team series. If not, you should swing down the street to your local shop and plop a few bucks down for the issue. I’ll happily wait here and do a few [...]
Two New ASPEN Books Launching April 2010
Aspen has two new books coming in April 2010, and we have the first look for you right here!
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Captain America Reborn" #6
Courtesy of Marvel, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "Captain America: Reborn" #6 by Ed Brubaker, Bryan Hitch and Butch Guice with variant covers by John Cassaday and Joe Quesada. The issue hits stores January 27.
A Comic Book Bar Guide To Manhattan
The piece on the Graphic Content blog the other day made me realise that no one has really done a look at the bars in Manhattan most frequented by the comic book industry. With persistent ...
DEMO is back! Following the success of the Eisner nominated and critically acclaimed short story collection, Brian Wood and artist Becky Cloonan (American Virgin, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) reconnect with DEMO Volume 2, a compelling 6 issue mini-series of self-contained stories that are extremely powerful and emotionally charged. The first story, The Waking Life of [...]
Preview: Captain America: Reborn
The story so big we needed another issue to finish it! The return of Captain America! The fight for the body and soul and mind of Steve Rogers! Avengers versus the Red Skull and his cronies! The biggest finale of the year is finally here! Brought to you by Ed Brubaker, Bryan Hitch and Butch Guice!
Singapore Subway Comic Book Event From Zid
Mohammad Yazid Kamal Baharin, better known as Zid, has had a brief comic book history. Steve Niles’ History Of Dust for Radical, Retrojak in Jom! Magazine and the award winning webcomic, Intipati, has a very ...
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 20
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
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