After a successful raid on the zombie-infected town of Corben, the newly reinstated FVZA recruits are on high alert. But as the agency scans the world for new outbreaks of the undead virus, the vampire high council begins its plan for domination of the United States. Only the knowledge of newly appointed agency adviser Hugo Pecos and the battle skills of his grandchildren, Landra and Vidal, will give the FVZA a fighting chance at extinguishing the undead threat once and for all!
Featuring covers by Clint Langley and Yang Xueguo.
lunedì 4 gennaio 2010
CBR Review: Siege, issue 1
Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel's "Siege" thrives on the sheer pulp insanity of a lot of its concepts.
Fool?s Gold
It’s not every day that you see a 130-page graphic novel produced by school children but Fool’s Gold is a notable exception. This book has come together through the collective efforts of the pupils and teachers of Dearne High, a Yorkshire school that’s trail-blazing new ways of interacting with its local community and the wider [...]
Welcome, Sonia Harris!
Let's have a big welcome to Sonia Harris, who is going to be doing a new regular column every Wednesday for the blog.
Sonia is a writer and a designer (you can see her design work at her company's site, Soyabean Design) who has been writing a column about comics on iFanboy since 2008. Here is [...]
Sonia is a writer and a designer (you can see her design work at her company's site, Soyabean Design) who has been writing a column about comics on iFanboy since 2008. Here is [...]
Marvel Hotline: Bendis on Civil War
Brian Michael Bendis' multi-part Marvel Hotline series continues with a look back at CIVIL WAR, an event that fractured the Marvel Universe and further set the stage for the events of SIEGE! | Views: 7 1 ratings | |
Time: 02:40 | More in Entertainment |
Catch Up With CBR's Best 100 Comics of '09!
2009 may be over, but plenty of great comics from the past 12 months deserve one last victory lap, from the best of the big superhero and genre serials to the art comics world's great graphic novels to the finest webcomics and more.
The future is now... or at least it will be for one of the ten new competitors in Zuda's January 2010 Competition.
You've got some tough choices to make between some really awesome comics. I do not envy you at all, but the decision is yours.
Go to your favorite comic and VOTE for it's future.
When Words Collide - Monday, Jan 4th
At long last, the wait is over! Tim celebrates the end of 2009 by sharing his picks for the Top 10 Comics of the Decade, including celebrated works from Grant Morrison, Alan Moore, Chris Ware, Matt Fraction and many other creators.
Readers' Favorite WRITER of 2009: GEOFF JOHNS
And the winner, chosen by YOU is Geoff Johns!
[Blackest Night] Damn Dirty Zombies 15: "All Will Be Well"
The hits keep on coming, as we're introduced to a new set of Ring-Bearers, John Stewart steps up, and Power Girl gets confused.
DnA & Rosemann Talk "Nova"
We spoke with Bill Rosemann and writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning about their current "Nova" storyline, a tale that plunges the title character into a mysterious situation devised by one of his oldest and most dangerous foes, the Sphinx.
Comic Book Legends Revealed #241
Welcome to the two-hundred and fortiy-first in a series of examinations of comic book legends and whether they are true or false. Click here for an archive of the previous two hundred and forty.
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...]
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...]
Comic Book Legends Revealed
We look at Wonder Woman's connection to a famous World War II slogan! Plus, what X-Men character was taken almost directly from a popular novel, and was there really almost a Night Thrasher TV show? Find out in the first CBLR of 2010!
FIRST LOOK: Jonathan Lau's Green Hornet and Kato
Dynamite Entertainment has provided CBR with an exclusive first look at series artist Jonathan Lau's designs for the new Green Hornet and Kato from the Kevin Smith scripted "Green Hornet" title.
The Dark Knight sock monkey?
I bought this “The Dark Knight” styled sock monkey from the good folks at Sockmonkey Ghetto at a gift mart event in Los Angeles last month. Great stuff. I love the crooked smile! He sits on my desk atop emergency bottles of alcohol and the fire extinguisher.
— Jonah Weiland — Sent from [...]
— Jonah Weiland — Sent from [...]
BEST SHOTS Reviews: "In Case You Missed It" Edition
The Best Shots teams covers a few big releases over the holiday period, including BLACKEST NIGHT #6, and some AVENGERS titles
5 Dark Horse Previews: MASS EFFECT #1, BPRD, STAR WARS, more
We have previews of all five Dark Horse books shipping this week, including BPRD, Mass Effect, Star Wars, and more
Ten for '10: Things to Watch in the New Year - CREATORS
We continue our Ten for '10 series, with a look at ten creators you should be watching in 2010
Diamond Announces 2009 GEM AWARD Nominees
Diamond has opened voting to their GEM Awards, recognizing the top comic book products as voted on by retailers
French Cartoonist Tibet Dies Of Laughter
Tibet, the creator of Ric Hochet and Chick Bill, and with over a hundred and fifty graphic novels under his belt, died on Saturday while laughing at a comedy show on the television.
Seventy-seven of those ...
Seventy-seven of those ...
Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh#32: That Was The Doctor That Was
And lo, DOCTOR WHO ended the decade with a death and rebirth as both showrunner Russell T. Davies and star David Tennant (as well as executive producer Julie Gardner) decided to leave the show, ending ...
Preview: Splatterman by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray
Splatterman is a new original graphic novel from writing team of Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, the first comic to be published by Kickstart Productions and Image Comics. Drawn by Giancarlo Caracuzzo and Paul Mounts, ...
Runaround From Turkey To Persia To Switzerland To India
TurkeyWatch: As a statue of Atatürk is planned for Kushimoto, Japan, the site where a Turkish ship once sank, its sailors rescued by the local Japanese, it seems that Turkey is ready to embrace manga ...
Roger Langridge (The Muppet Show) provides a variant for issue 1 of the March launching series, and we have your exclusive first look!
CBR Games Roundup: January 2010
The CBR Games Roundup is back to start the New Year off with a bang, and January looks to be a strong month for games, led by some highly anticipated titles like "Bayonetta," "Darksiders," "Mass Effect 2" and "Army of Two: The 40th Day."
She Has No Head! - 10 Great Female Comic Book Characters Of The Decade
So I limited my list to female characters that debuted or were heavily featured 2000 – 2009 (a couple of them technically debuted in 1999 – but the bulk of their appearances have been in this decade) in the US. So a character like Maggie from Love & Rockets, despite being a long time personal [...]
Asylum Press to get 11-year retrospective (Blog@Newsarama)
ComicMonsters are running the Asylum — by giving the company an 11-year retrospective! The horror comic book site will be writing up features looking at the company’s history, as well as giving out sneak peeks and interviews detailing its future. “I’m very excited to be working with Comic Monsters to put together a giant online retrospect of [...]
Henry Looks Back at 2009 (Blog@Newsarama)
I thought I’d share with you some of my thoughts on comics that intrigued me in 2009. I tip my hat to my colleagues, Caleb and Mike, who have compiled similar thoughts. Comics entertain, fascinate and inform us. So, here’s to all our friends who share a love for this unique medium. Please read on: Mysterius [...]
Comics: Marvel Heroes - Free Mondays (01/04/10) (Marvel)
Read five free digital comics including the SIEGE DIGITAL PROLOGUE, CABLE and more!
Jeff Lemire talks SWEET TOOTH:
January’s conclusion to “Out of The Deep Woods”, the first story-arc of SWEET TOOTH, should leave readers with A LOT of new questions. While I don’t want to spoil too much just yet, I thought it would be a good time to pop by GRAPHIC CONTENT and tease some of [...]
January’s conclusion to “Out of The Deep Woods”, the first story-arc of SWEET TOOTH, should leave readers with A LOT of new questions. While I don’t want to spoil too much just yet, I thought it would be a good time to pop by GRAPHIC CONTENT and tease some of [...]
Take a peek at GREEN LANTERN #50
Happy New Year, Source readers. As you can imagine, we’ve spent the morning sifting through emails and getting our system used to waking up at a reasonable hour.
But there’s little time for that. Time to shake off the vacation rust and get rolling, as stuff is always happening in the DCU. And by now, you’re [...]
But there’s little time for that. Time to shake off the vacation rust and get rolling, as stuff is always happening in the DCU. And by now, you’re [...]
The Streets Of San Diablo UPDATE 01/4/2010
Darryl Cunningham updated The Streets Of San Diablo.
Dash Shaw Reveals "The Unclothed Man"
Dash Shaw returns with "The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D.," a Fantagraphics collection of short comics. An animated version of the title story hit IFC last month, and Shaw spoke with us about both projects.
Jackie Kessler Enters The Buffyverse
February's "MySpace Dark Horse Presents" features a new "Buffy" short story written by dark fantasy novelist Jackie Kessler, her first work in comics. CBR News spoke with the author about the story and her background in comics.
5 Dark Horse Previews: MASS EFFECT #1, BPRD, STAR WARS, more
We have previews of all five Dark Horse books shipping this week, including BPRD, Mass Effect, Star Wars, and more
Dynamite Comics On Sale January 6, 2010
Dynamite Entertainment has provided CBR with advance looks at new comics on sale this Wednesday, January 6, including "The Boys" 38, "Queen Sonja" #3, "Buck Rogers" #7 and "Athena" #4.
Flash Gordon, Scott Pilgrim, Book of Eli: Jan 4th Comic Reel
Sam Worthington says "Flash Gordon" is news to him. Michael Cera describes a sword fight in "Scott Pilgrim." Albert Hughes discusses how "Book of Eli" is not a western. "Thor" costumers use Twitter.
Marvel Preview - MARVEL BOY: THE URANIAN #1
Writer Jeff Parker explores the early career of the "Agent of Atlas" in a new limited series and we have a preview
CBR TV: Thomas Jane
Golden Globe nominated actor Thomas Jane stopped by the CBR TV studios to talk about the late Dave Stevens, IDW's new deluxe collection of "The Rocketeer," his vision of a new "Rocketeer" movie, the return of "Bad Planet" and more.
Global Freezing Strip 0051 (Blog@Newsarama)
Find out more about Global Freezing here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or at
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 3
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)!
Today we look at Meredith Gran's Octopus Pie!
Octopus Pie is [...]
Today we look at Meredith Gran's Octopus Pie!
Octopus Pie is [...]
The US Postal Service Unveils 2010 Archie Postage Stamp
The US Postal Service Unveils 2010 Archie Postage Stamp2010 Stamp Program UnveiledFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMedia Contact: Roy Betts(O) 202-268-3207(C) No. 09-118The Sunday Funnies stamp pane honors Archie. The stamps will go on sale in July.Offering an idealized portrait of American...
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