giovedì 4 marzo 2010
Upper Deck Settles MLB Lawsuit
Upper Deck and Major League Baseball have mutually agreed to settle the lawsuit brought by MLB against Upper Deck.
'Wolverine 2' Script Done
Christopher McQuarrie (X-Men, Valkyrie) has turned in a script for a second Wolverine film.
Jewel Joins 'New Avengers'
Marvel has spent this past week announcing the members of the revamped New Avengers.
'Green Lantern' Movie in 3-D
Warner Bros. has announced that it plans on releasing the Green Lantern movie in 3-D.
What I bought - 3 March 2010
I looked through the Gideon Bible in my motel room for tales of great destruction. 'The sun was risen upon the Earth when Lot entered into Zo-ar,' I read. 'Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of Heaven; and He overthrew those cities, and [...]
Breaking: SMALLVILLE Officially Gets Season 10 (Blog@Newsarama)
Not too much info on this yet, but it has been confirmed by multiple sources (EW, THR, more) that Smallville will see a 10th Season. The show has held strong this season on Friday nights for the CW network, and saw some of its strongest ratings ever on the 2-hour Geoff Johns penned JSA episode. Tom [...]
National Grammar Day & March Competition
Happy National Grammar Day, best way to celebrate is by reading cartoons:
One Thing the Internet Can't Ignore by Chuck & Beans, by Brian
Effect an Effect by XKC
Once you're done with reading those, go and read the March Competition, and VOTE for your favorite.
FIRST RANK of the March 2010 Competition looks like this:
Aleksander Christov: Assassin -- Current Rank: 1
The Fall of Inkazimulo -- Current Rank: 2
Preview: X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back
X-23, Armor, Blindfold, Mercury and Pixie are stuck in a nightmare high school and they can't get out. Who is the person responsible? Could it be Pixie's father? And who is he? Here's one hint-Hellfire.
CBR Review: Underground , issue 5
The adventure of a day comes to a close as Wesley Fischer and Seth Ridge continue their attempt to get out of the cave. No Bat-poles are going to help them with this.
CBR Review: Stephen King?s ?N.?, issue 1
The adaptation of Stephen King’s short story begins strongly with some great work by Marc Guggenheim and Alex Maleev.
Making "never Forget, Never Forgive" UPDATE 03/4/2010
Rami Efal updated Making "never Forget, Never Forgive".
Preview: Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton
The new Superman crossover event "Brainiac and The Legion of Super-Heroes" begins here, in this first issue of a 3-part miniseries! It's New Krypton's worst nightmare as Brainiac attacks the planet, determined to recapture the city of Kandor! But General Zod has been waiting for this moment since Brainiac first attacked Old Krypton – he has a plan to save his people, but at the cost of Earth and the future as we know it! So it's up to Superman, Supergirl, Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes to stop the two madmen before they destroy everything!
PREVIEW: "Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton" #1
DC Comics has released a preview of "Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton" #1, co-written by James Robinson and Sterling Gates, art by Pete Woods and covers by Andy Kubert and Marcos Manz.
DnA Bring Back the God of Death in “The Thanos Imperative”
Thanos returns in the next major cosmic epic from Marvel this summer, and DnA have all the details for you here!
It’s New Krypton’s worst nightmare as Brainiac attacks the planet, determined to recapture the city of Kandor. But General Zod has been waiting for this moment since Brainiac first attacked Old Krypton – he has a plan to save his people, but at the cost of Earth, which doesn’t really bode well with a certain [...]
DnA Issue "The Thanos Imperative"
Marvel's 6-issue "Thanos Imperative" begins in June and CBR spoke with writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning about the project, which kicks off with a special May prologue issue, "The Thanos Imperative: Ignition."
Ron Marz/Ryan Sook's Full MAGDALENA Story FREE!
Enjoy Ron Marz and Ryan Sook's full Magdalena story from the First Born/Broken Trinity HC in stores now!
Guy Ritchie To Possibly Direct Warren Ellis? Arthurian Project
“‘Ere, Arfur!”
“Wossat Merl?”
“See what damage you can do wiv this bed.”
“Bed an’ board – sword!”
“Your mystical language befuddles my poor noggin, oh mighty mage.”
“Sort yourself aaaht, Arfur. Fackin’ sort yourself aaaahhhhht…”
Yes, the trades are reporting ...
“Wossat Merl?”
“See what damage you can do wiv this bed.”
“Bed an’ board – sword!”
“Your mystical language befuddles my poor noggin, oh mighty mage.”
“Sort yourself aaaht, Arfur. Fackin’ sort yourself aaaahhhhht…”
Yes, the trades are reporting ...
So Super Duper! Page 111! Different Inna a Good Way! (Blog@Newsarama)
If you like what you’ve read so far (c’mon, how can you not') totally check out more super cute comics!
Liatowitsch & Ocvirk Sing a "Song of Saya"
CBR spoke with writers Daniel Liatowitsch and Todd Ocvirk about "Song of Saya," a surreal horror love story debuting this week from IDW Publishing, adapting an unusual Japanese videogame for English-speaking audiences.
FIRST LOOK: "The Green Hornet Strikes" #1
Dynamite Entertainment has provided CBR News with an exclusive First Look at Ariel Padilla's interior art for the Brett Matthews' scripted "The Green Hornet Strikes" #1, featuring a cover by John Cassaday.
FRANKENCASTLE Here to Stay w/ May's FrankenCastle #17
This May, FrankenCastle 17 comes out. Wait, what? Where's "The Punisher" then? Rick Remender tells all right here.
HBO plays the ?Game of Thrones? (Blog@Newsarama)
According to, HBO is in the works of producing a pilot as well as nine episodes for one of modern fantasy’s most cherished stories, A Game of Thrones, which is part one of the seven books in “A Song of Fire and Ice” series. Whenever I would have had to wait for the next [...]
The Buy Pile - Thursday, Mar 4th
Brace yourself: there was absolutely nothing awful about this week's new comic releases! That shocker aside, there's genuinely great stuff in a largely DC-dominated week full of characters that predominantly live in gray areas.
Exclusive Marvel Preview: PRELUDE TO DEADPOOL CORPS #2
Check out Deadpool and Deadpool and Deadpool, eh, you get it, in stores Mar 10, 2010
Remender Readies "FrankenCastle" for the Big Payback
CBR spoke with writer Rick Remender about his plans for "Punisher," which morphs into "FrankenCastle" with issue 17 and sees the Punisher use his skills, weapons, and new undead physical form to get his revenge.
BLACKEST NIGHT Holds Off SIEGE, But Marvel Takes Feb. Sales
Diamond released their preliminary Top 10 sales & Market Share charts for February 2010
Violent death is still the spice of superhero life, apparently (Blog@Newsarama)
You’ve probably already seen the above image, which is apparently the cover of Marvel’s April-shipping Fallen (although Previews helpfully points out that that’s not actually the final title), by the red-hot creative team of artist Tom Raney and writer To Be Announced. The image, which will presumably have the black portion filled in before publication, [...]
He didn’t have to come back.
I’m not talking about Barry Allen – readers have seen his rebirth and will learn more about his role in the DCU and Central City with the launch of THE FLASH #1 in April.
No, I’m talking about superstar writer Geoff Johns, who will be pairing with superstar artist Francis Manapul [...]
I’m not talking about Barry Allen – readers have seen his rebirth and will learn more about his role in the DCU and Central City with the launch of THE FLASH #1 in April.
No, I’m talking about superstar writer Geoff Johns, who will be pairing with superstar artist Francis Manapul [...]
Preview: Batman and Robin
Art sensation Andy Clarke (R.E.B.E.L.S., BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL) joins writer Grant Morrison for an exciting three-issue arc titled "Batman vs. Robin"! Why would Talia al Ghul manipulate her son Damian into taking action against Batman? Will Damian do as Mother says…or stay loyal to Dick Grayson? Plus, more on the Domino Killer, Oberon Sexton, and the menace of El Penitente's drug cartel! Is this already the end for the new Dynamic Duo?
Conan, Wolverine 2, Green Lantern: March 4th Comic Reel
The face of "Conan's" enemy revealed? "Wolverine 2" setting sail for Japan next year? "Green Lantern" test shoots on the streets of New Orleans. Also, "The Shadow" at Fox and more.
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits, 3/4/10
Mindspill » INVADER ZIM and McRib, separated at birth?
drawn and quarterly
So when they called D+Q to sponsor the Strand Tote Bag Design Contest, we had to say yes. The contest is to be judged by previous bag artists, Art Spiegelman, Adrian Tomine, R. Sikoryak AND Françoise Mouly and Steven Heller!!!!! And the prizes are FANTASTIC! [...]
drawn and quarterly
So when they called D+Q to sponsor the Strand Tote Bag Design Contest, we had to say yes. The contest is to be judged by previous bag artists, Art Spiegelman, Adrian Tomine, R. Sikoryak AND Françoise Mouly and Steven Heller!!!!! And the prizes are FANTASTIC! [...]
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 63
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
ComiXology Gets ROB LIEFELD Creator-Owned Work Exclusively
ComiXology is the exclusive digital platform for Rob Liefeld's creator-owned work, & has more news on the iPad
DC Preview: BATMAN AND ROBIN #10 "Batman Vs. Robin"
Preview part 1 of "Batman Vs. Robin" and the prologue to the "Return of Bruce Wayne" right here!
Preview: Batman And Robin #10 by Grant Morrison and Andy Clarke
It’s issues like these that make me love the fact that Batman’s son, the new Robin, is called Damian.
And the DC Source blog are subtitling this issue out nest week “Batman Vs Robin”, and new ...
And the DC Source blog are subtitling this issue out nest week “Batman Vs Robin”, and new ...
Taking That Twilight Train To Georgia ? WizardWorld Atlanta Dates And Location
WizardWatch: I understand that Wizard World Atlanta will be set for December 3rd, 4th at 5th at the Cobb Galleria Centre. This place.
Now imagine it covered in Avatards, Twi-tards, Marvel zombies, and aging cast members ...
Now imagine it covered in Avatards, Twi-tards, Marvel zombies, and aging cast members ...
DC Month-to-Month Sales January 2010
by Marc-Oliver Frisch
The sky is falling, in case you hadn’t heard.
Well, the ceiling in the direct market seems to be, at any rate, although DC seems less affected by that right now than Marvel.
DC starts the new year with numbers that aren’t stellar, but then again, they rarely are in January. And compared to January [...]
The sky is falling, in case you hadn’t heard.
Well, the ceiling in the direct market seems to be, at any rate, although DC seems less affected by that right now than Marvel.
DC starts the new year with numbers that aren’t stellar, but then again, they rarely are in January. And compared to January [...]
Wood Limericks via Barta
Artist Hilary Barta has a blog, on which he posts art and writes limericks. This time out, a Wally Wood cover from a 1959 issue of Galaxy magazine.
The robot was counting the deckIts memory banks were hi-techIt won ev’ry chipand left me with zipWould it take a personal check?
The robot was counting the deckIts memory banks were hi-techIt won ev’ry chipand left me with zipWould it take a personal check?
Journey into Mystery
We’re on the road today with no reliable internet access, so no posting on all the exciting news, like Rob Liefeld’s exclusive comics for Comixology and so on. BUT we will have the DC Month to Month sales along shortly and that should keep you busy for a while.
Foundationed Deep #1
This is the first in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of pieces looking at particular odd/strange/interesting instances of retroactively connecting different comic book characters (for instance, Uncanny X-Men 268 retroactively established that Wolverine knew both Captain America and the Black Widow from World War II).
Today we look at an amusing retroactive connection [...]
Today we look at an amusing retroactive connection [...]
Review: Little Nothings: Uneasy Happiness (Blog@Newsarama)
Little Nothings: Uneasy Happiness Written & Illustrated by Lewis Trondheim Translated Joe Johnson Published by NBM Trondheim’s comic diary remains a true comic treat. Each page acts as a stand-alone observation on life, as seen through the mildly sardonic, self-deprecating prism of one of the world’s best cartoonists. In the third collection of Little Nothings, Trondheim continues his world [...]
On the Ledge with Scott Snyder
AMERICAN VAMPIRE is about to be unleashed on March 17. Before you pick it up, get to know about author Scott Snyder’s love of scary stories and his collaboration with Stephen King and artist Rafael Albuquerque. Read his On the Ledge here.
Welcome to Batman VERSUS Robin
Rising star artist Andy Clarke joins writer Grant Morrison just in time to see the new Dark Knight face off against the new Boy Wonder — thanks to the manipulations of Ms. Talia al Ghul. But is everything as it seems? Probably not. Hopefully the pages below can serve as a bit of a clue. [...]
Preview: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Spider-Man and his amazing friends are there for the birth of a brand new hero!! Who is he? What is his name? Here’s a hint: It’s a name that will make you burst out in applause!! He’s set to be major player in the Ultimate Universe, so be there as hotshot creators BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN) and TAKESHI MIYAZAWA (RUNAWAYS) bring you his big debut!
Thursday Runaround ? Twitter Toldjas
WarWatch: Dark Horse will be donating 5,000 copies of the first issue of Mass Effect to US troops abroad. Who will hopefully turn around and put them on eBay where they are going for $10 ...
VIDEO: Spaced ? The US Pilot
A number of clips of actor Federico Dordei at work have been placed on YouTube, including scenes from the likes of Mad Men to The Strip.
But they also include one from the McG pilot for ...
But they also include one from the McG pilot for ...
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