giovedì 14 gennaio 2010
PREVIEW: "Hulk" #19
Courtesy of Marvel, CBR gives you an exclusive first look at next Wednesday's "Hulk" 19, by Loeb & McGuiness, featuring a "Fall of the Hulks" opening round battle between Red Hulk & The Thing!
Peter Tomasi Extends DC Exclusivity (Blog@Newsarama)
In a move that’s no surprise to anyone, former DC editor and current Green Lantern Corps writer Peter Tomasi, who is one of the architects behind the upcoming Brightest Day project, has extended his exclusive agreement with DC Entertainment. “There’s so many incredible stories coming down the pike that it’s truly gonna be a helluva ride,” [...]
Exclusive Marvel Preview: INCREDIBLE HULK #606
Marvel Comics have provided an exclusive preview of PLANET HULK Writer Greg Pak's next chapter in the Green Goliath's life
What I bought - 13 January 2010
As a rightist professor pontificated, "When democracy gets democratic, it doesn't work at all." (Isabel Allende, from My Invented Country)
The Anchor #4 ("Five Furies Part Four: Body and Blood") by Phil Hester (writer), Brian Churilla (artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist), and Johnny Lowe (letterer). $3.99, 22 pgs, FC, [...]
The Anchor #4 ("Five Furies Part Four: Body and Blood") by Phil Hester (writer), Brian Churilla (artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist), and Johnny Lowe (letterer). $3.99, 22 pgs, FC, [...]
DCU IN 2010: Tomasi extends exclusive with DC
Talk about a no-brainer, huh?
When something works, it works. And that’s the case with BLACKEST NIGHT and the two titles directly linking to it, GREEN LANTERN and GREEN LANTERN CORPS (that’s the cover to GLC 45 above). So it makes perfect sense to announce that one of the architects of this year’s BRIGHTEST DAY event, [...]
When something works, it works. And that’s the case with BLACKEST NIGHT and the two titles directly linking to it, GREEN LANTERN and GREEN LANTERN CORPS (that’s the cover to GLC 45 above). So it makes perfect sense to announce that one of the architects of this year’s BRIGHTEST DAY event, [...]
"Iron Man 2" To Be Shown at IMAX Theaters
"Iron Man 2" just got a little bigger - Marvel Studios has just announced the film will also be distributed on those gigantic IMAX screens on the film's worldwide release date of May 7th.
Felicia Day's "Guild" Comes to Comics
Felicia Day, the "grand dame" of web video, brings her award-winning series "The Guild" to comics in March. CBR spoke with Day about the online gaming-inspired series, blazing a trail for original online content and more.
The SON OF HULK Gets Puny in the Microverse
Hiro-Kala has some huge shoes to fill, and a brother to contend with. How will this Son of Hulk rise up? Scott Reed tells us
Short ?n Curlies #26 by Si Spurrier
Suicide bombers. Fucking idiots, really.
I mean, yes, no, no, let’s not get ourselves drawn into a philosophical argument about the existence (or otherwise) of Causes Worth Dying For. Think of the children, think ...
Suicide bombers. Fucking idiots, really.
I mean, yes, no, no, let’s not get ourselves drawn into a philosophical argument about the existence (or otherwise) of Causes Worth Dying For. Think of the children, think ...
O'Connor Introduces Readers to "The Olympians"
The writer/artist behind the new series of graphic novels from First Second Books, George O'Connor talked with CBR about "The Olympians" and provided a look at his designs and approach to the characters and the series.
Bill Jemas Is One Of The People Behind Valiant Entertainment, Inc.
I only found this out the other day. The company trying to get the Valiant and Acclaim characters like Harbinger, X-O Manowar and Archer And Armstrong back into print, and recently gave up on the ...
Attention Canadian Human Target Fans
While the Fox adaptation of DC's Human Target premieres on Sunday, the first episode will also be airing in Canada on CTV tomorrow (Friday) night at 10 pm, two days before the US premiere. It's not unusual for this to happen as Canadian stations accomodate broadcasting shows from a variety of US networks (Studio 60 [...]
Archie Comics First Looks: JUGHEAD #199, PALS 'N' GALS DOUBLE DIGEST #138 and SONIC UNIVERSE #12
Archie Comics First Looks: JUGHEAD 199, PALS 'N' GALS DOUBLE DIGEST 138 and SONIC UNIVERSE 12 JUGHEAD 199 TRULA TWYST RETURNS WITH HER MOST CLEVER SCHEME EVER! Jughead's nemesis Trula Twyst sets out to prove her thesis that there's only...
So Super Duper - Page Ninety Eight! Oye Yoy Yoy! (Blog@Newsarama)
If you like what you’ve read so far (c’mon, how can you not') totally check out more super cute comics!
REVIEW: "Amazing Spider-Man" #617
Doug Zawisza reviewed this week's "Amazing Spider-Man" 617 and gave the issue 4 stars, saying that "Joe Kelly won me over with Peter's narration to set up this issue" and Max Fiumara's art "fits the story to near perfection."
The CBR Review: "The Book of Eli"
"The Book of Eli," opening January 15, is a well-made science fiction actioner with good performances, genuine twists and thoughtful spiritual and philosophical themes that will stay with the viewer long after the film is over.
Best Shots Extra: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #617 Reviewed
Best Shots' David Pepose takes a look at this week's issue of Spider-Man, and how the gauntlet is running so far!
Peter David Tweaks Rob Liefeld. Twice.
When Rob Liefeld objected to the “outing” of his character Shatterstar in X-Factor, he stated;
As the guy that created, designed and wrote his first dozen appearances, Shatterstar is not gay. Sorry. Can’t wait to someday ...
As the guy that created, designed and wrote his first dozen appearances, Shatterstar is not gay. Sorry. Can’t wait to someday ...
Gail Simone To Leave Wonder Woman? Hopefully Not Yet.
After yesterday’s announcement that Gail Simone was to return to Birds Of Prey, and stay on Secret Six, some have wondered if this means that Gail Simone will be leaving Wonder Woman? The Comics Alliance ...
Get a behind the scenes look at the chart-topping Astonishing X-Men Motion Comic with this all new video!
Movies - Animation Exclusive: SHS Magical Mayhem (Marvel)
Take a look at some exclusive stills of some magical mass hysteria happening in The Super Hero Squad Show!
Dan Hipp Unleashes "Gyakushu!" on the Web
The acclaimed artist behind Image Comics' "The Amazing Joy Buzzards," Dan Hipp concludes his long-delayed Tokyopop series "Gyakushu!" online as he prepares to take on "Ben 10" in February.
Exclusive Top Cow Preview: WITCHBLADE #134 - New Story Arc!
Take a look at WITCHBLADE 134, featuring a new story arc by Marz & Sejic, w/ guest star Aphrodite IV!
Marvel's Iron Man and DC's Brighest Day cover the covers of Diamond's February 2000 PREVIEWS, for April shipping titles
Preview: Wolverine: Weapon X
In the crazed conclusion to "Insane In the Brain," Logan's stay in the whacked-out Dunwich Sanatorium finally comes to an end as his pals Psylocke and Nightcrawler show up to rescue him from the maniac clutches of Dr. Rot. But even if they can save his life, is it possible to recover what he's lost of his sanity?
Levitz Pulls Double Duty On "Adventure" & "Legion"
The former DC Comics publisher will soon relaunch the company's "Legion of
Super-Heroes" ongoing with artist Yildiray Cinar, meaning double the dose of
31st Century action along with his upcoming "Adventure Comics" run
Super-Heroes" ongoing with artist Yildiray Cinar, meaning double the dose of
31st Century action along with his upcoming "Adventure Comics" run
Spider-Man 4 casting rumors a tangled web (Blog@Newsarama)
First, a disclaimer — I don’t believe this, considering there’s absolutely no primary sources on any of this. But maybe you’ll enjoy the lulz or something. Then again, I thought the same thing when I heard about Sony rebooting this franchise, so you never know, right? A couple of gossip sites, including Daily Fill, are reporting [...]
Spider-Man, Spectre, Cowboys & Aliens: Jan 14th Comic Reel
A new director for "Spider-Man" may have already been chosen! A first look at "The Spectre" short film! Daniel Craig to be a "Cowboy?" Also "Captain America" director speaks and much more.
How's that for a twist? Paul Levits isn't just writing Adventure Comics, he's also launching an all-new Legion of Super-heroes ongoing!
?I Used To Make Little Legion Figures Out Of Paper Dolls? ? Paul Levitz Does Love His Legion
Paul Levitz used the DC Source blog and io9 to announce and talk about his new Legion Of Superheroes series, with Turkish artist Yildiray Cinar as well as taking over Adventure Comics.
And I’m lost.
I’m sorry, ...
And I’m lost.
I’m sorry, ...
Preview: Hulk
This is it! The Fall of The Hulks begins here. The opening round: THE RED HULK VS. THE THING with Reed Richards' life at stake. When the Baxter Building is attacked by the all-new, all-deadly Frightful Four, who will save the Fantastic Four? How about THE RED HULK? Not a chance. The superstar team of JEPH LOEB and ED McGUINNESS shotgun this mindblowing chapter of the biggest Hulkventure of them all.
It’s simple, really. When readers think of the Legion of Super-Heroes, they think of writer Paul Levitz. Specifically, they think of Levitz’s groundbreaking work on the series, which included the epic “Great Darkness Saga” — a story that helped modernize comic book storytelling and story structure.
Well, he’s back.
This Spring, Levitz will team up with [...]
Well, he’s back.
This Spring, Levitz will team up with [...]
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Should we place an asterisk by 2009 sales figures? Japanese publishers prepare for arrival of Kindle! How do booksellers shelve graphic novels? "Tintin" gets new Chinese editions (minus a volume or two)! Plus much more!
Giffen & DeMatteis Back to BOOSTER GOLD; ft. Ted Kord?
We talk to the bwa-ha-ha-ing writing duo about their coming run on Booster Gold, & who else to expect in the book
Swipe File: The Book Of Eli and The Book Of Jesse
One is a multi-million dollar movie starring Denzil Washington for 2010, written by a comics writer, using comic book imagery and artists such as Chris Weston and Tommy Lee Edwards.
The other is a web comic ...
The other is a web comic ...
Can You Spot the Cuss Word on This Cover of Ka-Zar?
Note: As the question clearly involves, you know, a cuss word, you might not want to read on if you have a problem with profanity.
On the cover of Ka-Zar #1, from Marvel (a 1970 release), some people say that there is a curse word hidden on the cover.
Can you spot it?
Thanks to Patrick Dean for [...]
On the cover of Ka-Zar #1, from Marvel (a 1970 release), some people say that there is a curse word hidden on the cover.
Can you spot it?
Thanks to Patrick Dean for [...]
Cover debut - Pete Woods takes on Gen13 #35
WildCats and The Authority aren’t the only WSU titles with covers by amazingly talented guests artists in the coming months. Editorial’s lined up a great roster of artists to take on Gen13’s covers - I’m excited enough that it’s hard to keep from giving away all their names here, but I wouldn’t want to spoil [...]
Stephgen King?s American Vampire #2: The Cover
Artist Rafael Albuquerque runs through the creative process behind the cover to Vertigo’s American Vampire written by Scott Snyder and Stephen King. And then reveals the finished version…
Am I the only one who can ...
Am I the only one who can ...
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Dark Avengers" #13
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, CBR presents an exclusive preview of "Dark Avengers" 13, the latest chapter in the Avengers "Siege" saga as brought to you by the creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato.
Rich Johnston To Enter Zenescope?s Girl Of The Month 2010
By which I mean the competition, obviously. Please.
I received a press release from Zenescope’s Raven Gregory this morning. Announcing Zenescope Girl of the Month for 2010 to follow on from their successful and innovatively titled ...
I received a press release from Zenescope’s Raven Gregory this morning. Announcing Zenescope Girl of the Month for 2010 to follow on from their successful and innovatively titled ...
There seems to be a lot of that going around. (Blog@Newsarama)
The cover of DC’s The Brave and The Bold 31, on sale January 20: The cover of DC/Vertigo’s Air 17, on sale January 20:
Pros and Cons of the Return of Birds of Prey
Yesterday, DC announced that Birds of Prey is returning with a brand new ongoing series written by Gail Simone and drawn by Ed Benes.
PROS: Birds of Prey is returning with a brand new ongoing series written by Gail Simone
CONS: and drawn by Ed Benes.
PROS: Birds of Prey is returning with a brand new ongoing series written by Gail Simone
CONS: and drawn by Ed Benes.
Rafael Albuquerque reveals AMERICAN VAMPIRE Cover 2
Hi Graphic Content Readers!
Rafael Albuquerque here! Pamela Mullin asked me to talk about the creative process for AMERICAN VAMPIRE #2 cover!
So… The main ideas for the cover concept of AMERICAN VAMPIRE are:
-Presenting the characters in a mysterious way
-Reiterate the format of the book, which brings together two tied-in stories.
Following this little briefing, I decided to [...]
Rafael Albuquerque here! Pamela Mullin asked me to talk about the creative process for AMERICAN VAMPIRE #2 cover!
So… The main ideas for the cover concept of AMERICAN VAMPIRE are:
-Presenting the characters in a mysterious way
-Reiterate the format of the book, which brings together two tied-in stories.
Following this little briefing, I decided to [...]
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 13
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
San Francisco Cartoon Art Museum Launches Samurai Manga Exhibition
This Saturday sees Drawing the Sword: Samurai in Manga and Anime open at the San Francisco Art Museum until May 2nd, curated by Julian Bermudez.
The exhibition begins with the woodblock prints that formed the beginning ...
The exhibition begins with the woodblock prints that formed the beginning ...
Kids, Can You Spare $3.99
After the Final Issues of the Marvel Adventures titles were solicited, Marvel have announced the relaunch, like Ultimate Comics, just moving the words around, for Spider-Man #1 and Super-Heroes #1. New issue ones for the ...
Thursday Runaround
ImageWatch: Image are putting out $1 First issues of popular comics in their line in time for FCBD, including The Walking Dead, Spawn, Chew, Invincible, Age Of Bronze, Youngblood, Savage Dragon, Witchblade, Girls and Proof, ...
Glister: The Faerie Host
Are you a girl aged 10 or under? Probably not, but you might know one. If you do, and have lamented the fact that there aren’t enough comics out there for her, then Andi Watson’s Glister series might fit the bill.
The Faerie Host is the third book in the series, which is all about Glister [...]
The Faerie Host is the third book in the series, which is all about Glister [...]
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