mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010
The iPad And Comics: What's Next?
CBR News speaks with the major players in the burgeoning mobile comics space including Marvel Comics and multiple iPhone comics content providers about how the industry will or won't take advantage of Apple's new gadget. UPDATING CONSTANTLY!
Marvel Comics Cautious About iPad's Potential
The executive vice president of Marvel's Global Digital Media Group has cautious words about the Ipad's potential
So, new comic book day is almost over. Did you get a chance to swing by the shop? If not, you really should. It’s a busy week for the DCU, with a ton of books shipping, and lots of stuff happening in said book. One title featuring some major shakeups is BATMAN AND ROBIN #7, [...]
REVIEW: "Ultimate Comics Enemy" #1
CBR's Doug Zawisza has reviewed the first installment of Brian Michael Bendis and Rafa Sandoval's "Ultimate Comics Enemy" miniseries and given it 4 stars, calling the issue "high caliber comic book fun."
CBR Review: Chew, issue 8
Determined to decide if "Chew" is really as fun (fun?!?) as he's heard and read, Doug samples (ha! Get it?) the most recent issue. Mmmm. Not bad. Funny aftertaste, but not bad. . .
X-POSITION: Peter David
The writer of "X-Factor," Peter David stops by X-POSITION to answer reader questions about character relationships, the possible return of a speedster, guest-stars, crossover involvement and kissing – lots and lots of kissing.
Comics by ComiXology Custom iPad App On The Way
Hot on the heels of Apple's big announcement, David Steinberger, CEO of ComiXology announces new apps for the device
Some more BLACKEST NIGHT-related covers to enjoy
Not long ago, we showed off upcoming variant covers for GREEN LANTERN 51, GREEN LANTERN CORPS 45 and BLACKEST NIGHT: FLASH #3. We thought we’d give you a little bit to process those before we unveiled the main covers. So, ready?
GREEN LANTERN CORPS by Patrick Gleason:
GREEN LANTERN by Doug Mahnke:
GREEN LANTERN CORPS by Patrick Gleason:
GREEN LANTERN by Doug Mahnke:
Comic Industry Instant Responses To Apple?s iPad
Thank goodness for Twitter…
Ben McCool: Er, iPad kinda sounds like something futuristic women might put in their underpants…
Brian Reed: I cannot believe they named it iPad.
Colleen AF Venable: The bad naming of iPad makes me ...
Ben McCool: Er, iPad kinda sounds like something futuristic women might put in their underpants…
Brian Reed: I cannot believe they named it iPad.
Colleen AF Venable: The bad naming of iPad makes me ...
Guggenheim "Resurrects" The Black Hood
Writer Marc Guggenheim steps into DC's "The Web" to recreate the famed Red Circle vigilante The Black Hood. Meanwhile, he's also introducing President Clinton into the cast of his Oni sci-fi series "Resurrection."
Lobo gets taken out by Sherlock Holmes (Blog@Newsarama)
Apparently all those slow-mo deductive kung-fu fight club skills are helping Sherlock Holmes, because he just KO’d Lobo for his director. The LA Times is reporting that Guy Ritchie is putting his plans for the Last Czarnian on hold in order to film the sequel to the bromantic Sherlock Holmes movie. The movie has not only brought [...]
Official: The APPLE iPAD Revealed! APPs, E-Reader, more
Apple finally made the rumors a reality today. So just what is the iPAD, anyway?
The Apple iPad Is $499 ? This Is The New Reality For Comic Books
The presentation has concluded. We haven’t heard a thing about LongBox, and Rantz Hosely didn’t tweet once. And anyway, the iPad doesn’t seem to do flash. Wherefore Zuda?
But with the likes of RobotComics and Comixology ...
But with the likes of RobotComics and Comixology ...
Matt Maxwell Travels the "Strangeways"
The writer of ROBOT 6's ongoing webcomic "Strangeways," Matt Maxwell talked with CBR News about the tradition of weird westerns, werewolves, online serialization and what he has planned for his next project.
BREAKING: Apple Unveils the iPad
Apple has unveiled its highly anticipated tablet computer, officially called the iPad. ROBOT 6 is tracking the announcements pertaining to the device's capabilities as they are revealed. Developing...
Marvel Comics on iPad? Joe Quesada's Take
At Newsarama's Planet Hulk premiere, Marvel's Editor in Chief lays out his strategy for keeping creativity flowing across the iPad, other e-book readers, films, TV, games, and traditional print media, no matter what game-changing technologies appear.
It’s the iPad
Blow by blow at Engadget
Media is saved!
Update: John Jackson Miller crunches numbers on subscriptions, which is how the iPad might have some impact on comics.
Media is saved!
Update: John Jackson Miller crunches numbers on subscriptions, which is how the iPad might have some impact on comics.
ARCHIE COMICS' INTERNATIONAL MEGA-HIT"THE ARCHIE WEDDING: ARCHIE IN WILL YOU MARRY ME?"TO BE RELEASED AS GRAPHIC NOVELThe number one comic for six months straight, "Archie: Will You Marry Me?" has continued the legacy it began last August when the announcement...
Kevin Feige lets slip Hulk in Avengers film? (Blog@Newsarama)
Will Hulk smash puny Avengers? One interview suggests he might! Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige spoke with SFX Magazine about the upcoming Avengers film, and SuperheroHype had an interesting excerpt from it all: “My only concern is that when we launch a franchise–whichever character’s franchise that may be–it should stand on its own two feet… So by [...]
Comics: Spider-Man - Amazing Spider?Man: Bite Night (Marvel)
Fred Van Lente returns Morbius the Living Vampire to Peter Parker's world in AMAZING SPIDER–MAN 622!
Haspiel's Baltimore Comicon 2009 Interview - by Dean Haspiel 01/27/2010
Dean Haspiel added a blog post titled "Haspiel's Baltimore Comicon 2009 Interview".
REVIEW: "Blackest Night: The Flash" #2
Benjamin Birdie reviewed "Blackest Night: The Flash"" #2 by Geoff Johns and Skot Kolins, giving it 4 stars and saying "Kolins' art is superb, Johns' story goes beyond the formula for a very good 'Flash' tie-in to "Blackest Night.'"
The State of Maberry's "DoomWar"
In "DoomWar," the new miniseries kicking off next month, a band of Marvel's premier heroes must stop Doctor Doom and his global network of terror from seizing absolute power. We spoke with writer Jonathan Maberry about the series.
Business news round-up: Borders, WCP, etc etc
§ National bookstore chain Borders is getting shakier and shakier, and yesterday’s news that CEO Ron Marshall was ankling the joint did nothing to cheer anyone up.
Borders, which has been under a cloud of speculation about its long-term financial stability, has struggled to improve sales in a difficult market for book retailing. It has [...]
Borders, which has been under a cloud of speculation about its long-term financial stability, has struggled to improve sales in a difficult market for book retailing. It has [...]
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 1/27/10
§ The Bridgewater PBA Local 174 is having a benefit art auction, organized by police officer and sometime comics writer Chris White. The all-star contributing line-up includes EVERYONE from Erik Larsen to Travis Charest to David Petersen. Check out all the art here. Above Dick Tracy by Joe Staton. [Via]
§ Fantagraphics seeks a [...]
§ Fantagraphics seeks a [...]
Committed: Man-Hating Indie Comics
Recently I noticed something a little creepy, nothing groundbreaking, but it's not good news, particularly for all you men out there. Nearly all of the American independent comic books that I've read, present the most degenerate and pathetic versions of men. Horrible, miserable, unhappy, lazy, stupid, selfish, unhealthy men. Men you do NOT want to [...]
Green Lantern Movie Concept Art? (Blog@Newsarama)
Our own Vaneta Rogers noticed some links flying about on Twitter to possible Green Lantern movie concept art. The site, Omelete, admits that these may not be the real deal, but they ARE interesting. Here’s the text, brought from Portugese to English by Google Translate: New concept art of Green Lantern fall network Were these the designs [...]
DC Offers Retailers Even More Rings (Blog@Newsarama)
In what was probably motivated at least in part by Marvel’s controversial Deadpool variant offer, DC Entetainment announced earlier this week on their blog The Source that a number of upcoming tie-ins to the Blackest Night follow-up story “Brightest Day” will ship with plastic Flash and Green Lantern rings for retailers ordering more than ten [...]
Game Informer and Destructoid talk up God of War
It’s nice to see a comic generating a lot of buzz ahead of publication. Top gaming magazine Game Informer has given the book a nice write-up on their website, as well as popular gaming news blog Destructoid - I can’t wait until these guys get a glimpse of Andrea Sorrentino’s breathtaking interior art.
Keep checking back [...]
Keep checking back [...]
Jason Aaron On Putting GHOST RIDER: HEAVEN'S ON FIRE Out
We speak with writer Jason Aaron as his "Ghost Rider: Heaven's on Fire" Marvel series is about to conclude
Kevin Smith Talks Green Hornet ? ONLINE EXCLUSIVE
Comic Shop Insider is a weekly giveaway newsprint magazine on comic books. Last week, they ran an interview with Kevin Smith about GReen Hornet.
However, CSN don’t have an online portal for their content, preferring to ...
However, CSN don’t have an online portal for their content, preferring to ...
PREVIEW: "Brave and the Bold" with the Metal Men
Cartoon Network has provided CBR with clips and pics from this week's new episode of "Batman: The Brave and the Bold," featuring none other than Doc Magnus and his team of robot heroes, the Metal Men!
Marvel’s Heroic Age — “They’re back to being good guys.”
USA Today and Marvel announce the new Heroic Age era, or event, or change of direction, or Magic Kingdom-ing or whatever:
“Heroes will be heroes again,” says Marvel editor in chief Joe Quesada. “They’ve gone through hell and they’re back to being good guys — a throwback to the early days of the Marvel Universe, with [...]
“Heroes will be heroes again,” says Marvel editor in chief Joe Quesada. “They’ve gone through hell and they’re back to being good guys — a throwback to the early days of the Marvel Universe, with [...]
Gorillas Assemble! (Blog@Newsarama)
Marvel released a new image teasing their “The Heroic Age” event, and it certainly seems that Agents of Atlas mainstay Gorilla-Man might get a shot being one of the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Granted, as we reported, Marvel won’t cop to that being the new Avengers line-up for the new Avengers book, but that certainly [...]
‘Man of Valor’ continues in SUPERMAN #696
The hunt for Zod’s sleeper agent on Earth rages on, and readers are treated to a plot twist spinning out of writer James Robinson’s first issue on the book.
SUPERMAN 696 hits today.
SUPERMAN 696 hits today.
BATMAN: THE BRAVE & THE BOLD - "Clash of the Metal Men"
Batman is introduced to a team of energetic androids known as the
Metal Men. When their creator goes missing at the hands of the Gas Gang, Batman helps them track the villains to get him back.
Metal Men. When their creator goes missing at the hands of the Gas Gang, Batman helps them track the villains to get him back.
Image collects another volume of cover images from superstar artist Greg Horn and we have an exclusive preview
Lobo, Spider-Man, Kick-Ass: Jan 27th Comic Reel
Guy Ritchie off "Lobo" for a "Holmes" sequel! Stan Lee talks "Spider-Man" reboot. Another "Kick-Ass" set of images. Also, "Green Lantern" concept art hits the web, Hulk to be an Avenger and more.
Diamond Will Now Honour Comic Book Orders, Even If They Fall Below Minimum Levels
Last year, Diamond Comics Distributors changed their terms, first increasing the minium retail order at which they would deem it acceptable to continue distributing an ongoing comic book, or other product. And then stating that ...
Diamond Modifies Initial Order Cancellation Guidelines
Via today’s Diamond Daily, a slight change to the year-old order minimum benchmarks; now even if a product offered in Previews does not meet the benchmark, orders will still be processed for the first offering:
In response to retailer feedback, Diamond is modifying its guidelines for cancelling retailers’ initial orders for underperforming products and merchandise in [...]
In response to retailer feedback, Diamond is modifying its guidelines for cancelling retailers’ initial orders for underperforming products and merchandise in [...]
Ware, Cho, Hughes join C2E2
Franco Aureliani, Jimmy Cheung, Frank Cho, Geof Darrow, David Finch, Ron Garney, Adam Hughes, Greg Land, Paul Pelletier have all been announced as guests at C2E2, the Chicago convention taking place April 16 -18. While the list of guests includes many familiar con-going faces, Ware hasn’t appeared at a mainstream comics show in quite a [...]
Ted Naifeh?s take on the Batman universe (Blog@Newsarama)
For the past few weeks, Ted Naifeh (creator of the Courtney Crumrin series from Oni Press) has been updating his site with a Batman gallery. Mainly sketches out of his sketchbook, but also includes sample pages and redesigns for Catwoman and Mad Hatter (that is a bit risque, but nonetheless creepy). Blog@ spoke to Naifeh about this particular Joker design. [...]
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Xeric Foundation awards fall/winter grants! Borders Group CEO resigns! More criticism of Bluewater Productions! Grant Morrison talks villains and "Seasons 1 and 2" of "Batman and Robin"! Plus more!
Grant Morrison?s Wonder Woman Too Weird For The DCU?
One of my all-time favourite runs on a superhero comic was Grant Morrison and Richard Case on Doom Patrol. A quite astounding take on what had become a more traditional superhero comic, mixing in surreal ...
Comics: Marvel Heroes - Marvel: The Heroic Age (Marvel)
Get the first details on a dramatic change for the Marvel Universe!
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