mercoledì 31 marzo 2010
Stjepan Sejic Joins Radical?s ?Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost?
The “Witchblade” artist speaks his mind on how Radical’s epic fantasy tale matches his art style, reuniting with writer Ian Edginton, and why monsters are his favorite part of drawing the book. Plus, exclusive art!
REVIEW: "Blackest Night" #8
Geoff Johns' epic "Blackest Night" series concludes today, but was it a satisfying read? CBR's Doug Zawisza checks in with a spoiler free review, giving it five stars and saying simply, "...this one has it all."
Activision, Marvel Unveil "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions"
Activision has released a trailer for "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions," which allows players to play as Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir and two more unrevealed versions of the character.
Manga Illustrator to Inspire Interest in Science
A manga illustrator hopes to encourage skeptical thinking and interest in science among female fans of Japanese manga comics.
More memories of Dick Giordano
As befits his stature as one of the most important figures of the modern age of comics, Dick Giordano hs been the subject of many tributes and retrospectives. A careful reading reveals just how one person can make a difference, and he qualities needed to do the same:
• Scott’s Classic Comics Corner has a cover [...]
• Scott’s Classic Comics Corner has a cover [...]
IRON MAN @ WOnderCOn exclusive poster:
Better but still generic! And are we the only ones a little sad that the Black Window’s costume must, perforce, be mae of gross flat polyester?
Committed: Event Banner Envy
There’s a dilution of the bold and uncompromising design of comic books, and it is the event banner. Last year there were event banners scattered across the face of nearly every DC title, and they were a mess.
Over the last 4 days, I have alphabetized an entire year of DC comic books. Not my own [...]
Over the last 4 days, I have alphabetized an entire year of DC comic books. Not my own [...]
Easter DVD Reviews #1: First Easter Bunny DE (Blog@Newsarama)
Rankin-Bass’s The First Easter Rabbit, a TV special recently released to deluxe-edition DVD by Warner Brothers, is a clear case of a gang of creators who cut their teeth on classic Christmas specials, trying to apply that unique formula to an Easter special, with disastrous results. The story begins with the Burl Ives as the Easter [...]
CBR Review: Blackest Night, issue 8
: "Blackest Night" draws to a close with "Brightest Day" looming on the horizon, but is it worthwhile? I say most definitely. And thank you.
Let GEOFF JOHNS PRIME Brighten Your Day
In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape his sight. The superstar writer behind "Blackest Night" and "Flash"--not to mention DC's new Chief Creative Officer--needs your questions for the next Q&A with CBR readers!
WonderCon Unveils Exclusive Black Widow "Iron Man 2" Poster
WonderCon attendees will have the opportunity to get their hands on an exclusive Black Widow themed "Iron Man 2" mini-poster at this weekend's show in San Francisco.
Writer Judd Winick talks about the nee RED HOOD limited series and animated film in part 2 of our interview
Pixels & Panels: GOD OF WAR #1 Review
God of War is the latest property to make the jump from video game to comics; how does it translate?
BONUS Lost video: Sawyer learns genealogy
A montage of Sawyer saying “Son of a bitch!”
Andrea Sorrentino shows off God of War process art
Those of you who’re picking up God of War #1 this week are in for a real treat – not only does writer Marv Wolfman pack all of the great action that the hit videogame is known for into a comic book series, but rising star artist Andrea Sorrentino illustrates with so much style. Andrea’s [...]
Ross Unearths "Rough Justice"
In his new collaboration with editor/designer Chip Kidd, acclaimed painter Alex Ross shares unseen sketches, process pieces, character designs and something called Bayboy from his past five years of DC Comics art.
Zenescope Gets CHARMED W/ The Power of Three
The writers of the new Charmed comics talk fave characters, new stories, & the possible return of Prue?
Archie Comics First Look: ARCHIE & FRIENDS 142, BETTY & VERONICA DIGEST 203 & JUGHEAD'S DOUBLE DIGEST 159 ARCHIE & FRIENDS 142 "Freshman Year - the Missing Chapters: Reggie": The backstories of everyone's favorite Archie characters continue to be unveiled...
Spider-Man teams up with Spider-Man Noir in ?Shattered Dimensions? trailer (Blog@Newsarama)
Looks like we’re going to be seeing a few different neighborhood Spider-Men — and not all of them are as friendly as our red-and-blue-costumed hero — in “Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions,” seen here in this trailer from GameSpot. The game, written by Amazing Spider-Man Webhead Dan Slott, will feature four different universes, each with their own style of [...]
Marvel Reading Circle: Girl Comics #1
In the second episode of our new video series where Marvel Comics editors gather to read and discuss comics, they tackle GIRL COMICS #1. | Views: 653 58 ratings | |
Time: 03:47 | More in Entertainment |
Preview: Transformers
OPTIMUS PRIME and Spike Witwicky have a chat that could define the future of AUTOBOT and human relations! But lest you think it’s all talky-talk, back at RODIMUS’ camp something big happens, something very big. A game-changing event in IDW’s TRANSFORMERS, with a Don Figueroa double-page spread that has to be seen to be believed!
Iron Man 2, Smallville, The Walking Dead: March 31st Comic Reel
"Iron Man 2" unleashes new wave of publicity. Will a "Smallville" character lose their life by season's end? "The Walking Dead" is not a miniseries. Also, "Kick-Ass" interviews and more.
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
French president gives "Asterix" collection to Obama family! Rebellion Publishing to release U.S. editions! More on 40 years of Last Gasp! Reports from ComicsPRO meeting! Remembering Dick Giordano! Plus more!
Dynamite Entertainment JUNE 2010 Solicitations
Dynamite Entertainment has their biggest month ever this June, with a big selection of titles from superheroes to noir
Top Ten Tips To Blag Your Way Into San Diego
Okay. So San Diego Comic Con is officially sold out. And you’ve suddenly decided you want to go. So what do you do?
1) Wait. San Diego often hold back one day passes until closer to ...
1) Wait. San Diego often hold back one day passes until closer to ...
Wacky References #100!!
Over on his cool blog, The Self-Absorbing Man, Paolo Rivera has been doing a really brilliant regular feature on the site called "Wacky References."
Basically, Rivera shares with us some of the wacky poses that he photographs so that he can later reference them when he produces his artwork (and if you've seen his artwork, [...]
Basically, Rivera shares with us some of the wacky poses that he photographs so that he can later reference them when he produces his artwork (and if you've seen his artwork, [...]
Listen to Darth Vader?s ?Galactic Empire State of Mind? (Blog@Newsarama)
Being sick is no picnic. Listening to sick rhymes from the Master of the Sith definitely is. Which is why CollegeHumor has delivered something to me more potent than chicken soup, that hits me straight to the core even more deeply than penicillin. “Daddy powers activate.” This Jay-Z meets Episodes IV-VI track is utter brilliance. Want [...]
Action Comics #1 sells for $1.5 Mill. If only I had a time machine? (Blog@Newsarama)
Deja vu, much? Scifi Wire is reporting another Action Comics #1 selling at, yet again, a record-breaking number of one and a half MILLION DOLLARS (insert Dr. Evil face here), beating out the previous record of $1 million and surpassing the sale of $1.075 million of Detective Comics 27 set a few months ago. Apparently, this [...]
Star Wars Patent Plastic Potato ? And Many More Things
A delve into the patent filings of Lucasfilm reveal some entertaining nick nacks along the way, Like a few patented toys, with diagrams from every angle.
It’s true, these plastic moulded figures and ships were granted ...
It’s true, these plastic moulded figures and ships were granted ...
A Comic Show #1 ? Ripping Yarns
Welcome to a new regular Wednesday feature Florida’s A Comic Shop l on video, talking about this week’s comics for Bleeding Cool. And, you know, stuff. Meet Aaron and Mike. You may recall Aaron as ...
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 89
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
Death Comes to Smallville (again) (Blog@Newsarama)
Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Ausiello reports on a rumor that a major cast member will be killed off by season’s end on Smallville. Frankly, I was really surprised that the show was renewed and have no idea what direction it might go in, especially when they keep putting off Clark’s turn to Superman. As [...]
From The Editor?s Desk: Will Dennis on Scalped
The direction of SCALPED is never what I think it’s going to be…which probably sounds strange coming from the editor — No snarky comments please! It’s a book that constantly challenges me – to question, to argue, to THINK. It presents me with conflicts and ironies and ideas that are hard to reconcile at times. [...]
A few thoughts on BLACKEST NIGHT
The dead shall rise.
The concept was simple yet precise. What happens when the fallen - hero, villain, friend, enemy — rose up from the ground to torment
those still left standing?
But a concept alone can’t make up the critically acclaimed blockbuster that is BLACKEST NIGHT. It’s all down to execution, and the book was blessed with [...]
The concept was simple yet precise. What happens when the fallen - hero, villain, friend, enemy — rose up from the ground to torment
those still left standing?
But a concept alone can’t make up the critically acclaimed blockbuster that is BLACKEST NIGHT. It’s all down to execution, and the book was blessed with [...]
CBR Review: She-Hulk Sensational, issue 1
A 30th anniversary "She-Hulk" special is a nice idea, but two of the three entries ignore that word "special."
Preview: Usagi Yojimbo
The rabbit ronin joins a disgraced samurai on a tragic mission in this brand-new standalone tale! Since the kidnapping of Lord Masaki's son, clan retainer Inuyoshi has a tarnished reputation. The ransom was paid and the victim returned, but it was Inuyoshi's responsibility to protect Lord Masaki's son. Ordered to commit seppuku-ritualized suicide-to atone for his negligence, Inuyoshi has vowed to first recover the ransom, the Sword of Narukami. Usagi chooses to help Inuyoshi on his mission, but develops reservations, as success will mean death for Inuyoshi!
Pipeline - Tuesday, Mar 30th
It's "Toy Story" Tuesday in this week's PIPELINE, as Augie looks at both the new BOOM! comic book and the even newer Blu-ray releases of the first two movies. It all adds up to good news in the De Blieck household!
Fox Denies Mark Millar Was Offered X-Men 4
As previously reported by Bleeding Cool in the “Is Mark Millar The Boy Who Cried Wolverine” article, Mark Millar announced to his throng that he had been offered the writing role on the movie X-Men ...
Wednesday Runaround ? Getting Down With Vader
Artwatch: Fine artist Kayla A. Escobedo is a year off to work on a graphic novel. Her current exhibition, Ladders Of Fire, on display at a Harvard gallery already features elements of comic book work.
Comic2FilmWatch: ...
Comic2FilmWatch: ...
Checker Withdraw From Diamond Over Irreconcilable Differences
A couple of weeks ago, Checker Publishing announced to comic book stores that it had chosen no longer to allow Diamond Comics Distributors and Diamond Book distributors to sell its comics and graphic novels.
Checker have ...
Checker have ...
A Kiss Is Still A Kiss ? Wolverine?s Son And Bullseye Get It On
While DC pussyfoot around whether to give the lesbian Batwoman a titular book or not, Marvel go and make Daken, Wolverine’s son and star of the Dark Wolverine title a card-carrying friend of Dorothy. Or ...
Proven: RON MAN 2 International poster vastly superior to domestic
See? It’s got Whiplash, freakin’ Whiplash!! Do we have to spell it out???
Kevin Nowlan’s Hulk Dogs
Ang Lee’s Hulk movie was a puzzling film. Why was the movie about a man struggling to deal with his father issues and not his rage issues? Why was Eric Bana so boring in the role? And most important, why were there Hulk Dogs?
You’ll recall that in one scene, the Hulk comes up against [...]
You’ll recall that in one scene, the Hulk comes up against [...]
NeoIntegrity at MoCCA
Josh Neufeld has a post up at his live journal about the current show at MoCCA NeoIntegrity. We caught this show for the soft opening the other night and like Josh, we recommend it in the strongest possible terms:
What would you say if I told you that you had the chance to see original artwork [...]
What would you say if I told you that you had the chance to see original artwork [...]
Art attack: Sabrina by Rich Ellis
Periscope Studios blog is spotlighting some upcoming Archie covers which stuiod memebers created for the Hero Initiative, starting with Sabrina by Rich Ellis. For more of the Hero Initiative’s Archie 50 project — 50 Archie covers by different artists, go here. For a larger version of the above, hit the link.
Obama researching Captain America shields, Green Lantern rings, other awesome devices (Blog@Newsarama)
Forget health care and national wireless — let me put some tax money into an Oan power ring! Dean Trippe proves that you can make politics funny (and not in a “I want to jump off a bridge afterwards” kind of way), with his series “Barack Obama Looking at Awesome Things.” His political slogan should be: [...]
Fitting isn?t it? Meyer?s new novella to give proceeds to Red Cross (Blog@Newsarama)
[Source] I have to admit. Even though I’m not a Twilight fan, I have to give props to Stephenie Meyer when they are due. She’s written a novella showcasing Victoria’s (who was introduced in Eclipse. Good timing with the movie this Summer, right') newborn vampire army as they prepare to close in on Bella and [...]
Chris Evans Captain America fan posters hit the web (Blog@Newsarama)
For those who are still working to imagine what Chris Evans would look like as Captain America, Film School Rejects has your back, with some decently-constructed fan posters. What do you think, Cap-fans? Does the A on his head stand for Awesome? Or Awful?
In a little over a week, you’ll be able to get your hands on the BATMAN AND ROBIN: BATMAN REBORN DELUXE EDITION, which collects the first six issues of the magnificent ongoing series from writer Grant Morrison and artists Frank Quitely and Philip Tan and is chock-full of fun extras in addition to the great [...]
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