mercoledì 24 marzo 2010
Fantagraphics Announces 'Marschall Books'
Fantagraphic Books and noted comics historian Rick Marschall have announced a new imprint.
'WoW TCG' to Continue
This week Blizzard is expected to release details on how it plans to carry on with the WoW TCG.
'Twilight GN' Sets 1st Week Record
The graphic novel adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight sold over 66,000 copies during its first week.
'Grant Morrison's 18 Days'
Dynamite Entertainment and Liquid Comics have announced a partnership to release a hardcover book, Grant Morrison’s 18 Days.
CBR Review: Avengers: The Initiative , issue 34
A solid tie-in that repeats a little too much of “Siege” #3 for its own good. It loses sight of what separates it from the other books involved in the event.
CBR Review: Green Lantern, issue 52
This issue is being billed as the penultimate chapter to "Blackest Night." I kinda thought that designation was fulfilled with "Blackest Night" #7, but I guess not. Semantics.
Angela Bassett to the Wall in "Green Lantern"
Angela Bassett joins "Green Lantern" as Amanda Waller, a noted character in many DC Comics titles and stories. Waller previously appeared on "Justice League Unlimited" and "Smallville."
Comics You Should Own - Legends of the Dark Knight #28-30
This is one of the best Two-Face stories ... and it's less concerned with the number two than you might expect!
Legends of the Dark Knight by Matt Wagner (writer/artist), Willie Schubert (letterer), and Steve Oliff (colorist).
DC, 3 issues (#28-30), cover dated March - May 1992.
Minor SPOILERS ahead, because I kind of have to. [...]
Legends of the Dark Knight by Matt Wagner (writer/artist), Willie Schubert (letterer), and Steve Oliff (colorist).
DC, 3 issues (#28-30), cover dated March - May 1992.
Minor SPOILERS ahead, because I kind of have to. [...]
Iron Man 2: The Video Game Enemies Trailer
Check out some of the enemies you'll have to take down in the upcoming Iron Man game, including Ultimo, AIM and more! | Views: 304 25 ratings | |
Time: 01:01 | More in Gaming |
Van Lente Hungers for "Marvel Zombies 5"
On April 7th, Machine Man kicks off a gore-spattered tour of the zombie infested Multiverse in "Marvel Zombies 5." We spoke with Fred Van Lente about his plans for the next installment in the best selling franchise.
How to Make Your Dragon
The directors, producer, and original writer of "How To Train Your Dragon" spoke with the press last Friday and CBR News was there as they discussed adapting the book, franchise hopes, and Scottish accents.
Wells Brings A "Primal" Lizard to AMAZING SPIDER-MAN
Spider-Man's old foe The Lizard is back, but he's gone through some changes courtesy of writer Zeb Wells
Kick-Ass Premiere: "$100 Million Ad For Our Book!"
Kicking Ass on the Red Carpet in the UK as the film, based on the comic book series by Mark Miller and John Romita, Jr. makes its debut.
Preview: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Unlettered)
Leonardo Da Vinci was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. So was Issac Newton. So were Imhotep and Zhang Heng and Galileo and many other geniuses throughout time. They were the first heroes to defeat Galactus and the Brood and turn Celestials back. They saved the world long before Captain America or Iron Man were ever born, but what does this mean to our heroes of today? What does this mean to Nick Fury? Do not miss this Marvel Comics masterpiece that fans will be talking about for decades to come. All the insanity is courtesy of JONATHAN HICKMAN (FANTASTIC FOUR, SECRET WARRIORS, Nightly News) and DUSTIN WEAVER (X-MEN).
TWILIGHT: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL “smashes sales records,’ pleases fans
Via PR, the Twilight: The Graphic Novel adaptation released last week sold over 66,000 copies, which publisher Yen Press claims is a record for single week GN sales in the US. The sales success comes in the face of generally bad reviews from the comics press, especially for the bizarro lettering. Yet despite these flaws, [...]
Fantagraphics launches Marschall Books imprint
Fantagraphics and respected comics scholarship pioneer Rick Marschall have announced the new line, Marschall Books, an imprint devoted to comics, cartoons, and graphic humor. Marschall has a long legacy in comics, including launching EPIC Magazine for Marvel and a previous historical collaboration with Fantagraphics, NEMO, which plumbed comic strip history to introduce such things as Polly and her Pals to a new generation. The press release for the netire line can be read here, but here are highlights:
Matthew Dow Smith is doing some damn fine stuff. (Blog@Newsarama)
I just learned about this guy around October of last year, and has never ceased to amaze me. Over at Smith’s blog, you’ll find recent sketches of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, Jack Staff, John Constantine, Hellboy, and Lobster Johnson (featured above). He has a sneak peek at his Magdalena cover that he’s doing for an Albany Comic [...]
It?s a rumble in the Fortress in SUPERMAN/BATMAN #70
As Batman springs his trap for the shape-shifting Durlan terrorist stranded on Earth, Superman and NRG-X battle out Round Two in the Fortress of Solitude, thanks to the team of writer Joey Casey and artist Ardian Syaf.
SUPERMAN/BATMAN 70 hits today.
SUPERMAN/BATMAN 70 hits today.
Command & Conquer 4 - Game Premiere
Joe Kucan, game developer and series star, is utterly amazed he's still doing this 15 years later.
FIRST LOOK: Alex Ross' "Project Superpowers" #12 Covers
Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment, CBR presents an exclusive First Look at the two covers for the final issue of "Project Superpowers: Chapter Two" by superstar painter, Alex Ross.
[For MATURE READERS] With #6 in stores today, you can read the full 0 issue and #1 right here at Newsarama!
Archie Comics First Look: BETTY #185, PALS 'n' GALS DOUBLE DIGEST #140 and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #211
Archie Comics First Look: BETTY 185, PALS 'n' GALS DOUBLE DIGEST 140 and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 211 BETTY 185 "Dancin' in the Rain": Archie hopes to win Betty's heart by being her partner in a dance competition. Will Riverdale's resident...
HERO INITIATIVE AND ARCHIE COMICS TEAM UP FOR "ARCHIE COVERS: FIFTY TIMES AN AMERICAN ICON" 50 new Archie covers by 50 great artists will benefit Hero Initiative Los Angeles, CA (March 24, 2010): Archie and the whole Riverdale gang certainly...
Courtesy of Marvel Comics, CBR presents an exclusive 10-page preview of "S.H.I.E.L.D.," the upcoming historical epic series by Jonathan Hickman and Dustin Weaver scheduled to be unearthed in stores on April 7.
50 new Archie covers by 50 great artists will benefit Hero Initiative in a new benefit book
The Latest Guardian of the Globe - Kaboomerang
Image Comics has revealed the latest member of the new Guardians of the Globe - meet Kaboomerang, a boomerang-based hero who seems to have the apparent drawbacks of his weapon of choice all worked out.
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN On Finally-Concluding WILD CARDS Comic
The author's novel is finally finishing its comic adaptation thanks to Dynamite and Dabel Bros
CBR Review: Nemesis, issue 1
Mark Millar and Steve McNiven's "Nemesis" is, unfortunately, something we've all seen before.
Jasper Rhodes Madden Abel joins us
Congrats and best wishes to Jessica Abel and Matt Madden on the arrival of their new son, shown here with big sister Aldara. Jasper Rhodes Madden Abel was born in New York City on Thursday, March 18, at 10:49 AM, weighing 8 lb., 6oz.
Wolfman and Sorrentino Declare (God of) War
This month, WildStorm is launching a six-issue miniseries based on the highly successful "God of War" games. CBR spoke with writer Marv Wolfman and artist Andrea Sorrentino about the project.
Sanchez and David Head to the "Amory Wars"
We spoke with Coheed & Cambria frontman Claudio Sanchez and his new writing partner, scribe Peter David, about "In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth," a new 12-issue "Amory Wars" series from BOOM! Studios.
Archie Teams Up with Hero Initiative
Archie Comics has joined with Hero Initiative to create 50 one-of-a-kind covers by 50 artists, to be auctioned off online. CBR has an exclusive look at the covers by Jim Mahfood, Jim Valentino and Agnes Garbowska.
Exclusive Image Preview: SHUDDERTOWN #1 [MATURE READERS]
We preview the first 9 pages of Nick Spencer's new Image crime series SHUDDERTOWN, arriving in comics shops this week
Humanoids Returns To The USA And Prince Of Persia Comes Along Too
In the new shipping-for-June Previews, there are listings for an old friend. Humanoids Inc, or Les Humanoïdes Associés, whatever you prefer. The French publisher behind a number of European and European-styles properties in the US ...
Kick-Ass Premiere reveals much
Speaking of last night's KICK-ASS premiere in London, the red carpet photos got lots of buzz going.
Mark Millar learns the meaning of Photoshop
With KICK-ASS opening this weekend in the UK and in a couple of weeks in the US, and poised to be THE controversial films of early '10, Mark Millar is riding high. Adding to the high, his NEW creator-owned Icon title, NEMSSIS is shipping today. And this morning, Millar reported, he'd taken the massive step of purchasing a Billboard for the book. In Times Square no less. An he had the pictures to prove it.
Or did he?
DC/Marvel Character Tourney Modern Age Region, Round 3
The third round of voting begins now!
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 96 hours (four days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll and [...]
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 96 hours (four days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll and [...]
DC/Marvel Character Tourney Golden Age Region, Round 3
The third round of voting begins now!
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 96 hours (four days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll [...]
Simply choose your favorite (whether it be that you think they're more interesting, more appealing, whatever criteria you want to use) in the following match-up. The voting concludes 96 hours (four days) from right now!
The seeding was mostly based on the results of our 2007 DC/Marvel Character Poll [...]
Olivia Munn reshoots for Iron Man 2 (Blog@Newsarama)
Details are still in flux, but Olivia Munn’s status in Iron Man 2 is as solid as one of Tony Stark’s armor-plated suits. Complex Magazine has an interview up with the G4 correspondent, where she mentioned that she had to fly in for some last-minute reshoots for the Jon Favreau flick. “As they started to edit they [...]
Iron Man goes Extremis with new motion comic (Blog@Newsarama)
Ready to see Adi Granov’s art blast off the page? You can, with the upcoming Iron Man: Extremis motion comic, by Granov and writer Warren Ellis. Entertainment Weekly has a preview for the motion comic. This book comes after recent forays into the motion comics field such as Spider-Woman and Astonishing X-Men on April 16. Personally, I [...]
Ethan Van Sciver tackles the Riddler
This lovely piece of art is the cover to JOKER’S ASYLUM: THE RIDDLER #1, hitting in June as part of the month-long JOKER’S ASYLUM event. Nice, huh? And, while we have your attention thanks to the masterful Mr. Ethan Van Sciver, here’s a breakdown on the one-shots and the creators involved:
Zenescope JUNE 2010 Solicitations
The indie publisher has the new Charmed comics, the 50th issue of Grimm Fairy Tales, and more in June
Walking Through a MINDFIELD with Writer J.T. Krul
The increasingly hot and in-demand writer talks about his new creator-owned Aspen series, about thought police & the war on terror
Exclusive 8-Page Marvel 1st Look - X-FACTOR FOREVER #2
LOUISE SIMONSON follows in Chris Claremont's footsteps to give the "Forever" treatment to the original X-Factor
Committed: Comics are Better than Psychoanalysis
The other day I finished reading the first trade paperback of Phonogram (Rue Britannia.) It has this interesting ending which got me thinking about how comics help us to grow and keep moving forward, even when we're unaware of it. The protagonist wraps up everything, pretty much, then decides to tie up one final loose [...]
Ron Marz and Cully Hamner Present: Hourman (Blog@Newsarama)
Well, circa 1993 anyway. Over at Ron Marz’s blog, you’ll definitely find a blast from the past when he talks about an Hourman pitch he wanted to do with artist Cully Hamner. Marz states on his blog, “Back early ’90s when Cully and I were eager, young know-it-alls (as opposed to the jaded, older know-it-alls we are now) we [...]
REVIEW: "New Avengers" #63
Tim Callahan gave "New Avengers" 63 a 4-star review,calling the Brian Michael Bendis scripted, Mike McKone illustrated "Siege" tie-in, "a more humanized view of the god-slaying events of Bendis' big blockbuster of a series."
Pat Mills Remembers John Hicklenton
A year or so ago, I showed some of Johnny’s pages from Judge Dredd – The Tenth Circle to my co-creator on Requiem Vampire Knight, artist Olivier Ledroit. He looked at them in awe and ...
Preview: Lord Of Berger by Christopher Arleston and friends
Christopher Arleston, the new writer taking on the Asterix legacy, is keeping nice and busy until he starts working on the diminuitive Gaul.
He’s created a new French manga hybrid series, Lord Of Berger, seeing the ...
He’s created a new French manga hybrid series, Lord Of Berger, seeing the ...
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 82
Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!
Today [...]
Today [...]
Wednesday Runaround ? The Eternal Appeal Of Novelty Genitalia
CalendarWatch: Marvel are calling May 19th Avengers Day. Participating retailers can get exclusive limited edition prints, posters, door hangers, mini-posters and the very-customisable AVENGERS #1 “I Am An Avenger” Blank Variant – enabling you to ...
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 9: Daisho 2nd Edition TPB
A samurai's sword is more than his weapon-it is his soul. As such,
he must prove himself worthy of possessing a daisho, a matched pair of swords.
In his years as a warrior, fighting injustice and honing his
spiritual and martial skills, Miyamoto Usagi has more than earned
his swords. After braving many a battle and surviving tremendous
bloodshed, Usagi continues his warrior pilgrimage. This volume
finds him the reluctant participant in a duel for blood money, and,
later, enraged at the theft of his swords, Usagi pledges a new
oath-to track the leader of a roving band of brigands and retrieve
his daisho.
* Usagi Yojimbo: Daisho 2nd edition is newly rescanned from Stan Sakai's original art and
features new story notes! Includes an introduction by James
Now back in print!
he must prove himself worthy of possessing a daisho, a matched pair of swords.
In his years as a warrior, fighting injustice and honing his
spiritual and martial skills, Miyamoto Usagi has more than earned
his swords. After braving many a battle and surviving tremendous
bloodshed, Usagi continues his warrior pilgrimage. This volume
finds him the reluctant participant in a duel for blood money, and,
later, enraged at the theft of his swords, Usagi pledges a new
oath-to track the leader of a roving band of brigands and retrieve
his daisho.
* Usagi Yojimbo: Daisho 2nd edition is newly rescanned from Stan Sakai's original art and
features new story notes! Includes an introduction by James
Now back in print!
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 8: Shades of Death 2nd Edition TPB
In this volume, Usagi teams with his friend Gen, a rhino bounty
hunter, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to protect an aging
sensei from an evil ninja clan. His travels also take him to a
remote village under threat from deadly assassins, where only Usagi
stands between their merciless blades and a community's
* This edition of Usagi Yojimbo: Shades of Death features completely remastered artwork and new story notes,
highlighting Stan Sakai's exhaustive research into the world of
feudal Japan! Features an introduction by acclaimed artist William
Now back in print!
hunter, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to protect an aging
sensei from an evil ninja clan. His travels also take him to a
remote village under threat from deadly assassins, where only Usagi
stands between their merciless blades and a community's
* This edition of Usagi Yojimbo: Shades of Death features completely remastered artwork and new story notes,
highlighting Stan Sakai's exhaustive research into the world of
feudal Japan! Features an introduction by acclaimed artist William
Now back in print!
Usagi Yojimbo Volume 10: The Brink of Life and Death 2nd Edition TPB
While journeying over mountains, into valleys, through towns and
farmlands, and along rugged coasts, searching for harmony, Usagi
faces a unique cast of characters: a village of seaweed farmers, an
innocent noodle peddler, a demon-possessed woman, a relentless clan
of bat ninja, an assassins' guild, a mysterious medicine peddler,
and Inazuma, a secretive female samurai. More than once Usagi finds
himself in great danger -- but it's all in a day's work when you
walk the thin line on the brink of life and death.
* Usagi Yojimbo: The Brink of Life and Death 2nd edition features completely remastered art and a look inside
Stan Sakai's research and influences with new story notes! Includes
an introduction by writer Kurt Busiek.
Now back in print!
farmlands, and along rugged coasts, searching for harmony, Usagi
faces a unique cast of characters: a village of seaweed farmers, an
innocent noodle peddler, a demon-possessed woman, a relentless clan
of bat ninja, an assassins' guild, a mysterious medicine peddler,
and Inazuma, a secretive female samurai. More than once Usagi finds
himself in great danger -- but it's all in a day's work when you
walk the thin line on the brink of life and death.
* Usagi Yojimbo: The Brink of Life and Death 2nd edition features completely remastered art and a look inside
Stan Sakai's research and influences with new story notes! Includes
an introduction by writer Kurt Busiek.
Now back in print!
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