domenica 31 gennaio 2010
'Avatar' Passes $2 Billion
WotC Ending Star Wars Lines
Wizards of the Coast announced on the WotC forums that the company was not renewing its Star Wars license.'Cold Space' from 'Afro Samurai' Duo
‘Wits & Wagers’ Goes Family
Jim Lee Designs Naples Comic Convention Dress. Or Skimpy Underwear.
Lee has spent considerable time over the last few years living ...
CBR Review: Detective Comics, issue 861
James Cameron?s Avatar ? The Comic Book
A continued exploration of the planet Pandora, and its people, the Na’vi, ...
CBR Review: Astro City: The Dark Age Book Four, issue 1
Giving Lois Lane A Second Chance
Marvel Mature Previews: CRIMINAL, DAFFODIL
Uplift The Positivicals UPDATE 01/31/2010
Comics You Should Own - JLA #1-41 + various tie-in comics
JLA by Grant "I am ... the Tyrant Sun!" Morrison (writer, issues #1-17, 22-26, 28-31, 34, 36-41, 1,000,000; Secret Files and Origins #1; [...]
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 30
Today [...]
Talking to "Araknid Kid" creator Josh Alves
Joining Up The Dots Of The Avengers Revamp
Avengers Academy by Christos Gage and Mike McKone will replace Avengers: The Initiative. ...
Comic Books Vs Uranium Dust
Uranium dust from Indian’s mines are ...
Sunday Runaround ? Angoul�me Gets Plastered
DrunkWatch: But ...
sabato 30 gennaio 2010
CBR Review: Amazing Spider-Man, issue 619
Pop Star LIGHTS up the Motion Comic Medium
Flippin' through Previews - February 2010
I mean, what's up with that cover? I know that it's time for shiny, happy Marvel again, but it's not the start of the Marvel Universe, which has existed for five decades. Right? Oh, who cares? Let's [...]
Preview: Berserker
The Fantasy Lantern Draft
CSBG Enters the Foggy Ruins of Time
Angoul�me On Saturday ? A Quick Peek
BOOM! Studios Titles On Sale February 3, 2010
Dark Horse Titles On Sale February 3, 2010
Saturday from the Archives
I agreed to help move a printshop the same week I was taking students to Comixtravaganza.
For those of you that may not understand why that was dumb, I'll simply say that moving a business that largely runs on heavy machinery requires a [...]
Diamond Truck Accident Causes Marvel Delays
As a result next ...
venerdì 29 gennaio 2010
Zac Efron in 'Fire'
CBR Review: Daredevil, issue 504
Preview: Star Wars Adventures vol. 3
This is the most harrowing, dangerous, and muddiest mission that Luke has ever faced!
* Luke Skywalker trains to become a Jedi Knight with Master Yoda!
* The Star Wars Adventures series are parent friendly and perfect for younger readers as well as longtime Star Wars fans.
Warren Peace Lists Act-i-vate Primer Best Of 2009 - by Dean Haspiel 01/29/2010
Global Freezing Strip 0062 (Blog@Newsarama)
Angoul�me ? A Few Snapshots?
Photos courtesy of CBCebulski, SaintCav, haverholm and ...
Mark Waid is Evil Again, IRREDEEMABLE SPECIAL Proves It
So Far So Good With The Losers
WXM: Fate of the Future Clip 1
This February, Marvel Animation and Lionsgate bring Wolverine fans the fourth DVD installment from Nicktoons Network's hit animated series Wolverine And The X-Men. Check out this preview clip featuring Nightcrawler and the Scarlet Witch as they fight their way through Mojoworld from the upcoming DVD! | Views: 0 0 ratings | |
Time: 02:09 | More in Entertainment |
The Weekly Watcher: January 29, 2010
Alexa Mendez rocks out to the new AC/DC video filled with Iron Man 2 footage, an exclusive after-hours tour of the Marvel HQ, and much more! | Views: 7 1 ratings | |
Time: 04:13 | More in Entertainment |
Matthew Vaughn Makes a "Kick-Ass" Movie
Frank Miller Meets Twitter And Tweets New Sin City Art
So we have the ...
That's it folks the wild and crazy Zuda January Competition is over and the readers have chosen WAR OF THE WOODS as the series they want to read more of.
Please congratulate Matthew Petz on his hard won victory!
COVER STORY - Gabriel Bá & "Daytripper #3"
IDW On The Changing Face Of Mobile Comics
Frank Miller is tweeting and posting art
In his next tweet he hinted:
ps. DINOSAUR is coming next week.
Frank Miller rides again!
Jason Shiga on "Meanwhile"
DANTE'S INFERNO Takes You Through Hell
DC Preview: RED ROBIN #9- Tim Returns to Gotham
ASK NEWSARAMA Returns! Questions Answered
Tim Drake returns to Gotham
RED ROBIN #9 hits 2/3.
Be the first to check out the new trailer for The Losers
In theatres on April 9
Check out the trailer here!
(Dark Castle Entertainment)
Director: Sylvain White
Writers: Peter Berg and James Vanderbilt
Based upon characters appearing in magazines published by DC Comics
Producers: Joel Silver, Akiva Goldsman
Executive Producers: Peter Berg, Kerry Foster, Stuart Besser, Steve Richards
Cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Idris Elba, Columbus Short, Holt McCallany, Oscar [...]
First Trailer for "The Losers" Debuts
VIDEO: The Losers ? The Full Trailer Now Online
Comic Book Legends Revealed
Wonder of Wonders - Friday, Jan 29th
Comic Book Legends Revealed #245
Comic Book Legends Revealed is part of the larger Legends Revealed series, where I look into legends about the worlds of entertainment [...]
The Justice League versus? Improvisation (Blog@Newsarama)
Aaron Takes The Punisher to the "Max"
Marvel Old Friends Previews: CABLE, DEADPOOL TEAM-UP
For now, the iPad rolls over and goes to sleep
The iPad promises to be just as revolutionary as [...]
Check out a first look at the Losers (Blog@Newsarama)
Zac Efron to team up with? Brian Michael Bendis? (Blog@Newsarama)
Movies: Hulk - Planet Hulk: Exclusive! Hulk vs. The Red King (Marvel News)
An added plus to SUPERGIRL #50: Helen Slater, Jake Black and Cliff Chiang
Preview: Wizards of Mickey
Planet Hulk: Hulk VS The Red King
Can't wait for the "Planet Hulk" DVD/Blu-ray? Neither can we! Until then, take a look at this exclusive clip of Hulk facing off with the Red King from "Planet Hulk"! | Views: 2 0 ratings | |
Time: 01:59 | More in Film & Animation |
Indie Cartoonist JASON Brings ALMOST SILENT Storytelling
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Iron Man & Dr. Doom Guest-Star in C2E2 Viral Videos
Angoul�me ? 24 Hour Comics, The Mute Pirate Editions
. This year’s theme was “mute pirate comic” which a) means pirates! and b) means anyone can read them, whatever language you ...
Check out Rafael Albuquerque?s Incorruptible covers (Blog@Newsarama)
The Losers, Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim: Jan 29th Comic Reel
giovedì 28 gennaio 2010
Artist DAVID FINCH Ushering in a Bright Day for DC
The Swedes are coming! The Swedes are coming! (Blog@Newsarama)
D'Orazio Double Taps the Punisher
Jason Aaron: Putting GHOST RIDER: HEAVEN'S ON FIRE Out, p.2
CBR Review: Green Lantern, issue 50
Welcome to the Top Shelf SWEDISH INVASION!
Okay, so our mastery of the Swedish language stops there. But we've got to say how excited we are to welcome you to THE SWEDISH INVASION, our overall title for a whole host of amazing Swedish stuff coming to you from Top Shelf this spring.
By April, we'll have seven whole books showcasing the best of this hotbed of comics talent, including four full-length graphic novels, two incredible anthologies, and one full-color reference book by one of Sweden's top comic scholars! It's a veritable smörgåsbord of comics!
At New York's MoCCA Festival and Chicago's new C2E2 Convention, we'll bring along a whole host of the Swedish cartoonists who created these awesome books, and throw, not one, but two (!) killer parties to welcome them to the States in style. We hope you can join us in the celebration.
The comics scene in Sweden is a real treasure trove that has gone virtually unnoticed in our part of the world... but now we'll all have a chance to get to know these creators and fall in love with their books. Take a look at the information below, and let the invasion begin!
Chris, Brett, Rob and Leigh
Top Shelf Productions
***Full details continue below! Click [MORE] to read!***
Static Ranking
No colloquialism here, the Zuda January Competition is in a deadlock. Everyone is fight hard for their place in the ranking. Will they keep their spot? That is up to you.
War Of The Woods -- Current Rank: 1
NewBot -- Current Rank: 2
Phantom Sword -- Current Rank: 3
War Of The Fallen -- Current Rank: 4
Road Monster -- Current Rank: 5
Pavlov's Dream -- Current Rank: 6
Candy From Strangers -- Current Rank: 7
Iron Sam -- Current Rank: 8 -- UP 1
Beyond The Borderlands -- Current Rank: 9
How about some BLACK LANTERN GREEN ARROW #30 covers?
And in case you missed it, we showed off some pages from the issue, courtesy of new artist Diogenes Nieves.
Exclusive Marvel 1st Look - DEATHLOK #4
C2E2 Viral Video 2
C2E2 Viral Video 1
C2E2 Announces Ten Top Artist Appearances
The Buy Pile - Thursday, Jan 28th
Piskor Takes "Wizzywig" on the Lam
Best Shots Rapid Fire: DETECTIVE, SPIDEY, Tons More
EXCLUSIVE: The Beat to leave Publishers Weekly
The move is a combination of many things, but mainly the fact that PW is focusing on [...]
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 28
Today [...]
WORLD OF HURT - ?The Thrill-Seekers? - Episode 26 (Blog@Newsarama)
iFanboy delivers an amazing 28-minute WildStorm history video podcast
From their show notes for the episode:
Ron, Josh, and Conor go back [...]
Take a look at some FIRST WAVE #1
In the shadows of the War, the roots of the Golden Tree cabal grew deep into the heart of a fallen world and [...]
Aaron Johnson is "Kick-Ass"
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Exclusive Marvel Preview - INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #23
INDY COMIC WEEK Post-Mortem w/ Founder
Geeks prefer to read about themselves on the Internet
GeekWeek launched not ago, a sort of Huffington Post for topics ranging from nerd news to music to sports. It’s spearheaded by Jeff Katz of American Originals with many other contributors.
Mediaite, Dan Abram’s media site has just launched Geekosystem, another geek-o-centric blog with such pieces [...]
So Super Duper! Page 102! Rudey McTudey Snoot Face! (Blog@Newsarama)
RIP J.D. Salinger
The iPad is here….now what?
To no one’s surprise, reaction pieces seem to be the main subject of the internet [...]
Batman and Robin #7 Review
First off, [...]
Glanzer on Comic-Con's Early Sell Outs
Select Feb 3 Marvel Titles Damaged In Transit
Diamond Announces GEM AWARDS; DC Comics Big Winners
Short ?n Curlies #28 by Si Spurrier
I’m ill, screw you.
Gripped by lugubrious fevers, somersaulting fuzzily through the Paracetamol Nebula, I have ditched the idea of Real Actual Work and seized instead the chance to squirt, bleed and spume my self-pity all ...
News and notes
RIP: Howard Zinn
A Year of Cool Comics - Day 27
Today [...]
Movies: Spider-Man - Watch Spider?Man 1967 Episode 42 Now (Marvel)
Eric Rollman Talks PLANET HULK at NYC Premiere Screening
Poll: What Will Impact COMICS Most in 2010?
Batman And Robin #7 ? A British Glossary
Page One – That’s ...
All Good Children Go to the Light . . . (Blog@Newsarama)
Deadpool, Justice League, Fire: Jan 28th Comic Reel
EW Posts Full SMALLVILLE: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Trailer! (Blog@Newsarama)
BOOM! announces Samuel L. Jackson in? COLD SPACE (Blog@Newsarama)
The Carrier’s left Earth. Who’s on board? [Authority #19 preview]
WEB Editor Rachel Gluckstern talks up cover artist Stanley ‘Artgerm’ Lau
You know by now I love me my Red Circle books, characters and creators alike. We’ve got top-notch talent producing top-notch work on every issue, and everyone is deserving of the highest of praises. One of our unsung heroes is cover artist Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, a rising star here at DC [...]
mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010
The iPad And Comics: What's Next?
Marvel Comics Cautious About iPad's Potential
REVIEW: "Ultimate Comics Enemy" #1
CBR Review: Chew, issue 8
X-POSITION: Peter David
Comics by ComiXology Custom iPad App On The Way
Some more BLACKEST NIGHT-related covers to enjoy
GREEN LANTERN CORPS by Patrick Gleason:
GREEN LANTERN by Doug Mahnke:
Comic Industry Instant Responses To Apple?s iPad
Ben McCool: Er, iPad kinda sounds like something futuristic women might put in their underpants…
Brian Reed: I cannot believe they named it iPad.
Colleen AF Venable: The bad naming of iPad makes me ...
Guggenheim "Resurrects" The Black Hood
Lobo gets taken out by Sherlock Holmes (Blog@Newsarama)
Official: The APPLE iPAD Revealed! APPs, E-Reader, more
The Apple iPad Is $499 ? This Is The New Reality For Comic Books
But with the likes of RobotComics and Comixology ...
Matt Maxwell Travels the "Strangeways"
BREAKING: Apple Unveils the iPad
Marvel Comics on iPad? Joe Quesada's Take
It’s the iPad
Media is saved!
Update: John Jackson Miller crunches numbers on subscriptions, which is how the iPad might have some impact on comics.
Kevin Feige lets slip Hulk in Avengers film? (Blog@Newsarama)
Comics: Spider-Man - Amazing Spider?Man: Bite Night (Marvel)
Haspiel's Baltimore Comicon 2009 Interview - by Dean Haspiel 01/27/2010
REVIEW: "Blackest Night: The Flash" #2
The State of Maberry's "DoomWar"
Business news round-up: Borders, WCP, etc etc
Borders, which has been under a cloud of speculation about its long-term financial stability, has struggled to improve sales in a difficult market for book retailing. It has [...]
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 1/27/10
§ Fantagraphics seeks a [...]
Committed: Man-Hating Indie Comics
Green Lantern Movie Concept Art? (Blog@Newsarama)
DC Offers Retailers Even More Rings (Blog@Newsarama)
Game Informer and Destructoid talk up God of War
Keep checking back [...]
Jason Aaron On Putting GHOST RIDER: HEAVEN'S ON FIRE Out
Kevin Smith Talks Green Hornet ? ONLINE EXCLUSIVE
However, CSN don’t have an online portal for their content, preferring to ...
PREVIEW: "Brave and the Bold" with the Metal Men
Marvel’s Heroic Age — “They’re back to being good guys.”
“Heroes will be heroes again,” says Marvel editor in chief Joe Quesada. “They’ve gone through hell and they’re back to being good guys — a throwback to the early days of the Marvel Universe, with [...]
Gorillas Assemble! (Blog@Newsarama)
‘Man of Valor’ continues in SUPERMAN #696
SUPERMAN 696 hits today.
BATMAN: THE BRAVE & THE BOLD - "Clash of the Metal Men"
Metal Men. When their creator goes missing at the hands of the Gas Gang, Batman helps them track the villains to get him back.
Lobo, Spider-Man, Kick-Ass: Jan 27th Comic Reel
Diamond Will Now Honour Comic Book Orders, Even If They Fall Below Minimum Levels
Diamond Modifies Initial Order Cancellation Guidelines
In response to retailer feedback, Diamond is modifying its guidelines for cancelling retailers’ initial orders for underperforming products and merchandise in [...]
Ware, Cho, Hughes join C2E2
Ted Naifeh?s take on the Batman universe (Blog@Newsarama)
Comics A.M. - The Comics Internet in 2 Minutes
Grant Morrison?s Wonder Woman Too Weird For The DCU?
Comics: Marvel Heroes - Marvel: The Heroic Age (Marvel)
martedì 26 gennaio 2010
From Blackest Night to Necrosha: Dispelling The Copycat Myth
Braver and Bolder with J. Michael Straczynski
DC Announces "Brightest Day" Ring Promotion
DC fights back with…more rings!
Foggy Ruins of Time #1
It's basically like Meta-Messages, except that this is about references in old comics that have [...]
As promised, a closer look at BATMAN AND ROBIN #7
BATMAN AND ROBIN #7 hits tomorrow. Swing back later tomorrow for a [...]
Pipeline - Tuesday, Jan 26th
Who doesn’t want to wear a Flash or Green Lantern ring?
But we can promise a way for you to get your hands on one. With BRIGHTEST DAY banner issues THE FLASH #1 and GREEN LANTERN 53 soliciting in the February issue of [...]
Marc Guggenheim Gets Caught in the DC Universe "Web"
Bluewater: finding new ways not to pay people
Random Thoughts! (January 26, 2010)
Link Thought! Quickie Reviews: January 13, 2010 (only one week late...). High Road/Low Road on TNA getting rid of [...]
EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: "Pilot Season: Demonic"
Preview: Pilot Season: Demonic
Jackie Earle Haley Talks "Human Target"
Best Shots Advance Reviews: ULTIMATE ENEMY 1, CHEW 8, more
So Super Duper! Page 101! Celeb Stalker! (Blog@Newsarama)
Marvel Hotline: Jeff Parker
Jeff Parker discusses FALL OF THE HULKS: RED HULK #1 in this episode of Marvel Hotline! | Views: 1426 83 ratings | |
Time: 02:14 | More in Entertainment |